2022-03-07 17:04:43
主要分享自己日常工作中常用的工具函数,希望能够对大家有帮助。工具函数不定时持续更新中…… ......
- 1.截取指定字节数的字符串
- 2.判断是否微信
- 3.获取时间格式的几个举例
- 4.获取字符串字节长度
- 5.对象克隆、深拷贝
- 6.组织结构代码证验证
- 7.身份证号验证
- 8.js正则为url添加http标识
- 9.url有效性校验方法
- 10.自定义jsonp方法
- 11.cookie操作
- 12.生成随机字符串 (可指定长度)
- 13.浏览器判断
- 14.rem移动端适配
- 15.获取url后参数
- 16.动态加载js
- 17.生成随机颜色值
- 18.事件绑定与解绑
- 19.移动端音频播放
- 20.移动端视频适配
- 21.webpack+vue-cli实现自动全局注册组件
/** * 截取指定字节的字符串 * @param str 要截取的字符穿 * @param len 要截取的长度,根据字节计算 * @param suffix 截取前len个后,其余的字符的替换字符,一般用“…” * @returns {*} */ function cutstring(str, len, suffix) { if (!str) return ""; if (len <= 0) return ""; if (!suffix) suffix = ""; var templen = 0; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charcodeat(i) > 255) { templen += 2; } else { templen++ } if (templen == len) { return str.substring(0, i + 1) + suffix; } else if (templen > len) { return str.substring(0, i) + suffix; } } return str; }
/** * 判断微信浏览器 * @returns {boolean} */ function isweixin() { var ua = window.navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); if (ua.match(/micromessenger/i) == 'micromessenger') { return true; } else { return false; } }
function gettimeformat(time) { var date = new date(parseint(time) * 1000); var month, day, hour, min; parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1 < 10 ? month = '0' + (parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1) : month = parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1; date.getdate() < 10 ? day = '0' + date.getdate() : day = date.getdate(); date.gethours() < 10 ? hour = '0' + date.gethours() : hour = date.gethours(); date.getminutes() < 10 ? min = '0' + date.getminutes() : min = date.getminutes(); return [month, day].join('-') + ' ' + hour + ':' + min } function gettimeformatymd(time) { var date = new date(parseint(time) * 1000); var year, month, day; year = date.getfullyear(); parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1 < 10 ? month = '0' + (parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1) : month = parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1; date.getdate() < 10 ? day = '0' + date.getdate() : day = date.getdate(); return [year, month, day].join('-') } function gettimeformatall(time) { var date = new date(parseint(time) * 1000); var year, month, day, hour, min, second; year = date.getfullyear(); parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1 < 10 ? month = '0' + (parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1) : month = parseint(date.getmonth()) + 1; date.getdate() < 10 ? day = '0' + date.getdate() : day = date.getdate(); date.gethours() < 10 ? hour = '0' + date.gethours() : hour = date.gethours(); date.getminutes() < 10 ? min = '0' + date.getminutes() : min = date.getminutes(); date.getseconds() < 10 ? second = '0' + date.getseconds() : second = date.getseconds(); return [year, month, day].join('-') + ' ' + hour + ':' + min + ':' + second }
/** * 获取字符串字节长度 * @param {string} * @returns {boolean} */ function checklength(v) { var reallength = 0; var len = v.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var charcode = v.charcodeat(i); if (charcode >= 0 && charcode <= 128) reallength += 1; else reallength += 2; } return reallength; }
/** * 对象克隆&深拷贝 * @param obj * @returns {{}} */ function cloneobj(obj) { var newo = {}; if (obj instanceof array) { newo = []; } for (var key in obj) { var val = obj[key]; newo[key] = typeof val === 'object' ? arguments.callee(val) : val; } return newo; };
/** * 对象克隆&深拷贝 * @param obj * @returns {{}} */ function clone(obj) { // handle the 3 simple types, and null or undefined if (null == obj || "object" != typeof obj) return obj; // handle date if (obj instanceof date) { var copy = new date(); copy.settime(obj.gettime()); return copy; } // handle array if (obj instanceof array) { var copy = []; for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; ++i) { copy[i] = clone(obj[i]); } return copy; } // handle object if (obj instanceof object) { var copy = {}; for (attr in obj) { if (obj.hasownproperty(attr)) copy[attr] = clone(obj[attr]); } return copy; } throw new error("unable to copy obj! its type isn't supported."); }
var origin = { a: "text", b: null, c: undefined, e: { f: [1, 2] } }
组织机构代码是每一个机关、社会团体、企事业单位在全国范围内唯一的、始终不变的法定代码标识。最新使用的组织机构代码在1997年颁布实施,由8位数字(或大写拉丁字母)本体代码和1位数字(或大写拉丁字母)校验码组成。本体代码采用系列(即分区段)顺序编码方法。校验码按下列公式计算:8 c9 = 11 - mod(∑ci * wi,11)… (2) i = 1其中:mod——表示求余函数;i——表示代码字符从左到右位置序号;ci——表示第i位置上的代码字符的值,采用附录a“代码字符集”所列字符;c9——表示校验码;wi——表示第i位置上的加权因子,其数值如下表:i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 wi 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2当mod函数值为1(即c9 = 10)时,校验码用字母x表示。
