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程序员文章站 2022-06-10 17:50:03
介绍 在实际的项目中,当项目的代码量不断增加的时候,你会发现越来越难管理和跟踪其各个组件,如其不善,很容易就引入BUG。因此,我们应该掌握一些能让我们程序更加健壮的方法。 这篇文章提出了一些建议,能有引导我们写出更加健壮的代码,以避免产生灾难性的错误。即使、因为其复杂性和项目团队结构,你的程序目前不 ......





先来介绍下作者开发一些软件(crashrpt),你可以网站上下载源代码。crashrpt 顾名思义软件崩溃记录软件(库),它能够自动提交你电脑上安装的软件错误记录。它通过以太网直接将这些错误记录发送给你,这样方便你跟踪软件问题,并及时修改,使得用户感觉到每次发布的软件都有很大的提高,这样他们自然很高兴。



initializing local variables (局部变量初始化)


// define local variables

bool bexitresult; // this will be true if the function exits successfully

file* f; // handle to file

tchar szbuffer[_max_path];   // string buffer


// do something with variables above...

上面的这段代码存在着一个潜在的错误,因为没有一个局部变量初始化了。当你的代码运行的时候,这些变量将被默认负一些错误的数值。例如bexitresult 数值将被负为-135913245 ,szbuffer?必须以“”结尾,结果不会。因此、局部变量初始化时非常重要的,如下正确代码:

// define local variables

// initialize function exit code with false to indicate failure assumption

bool bexitresult = false;

// this will be true if the function exits successfully

// initialize file handle with null

file* f = null; // handle to file

// initialize string buffer with empty string

tchar szbuffer[_max_path] = _t("");   // string buffer

// do something with variables above...



initializing winapi structures

许多windows api都接受或则返回一些结构体参数,结构体如果没有正确的初始化,也很有可能引起程序崩溃。大家可能会想起用zeromemory宏或者memset()函数去用0填充这个结构体(对结构体对应的元素设置默认值)。但是大部分windows api 结构体都必须有一个cbsize参数,这个参数必须设置为这个结构体的大小。

看看下面代码,如何初始化windows api结构体参数:

notifyicondata nf; // winapi structure

memset(&nf,0,sizeof(notifyicondata)); // zero memory

nf.cbsize = sizeof(notifyicondata); // set structure size!

// initialize other structure members

nf.hwnd = hwndparent;

nf.uid = 0;  

nf.uflags = nif_icon | nif_tip;

nf.hicon = ::loadicon(null, idi_application);

_tcscpy_s(nf.sztip, 128, _t("popup tip text"));

// add a tray icon

shell_notifyicon(nim_add, &nf);



// declare a c++ structure

struct iteminfo


  // the structure has std::string object inside

  std::string sitemname;

  int nitemvalue;



// init the structure

iteminfo item;

// do not use memset()! it can corrupt the structure

// memset(&item, 0, sizeof(iteminfo));

// instead use the following

item.sitemname = "item1";

item.nitemvalue = 0;


// declare a c++ structure

struct iteminfo


    // use structure constructor to set members with default values



      sitemname = _t("unknown");

      nitemvalue = -1;



    std::string sitemname; // the structure has std::string object inside

    int nitemvalue;


// init the structure

iteminfo item;

// do not use memset()! it can corrupt the structure

// memset(&item, 0, sizeof(iteminfo));

// instead use the following

item.sitemname = "item1";

item.nitemvalue = 0;

validating function input


例如,让我们来看看这个hypotethical drawvehicle()?函数,它可以根据不同的质量来绘制一辆跑车,这个质量数值(ndrawingqaulity )是0~100。prcdraw?定义这辆跑车的轮廓区域。


bool drawvehicle(hwnd hwnd, lprect prcdraw, int ndrawingquality)


    // check that window is valid


      return false;


    // check that drawing rect is valid


      return false;


    // check drawing quality is valid

    if(ndrawingquality<0 || ndrawingquality>100)

      return false;


    // now it's safe to draw the vehicle


    // ...


    return true;



cvehicle* pvehicle = getcurrentvehicle();


// validate pointer



    // invalid pointer, do not use it!

    return false;



// use the pointer

initializing function output


int createvehicle(cvehicle** ppvehicle)




      *ppvehicle = new cvehicle();

      return 1;



