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PHP $_SERVER详细用法分析

程序员文章站 2022-05-22 16:09:56

PHP $_SERVER详细用法分析

Argument Result

PHP_SELF Returns the path and filename of the current script
SERVER_PROTOCOL Returns the name and revision of the page-requested protocol
REQUEST_METHOD Returns the request method used to access the page
REQUEST_TIME Returns the timestamp from the beginning of the request
DOCUMENT_ROOT Returns the root directory of the current script
HTTP_REFERER Returns the page address that referred to the current page
HTTP_USER_AGENT Returns the user agent of the header from the current request
REMOTE_ADDR Returns the IP address of the current user
REMOTE_PORT Returns the port of the user's machine that is accessing the page
SCRIPT_FILENAME Returns the absolute filename from the current script
SCRIPT_NAME Returns the path of the current script

What is your first name?


Time: $time
" ); if( $address != null) { fwrite( $file, "IP Address: $address
"); } if( $referer != null) { fwrite( $file, "Referer: $referer
"); } fwrite( $file, "Browser: $browser

"); fclose($file);





相关标签: fopen request