Android 图片缓存机制的深入理解
android 图片缓存机制的深入理解
内存缓存允许快速地访问图片,但它以占用app宝贵的内存为代价。lrucache类(api level 4的support library也支持)特别适合来做图片缓存,它使用一个强引用的linkedhashmap来保存最近使用的对象,并且会在缓存数量超出预设的大小之前移除最近最少使用的对象。
说明:以前流行的内存缓存方案是使用软引用或弱引用来缓存图片,然而现在不推荐这样做了,因为从android 2.3(api level 9)起,垃圾收集器更倾向于先回收软引用或弱引用,这样就使它们变得低效。另外在android 3.0(api level 11)之前,图片的像素数据是存储在本地内存(native memory)中的,它以一种不可预测的方式释放,因此可能会导致app超过内存限制甚至崩溃。
3.设备的屏幕尺寸和密度是多少?像galaxy nexus这样的高分辨率(xhdpi)设备比nexus s这样分辨率(hdpi)的设备在缓存相同数量的图片时需要更大的缓存空间。
private lrucache<string, bitmap> mmemorycache; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { ... // get max available vm memory, exceeding this amount will throw an // outofmemory exception. stored in kilobytes as lrucache takes an // int in its constructor. final int maxmemory = (int) (runtime.getruntime().maxmemory() / 1024); // use 1/8th of the available memory for this memory cache. final int cachesize = maxmemory / 8; mmemorycache = new lrucache<string, bitmap>(cachesize) { @override protected int sizeof(string key, bitmap bitmap) { // the cache size will be measured in kilobytes rather than // number of items. return bitmap.getbytecount() / 1024; } }; ... } public void addbitmaptomemorycache(string key, bitmap bitmap) { if (getbitmapfrommemcache(key) == null) { mmemorycache.put(key, bitmap); } } public bitmap getbitmapfrommemcache(string key) { return mmemorycache.get(key); }
public void loadbitmap(int resid, imageview imageview) { final string imagekey = string.valueof(resid); final bitmap bitmap = getbitmapfrommemcache(imagekey); if (bitmap != null) { mimageview.setimagebitmap(bitmap); } else { mimageview.setimageresource(r.drawable.image_placeholder); bitmapworkertask task = new bitmapworkertask(mimageview); task.execute(resid); } }
class bitmapworkertask extends asynctask<integer, void, bitmap> { ... // decode image in background. @override protected bitmap doinbackground(integer... params) { final bitmap bitmap = decodesampledbitmapfromresource( getresources(), params[0], 100, 100)); addbitmaptomemorycache(string.valueof(params[0]), bitmap); return bitmap; } ... }
说明:contentprovider 可能是一个合适的存储频繁访问的图片的地方,比如在image gallery应用中。
private disklrucache mdisklrucache; private final object mdiskcachelock = new object(); private boolean mdiskcachestarting = true; private static final int disk_cache_size = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10mb private static final string disk_cache_subdir = "thumbnails"; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { ... // initialize memory cache ... // initialize disk cache on background thread file cachedir = getdiskcachedir(this, disk_cache_subdir); new initdiskcachetask().execute(cachedir); ... } class initdiskcachetask extends asynctask<file, void, void> { @override protected void doinbackground(file... params) { synchronized (mdiskcachelock) { file cachedir = params[0]; mdisklrucache =, disk_cache_size); mdiskcachestarting = false; // finished initialization mdiskcachelock.notifyall(); // wake any waiting threads } return null; } } class bitmapworkertask extends asynctask<integer, void, bitmap> { ... // decode image in background. @override protected bitmap doinbackground(integer... params) { final string imagekey = string.valueof(params[0]); // check disk cache in background thread bitmap bitmap = getbitmapfromdiskcache(imagekey); if (bitmap == null) { // not found in disk cache // process as normal final bitmap bitmap = decodesampledbitmapfromresource( getresources(), params[0], 100, 100)); } // add final bitmap to caches addbitmaptocache(imagekey, bitmap); return bitmap; } ... } public void addbitmaptocache(string key, bitmap bitmap) { // add to memory cache as before if (getbitmapfrommemcache(key) == null) { mmemorycache.put(key, bitmap); } // also add to disk cache synchronized (mdiskcachelock) { if (mdisklrucache != null && mdisklrucache.get(key) == null) { mdisklrucache.put(key, bitmap); } } } public bitmap getbitmapfromdiskcache(string key) { synchronized (mdiskcachelock) { // wait while disk cache is started from background thread while (mdiskcachestarting) { try { mdiskcachelock.wait(); } catch (interruptedexception e) {} } if (mdisklrucache != null) { return mdisklrucache.get(key); } } return null; } // creates a unique subdirectory of the designated app cache directory. tries to use external // but if not mounted, falls back on internal storage. public static file getdiskcachedir(context context, string uniquename) { // check if media is mounted or storage is built-in, if so, try and use external cache dir // otherwise use internal cache dir final string cachepath = environment.media_mounted.equals(environment.getexternalstoragestate()) || !isexternalstorageremovable() ? getexternalcachedir(context).getpath() : context.getcachedir().getpath(); return new file(cachepath + file.separator + uniquename); }
以上就是对android 图片缓存机制的详解,如有疑问请留言或者到本站社区交流讨论,感谢阅读,希望能帮助到大家,谢谢大家对本站的支持!