    // if cancreatevehicle() returns false,

    // the pointer to *ppvehcile would never be set!

    return 0;



int createvehicle(cvehicle** ppvehicle)


    // first initialize the output parameter with null

    *ppvehicle = null;




      *ppvehicle = new cvehicle();

      return 1;



    return 0;


cleaning up pointers to deleted objects


// create object

cvehicle* pvehicle = new cvehicle();

delete pvehicle; // free pointer

pvehicle = null; // set pointer with nul

cleaning up released handles

在释放一个句柄之前,务必将这个句柄复制伪null (0或则其他默认值)。这样能够保证程序其他地方不会重复使用无效句柄。看看如下代码,如何清除一个windows api的文件句柄:

handle hfile = invalid_handle_value;

// open file

hfile = createfile(_t("example.dat"), file_read|file_write, file_open_existing);



    return false; // error opening file


// do something with file

// finally, close the handle



    closehandle(hfile);   // close handle to file

    hfile = invalid_handle_value;   // clean up handle


下面代码展示如何清除file *句柄:

// first init file handle pointer with null

file* f = null;

// open handle to file

errno_t err = _tfopen_s(_t("example.dat"), _t("rb"));

if(err!=0 || f==null)

return false; // error opening file

// do something with file

// when finished, close the handle

if(f!=null) // check that handle is valid



    f = null; // clean up pointer to handle

using delete [] operator for arrays

如果你分配一个单独的对象,可以直接使用new?,同样你释放单个对象的时候,可以直接使用delete . 然而,申请一个对象数组对象的时候可以使用new,但是释放的时候就不能使用delete ,而必须使用delete[]:

// create an array of objects

cvehicle* pavehicles = new cvehicle[10];

delete [] pavehicles; // free pointer to array

pavehicles = null; // set pointer with null


// create a buffer of bytes

lpbyte pbuffer = new byte[255];

delete [] pbuffer; // free pointer to array

pbuffer = null; // set pointer with null

allocating memory carefully

有时候,程序需要动态分配一段缓冲区,这个缓冲区是在程序运行的时候决定的。例如、你需要读取一个文件的内容,那么你就需要申请该文件大小的缓冲区来保存该文件的内容。在申请这段内存之前,请注意,malloc() or new是不能申请0字节的内存,如不然,将导致malloc() or new函数调用失败。传递错误的参数给malloc() 函数将导致c运行时错误。如下代码展示如何动态申请内存:

// determine what buffer to allocate.

uint ubuffersize = getbuffersize();

lpbyte* pbuffer = null; // init pointer to buffer

// allocate a buffer only if buffer size > 0


    pbuffer = new byte[ubuffersize];


为了进一步了解如何正确的分配内存,你可以读下secure coding best practices for memory allocation in c and c++这篇文章。

using asserts carefully


#include <assert.h>

// this function reads a sports car's model from a file

cvehicle* readvehiclemodelfromfile(lpctstr szfilename)


    cvehicle* pvehicle = null; // pointer to vehicle object

    // check preconditions

    assert(szfilename!=null); // this will be removed by preprocessor in release mode!

    assert(_tcslen(szfilename)!=0); // this will be removed in release mode!

    // open the file

    file* f = _tfopen(szfilename, _t("rt"));

    // create new cvehicle object

    pvehicle = new cvehicle();

    // read vehicle model from file

    // check postcondition

    assert(pvehicle->getwheelcount()==4); // this will be removed in release mode!

    // return pointer to the vehicle object

    return pvehicle;


看看上述的代码,asserts能够在debug模式下检测我们的程序,在release 模式下却不能。所以我们还是不得不用if()来这步检测操作。正确的代码如下:

#include <assert.h>

cvehicle* readvehiclemodelfromfile(lpctstr szfilename, )


    cvehicle* pvehicle = null; // pointer to vehicle object

    // check preconditions


    // this will be removed by preprocessor in release mode!


    // this will be removed in release mode!

    if(szfilename==null || _tcslen(szfilename)==0)

      return null; // invalid input parameter

    // open the file

    file* f = _tfopen(szfilename, _t("rt"));

    // create new cvehicle object

    pvehicle = new cvehicle();

    // read vehicle model from file

    // check postcondition

    assert(pvehicle->getwheelcount()==4); // this will be removed in release mode!



