PAT_A 1053. Path of Equal Weight (30)
2022-04-27 08:52:12
1053. Path of Equal Weight (30)
Given a non-empty tree with root R, and with weight Wi assigned to each tree node Ti. The
weight of a path from R to L is defined to be the sum of the weights of all the nodes along
the path from R to any leaf node L.
Now given any weighted tree, you are supposed to find all the paths with their weights equal
to a given number. For example, let's consider the tree showed in Figure 1: for each node,
the upper number is the node ID which is a two-digit number, and the lower number is the
weight of that node. Suppose that the given number is 24, then there exists 4 different
paths which have the same given weight: {10 5 2 7}, {10 4 10}, {10 3 3 6 2} and {10 3 3 6
2}, which correspond to the red edges in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a line containing 0 < N <=
100, the number of nodes in a tree, M (< N), the number of non-leaf nodes, and 0 < S < 230,
the given weight number. The next line contains N positive numbers where Wi (<1000)
corresponds to the tree node Ti. Then M lines follow, each in the format:
ID K ID[1] ID[2] ... ID[K]
where ID is a two-digit number representing a given non-leaf node, K is the number of its
children, followed by a sequence of two-digit ID's of its children. For the sake of
simplicity, let us fix the root ID to be 00.
Output Specification:
For each test case, print all the paths with weight S in non-increasing order. Each path
occupies a line with printed weights from the root to the leaf in order. All the numbers
must be separated by a space with no extra space at the end of the line.
Note: sequence {A1, A2, ..., An} is said to be greater than sequence {B1, B2, ..., Bm} if
there exists 1 <= k < min{n, m} such that Ai = Bi for i=1, ... k, and Ak+1 > Bk+1.
Sample Input:
20 9 24
10 2 4 3 5 10 2 18 9 7 2 2 1 3 12 1 8 6 2 2
00 4 01 02 03 04
02 1 05
04 2 06 07
03 3 11 12 13
06 1 09
07 2 08 10
16 1 15
13 3 14 16 17
17 2 18 19
Sample Output:
10 5 2 7
10 4 10
10 3 3 6 2
10 3 3 6 2
- 题目:
- 给定一棵树,每个节点有一个权值,给定一个权值和S,找到所有从根到叶子的权值和为S的路径。
- 输出要求,不同路径之间要求按非降顺序输出。
- 考树的构造,遍历。
- 解题:
- 先构造这棵树,这里用vector tree[110]表示,vector中记录孩子节点号。每个节点编号对应的权值,
nodeWeight[110]。 - 由于结果要求非降序输出,故对输入的数据进行预处理使其有序。对于每个节点的还在按权值递增排序存储在vector元素中,这样遍历树时有序遍历(从大到小),到达叶子,满足输出,便是符合排序要求。
- 先构造这棵树,这里用vector tree[110]表示,vector中记录孩子节点号。每个节点编号对应的权值,
- 题目:
using namespace std;
int nodeWeight[110];
vector<int> tree[110];
int check[110];
bool comp(int a,int b)
return nodeWeight[a]<nodeWeight[b];
vector<int> seq;
void checkTree(int child,long w,long s,vector<int>& seq)
for(int k=0;k<seq.size()-1;k++)
printf("%d ",seq[k]);
for(int i=tree[child].size()-1;i>=0;i--)
int main()
int N,M,tmp;
long S;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
int count=0;
int child=0;
for(int i=0;i<M;i++)
for(int j=0;j<count;j++)
return 0;
- AC:
上一篇: 二叉树的创建(python)
下一篇: 又一次生产 CPU 高负载排查实践
PAT A1053:Path of Equal Weight
(pat)A1053 Path of Equal Weight
PAT A1053 Path of Equal Weight(30 分)
PAT A1053 Path of Equal Weight (30分)
PAT甲级——A1053 Path of Equal Weight【30】
PAT甲级——A1053 Path of Equal Weight
1053 Path of Equal Weight (30 分)
1053 Path of Equal Weight (30 分)
1053 Path of Equal Weight (30 分)
1053 Path of Equal Weight (30分)