checkorgcodevalid: function(el) { var txtval = el.value; var values = txtval.split("-"); var ws = [3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2]; var str = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; var reg = /^([0-9a-z]){8}$/; if (!reg.test(values[0])) { return false } var sum = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { sum += str.indexof(values[0].charat(i)) * ws[i]; } var c9 = 11 - (sum % 11); var yc9 = values[1] + ''; if (c9 == 11) { c9 = '0'; } else if (c9 == 10) { c9 = 'x'; } else { c9 = c9 + ''; } return yc9 == c9; }
/** * 验证身份证号 * @param el 号码输入input * @returns {boolean} */ function checkcardno(el) { var txtval = el.value; var reg = /(^\d{15}$)|(^\d{18}$)|(^\d{17}(\d|x|x)$)/; return reg.test(txtval) }
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="renderer" content="webkit"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge,chrome=1"> <title></title> <script> var html = 'http:/ / www.google.com '; html += '\rwww.google.com '; html += '\rcode.google.com '; html += '\rhttp: //code.google.com/hosting/search?q=label%3apython'; var regex = /(https?:\/\/)?(\w+\.?)+(\/[a-za-z0-9\?%=_\-\+\/]+)?/gi; alert('before replace:'); alert(html); html = html.replace(regex, function(match, capture) { if (capture) { return match } else { return 'http://' + match; } }); alert('after replace:'); alert(html); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
/** * url有效性校验 * @param str_url * @returns {boolean} */ function isurl(str_url) { // 验证url var strregex = "^((https|http|ftp|rtsp|mms)?://)" + "?(([0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+: )?[0-9a-z_!~*'().&=+$%-]+@)?" // ftp的user@ + "(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}" // ip形式的url- + "|" // 允许ip和domain(域名) + "([0-9a-z_!~*'()-]+\.)*" // 域名- www. + "([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]{0,61})?[0-9a-z]\." // 二级域名 + "[a-z]{2,6})" // first level domain- .com or .museum + "(:[0-9]{1,4})?" // 端口- :80 + "((/?)|" // a slash isn't required if there is no file name + "(/[0-9a-z_!~*'().;?:@&=+$,%#-]+)+/?)$"; var re = new regexp(strregex); return re.test(str_url); } // 建议的正则 functionisurl(str) { return !! str.match(/(((^https?:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[a-za-z0-9.-]+|(?:www.|[-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[a-za-z0-9.-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/.\w-_]*)?\??(?:[-\+=&;%@.\w_]*)#?(?:[\w]*))?)$/g); }
/** * 自定义封装jsonp方法 * @param options */ jsonp = function(options) { options = options || {}; if (!options.url || !options.callback) { throw new error("参数不合法"); } //创建 script 标签并加入到页面中 var callbackname = ('jsonp_' + math.random()).replace(".", ""); var ohead = document.getelementsbytagname('head')[0]; options.data[options.callback] = callbackname; var params = formatparams(options.data); var os = document.createelement('script'); ohead.appendchild(os); //创建jsonp回调函数 window[callbackname] = function(json) { ohead.removechild(os); cleartimeout(os.timer); window[callbackname] = null; options.success && options.success(json); }; //发送请求 os.src = options.url + '?' + params; //超时处理 if (options.time) { os.timer = settimeout(function() { window[callbackname] = null; ohead.removechild(os); options.fail && options.fail({ message: "超时" }); }, time); } }; /** * 格式化参数 * @param data * @returns {string} */ formatparams = function(data) { var arr = []; for (var name in data) { arr.push(encodeuricomponent(name) + '=' + encodeuricomponent(data[name])); } return arr.join('&'); }
//写cookies setcookie = function(name, value, time) { var strsec = getsec(time); var exp = new date(); exp.settime(exp.gettime() + strsec * 1); document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + ";expires=" + exp.togmtstring(); } //cookie操作辅助函数 getsec = function(str) { var str1 = str.substring(1, str.length) * 1; var str2 = str.substring(0, 1); if (str2 == "s") { return str1 * 1000; } else if (str2 == "h") { return str1 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } else if (str2 == "d") { return str1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; } } //读取cookies getcookie = function(name) { var arr, reg = new regexp("(^| )" + name + "=([^;]*)(;|$)"); if (arr = document.cookie.match(reg)) return (arr[2]); else return null; } //删除cookies delcookie = function(name) { var exp = new date(); exp.settime(exp.gettime() - 1); var cval = getcookie(name); if (cval != null) document.cookie = name + "=" + cval + ";expires=" + exp.togmtstring(); }
12.生成随机字符串 (可指定长度)