      // oops... an invalid wheel count was encountered!  

      delete pvehicle;

      pvehicle = null;


    // return pointer to the vehicle object

    return pvehicle;


checking return code of a function

断定一个函数执行一定成功是一种常见的错误。当你调用一个函数的时候,建议检查下返回代码和返回参数的值。如下代码持续调用windows api ,程序是否继续执行下去依赖于该函数的返回结果和返回参数值.

hresult hres = e_fail;

iwbemservices *psvc = null;

iwbemlocator *ploc = null;


hres =  coinitializesecurity(


    -1,                          // com authentication

    null,                        // authentication services

    null,                        // reserved

    rpc_c_authn_level_default,   // default authentication

    rpc_c_imp_level_impersonate, // default impersonation  

    null,                        // authentication info

    eoac_none,                   // additional capabilities

    null                         // reserved



if (failed(hres))


    // failed to initialize security


       return false;



hres = cocreateinstance(




    iid_iwbemlocator, (lpvoid *) &ploc);


if (failed(hres) || !ploc)


    // failed to create iwbemlocator object.

    return false;



hres = ploc->connectserver(

     _bstr_t(l"root\\cimv2"), // object path of wmi namespace

     null,                    // user name. null = current user

     null,                    // user password. null = current

     0,                       // locale. null indicates current

     null,                    // security flags.

     0,                       // authority (e.g. kerberos)

     0,                       // context object

     &psvc                    // pointer to iwbemservices proxy



if (failed(hres) || !psvc)


    // couldn't conect server

    if(ploc) ploc->release();    

    return false;  


hres = cosetproxyblanket(

   psvc,                        // indicates the proxy to set

   rpc_c_authn_winnt,           // rpc_c_authn_xxx

   rpc_c_authz_none,            // rpc_c_authz_xxx

   null,                        // server principal name

   rpc_c_authn_level_call,      // rpc_c_authn_level_xxx

   rpc_c_imp_level_impersonate, // rpc_c_imp_level_xxx

   null,                        // client identity

   eoac_none                    // proxy capabilities


if (failed(hres))


    // could not set proxy blanket.

    if(psvc) psvc->release();

    if(ploc) ploc->release();    

    return false;              


using smart pointers

如果你经常使用用享对象指针,如com 接口等,那么建议使用智能指针来处理。智能指针会自动帮助你维护对象引用记数,并且保证你不会访问到被删除的对象。这样,不需要关心和控制接口的生命周期。关于智能指针的进一步知识可以看看smart pointers – what, why, which??和 implementing a simple smart pointer in c++这两篇文章。

如面是一个展示使用atl’s ccomptr template 智能指针的代码,该部分代码来至于msdn。

#include <windows.h>

#include <shobjidl.h>

#include <atlbase.h> // contains the declaration of ccomptr.

int winapi wwinmain(hinstance hinstance, hinstance, pwstr pcmdline, int ncmdshow)


    hresult hr = coinitializeex(null, coinit_apartmentthreaded |


    if (succeeded(hr))


        ccomptr<ifileopendialog> pfileopen;

        // create the fileopendialog object.

        hr = pfileopen.cocreateinstance(__uuidof(fileopendialog));

        if (succeeded(hr))


            // show the open dialog box.

            hr = pfileopen->show(null);

            // get the file name from the dialog box.

            if (succeeded(hr))


                ccomptr<ishellitem> pitem;

                hr = pfileopen->getresult(&pitem);

                if (succeeded(hr))


                    pwstr pszfilepath;

                    hr = pitem->getdisplayname(sigdn_filesyspath, &pszfilepath);

                    // display the file name to the user.

                    if (succeeded(hr))


                        messagebox(null, pszfilepath, l"file path", mb_ok);




                // pitem goes out of scope.


            // pfileopen goes out of scope.




    return 0;


using == operator carefully


cvehicle* pvehicle = getcurrentvehicle();

// validate pointer

if(pvehicle==null) // using == operator to compare pointer with null

   return false;

// do something with the pointer



cvehicle* pvehicle = getcurrentvehicle();

// validate pointer

if(pvehicle=null) // oops! a mistyping here!

return false;

// do something with the pointer

pvehicle->run(); // crash!!!



// validate pointer


// exchange left side and right side of the equality operator

    return false;

// validate pointer


// oops! a mistyping here! but the compiler returns an error message.

    return false;