/** * 生成随机字符串(可指定长度) * @param len * @returns {string} */ randomstring = function(len) { len = len || 8; var $chars = 'abcdefghjkmnpqrstwxyzabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; /****默认去掉了容易混淆的字符ooll,9gq,vv,uu,i1****/ var maxpos = $chars.length; var pwd = ''; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { pwd += $chars.charat(math.floor(math.random() * maxpos)); } return pwd; }
function parseua() { var u = navigator.useragent; var u2 = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); return { //移动终端浏览器版本信息 trident: u.indexof('trident') > -1, //ie内核 presto: u.indexof('presto') > -1, //opera内核 webkit: u.indexof('applewebkit') > -1, //苹果、谷歌内核 gecko: u.indexof('gecko') > -1 && u.indexof('khtml') == -1, //火狐内核 mobile: !!u.match(/applewebkit.*mobile.*/), //是否为移动终端 ios: !!u.match(/\(i[^;]+;( u;)? cpu.+mac os x/), //ios终端 android: u.indexof('android') > -1 || u.indexof('linux') > -1, //android终端或uc浏览器 iphone: u.indexof('iphone') > -1, //是否为iphone或者qqhd浏览器 ipad: u.indexof('ipad') > -1, //是否ipad webapp: u.indexof('safari') == -1, //是否web应该程序,没有头部与底部 iosv: u.substr(u.indexof('iphone os') + 9, 3), weixin: u2.match(/micromessenger/i) == "micromessenger", ali: u.indexof('aliapp') > -1, }; } var ua = parseua(); if (!ua.mobile) { location.href = './pc.html'; }
var rem = { baserem: 40, // 基准字号,按照iphone6应该为20,此处扩大2倍,便于计算 basewidth: 750, // 基准尺寸宽,此处是按照ihpone6的尺寸 rootele: document.getelementsbytagname("html")[0], inithandle: function() { this.setremhandle(); this.resizehandle(); }, setremhandle: function() { var clientwidth = document.documentelement.clientwidth || document.body.clientwidth; this.rootele.style.fontsize = clientwidth * this.baserem / this.basewidth + "px"; }, resizehandle: function() { var that = this; window.addeventlistener("resize", function() { settimeout(function() { that.setremhandle(); }, 300); }); } }; rem.inithandle();
function getrequest() { var url = location.search; //获取url中"?"符后的字串 var therequest = new object(); if (url.indexof("?") != -1) { var str = url.substr(1); strs = str.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; i++) { therequest[strs[i].split("=")[0]] = (strs[i].split("=")[1]); } } return therequest; }
function loadscript(url, callback) { var script = document.createelement("script"); script.type = "text/"; if (typeof(callback) != "undefined") { if (script.readystate) { script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (script.readystate == "loaded" || script.readystate == "complete") { script.onreadystatechange = null; callback(); } }; } else { script.onload = function() { callback(); }; } } script.src = url; document.body.appendchild(script); }
function getrandomcolor () { const rgb = [] for (let i = 0 ; i < 3; ++i){ let color = math.floor(math.random() * 256).tostring(16) color = color.length == 1 ? '0' + color : color rgb.push(color) } return '#' + rgb.join('') }
elementclass.prototype.on = function (name, callback) { this.callbacks[name] = this.callbacks[name] || [] this.callbacks[name].push(callback) } elementclass.prototype.off = function (name, callback) { var callbacks = this.callbacks[name] if (callbacks && callbacks instanceof array) { var index = callbacks.indexof(callback) if (index !== -1) callbacks.splice(index, 1) } } elementclass.prototype.trigger = function (name, params) { var callbacks = this.callbacks[name] if (callbacks && callbacks instanceof array) { callbacks.foreach((cb) => { cb(params) }) } }
/** * 移动端h5播放音乐处理,兼容微信端 * @param el 音乐audio元素 */ function playmusic(el) { var b = document.getelementbyid(el); var c = function c() { b.play(); document.removeeventlistener("touchstart", c, true); }; b.play(); document.addeventlistener("weixinjsbridgeready", function () { c(); }, false); document.addeventlistener("yixinjsbridgeready", function () { c(); }, false); document.addeventlistener("touchstart", c, true); }
<video class="video1" webkit-playsinline="true" x-webkit-airplay="true" playsinline="true" x5-video-player-type="h5" x5-video-player-fullscreen="true" preload="auto" poster="poster图片地址" src="视频地址"></video>
// 需要 npm import --save lodash import upperfirst from 'lodash/upperfirst' import camelcase from 'lodash/camelcase' const requirecomponent = require.context( // 其组件目录的相对路径 './components', // 是否查询其子目录 false, // 匹配基础组件文件名的正则表达式,获取.vue结尾的文件 /.vue$/ ) requirecomponent.keys().foreach(filename => { // 获取组件配置 const componentconfig = requirecomponent(filename) // 获取组件的 pascalcase 命名 const componentname = upperfirst( camelcase( // 剥去文件名开头的 `./` 和结尾的扩展名 filename.replace(/^\.\/(.*)\.\w+$/, '$1') ) ) // 全局注册组件 vue.component( componentname, // 如果这个组件选项是通过 `export default` 导出的, // 那么就会优先使用 `.default`, // 否则回退到使用模块的根。 componentconfig.default || componentconfig )