【二分图+最大匹配】北大 poj 2724 Purifying Machine
2022-04-18 13:14:16
/* THE PROGRAM IS MADE BY PYY */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------// Copyright (c) 2011 panyanyany All rights reserved. URL : http://poj.org/problem?id=2724 Name : 2724 Purifying Machine Date : Monday, December 19, 2011 Time Stage : one and half hour Result: 9671768 panyanyany 2724 Accepted 4104K 391MS C++ 2105B 2011-12-19 22:18:09 Test Data : Review : 凡是涉及字符串处理的,肯定会出错……这题也逃不了这个怪圈。 一开始的时候不知道怎么判断是否只差一位,然后就找解题报告, 终于发现了一个巧妙的方法,感觉跟树状数组的 lowbit 差不多…… 具体的分析请点击下列大牛的地址: AekdyCoin的空间 http://hi.baidu.com/aekdycoin/blog/item/2dac891ea09ef9f2e1fe0b67.html Uriel's Corner http://www.cppblog.com/Uriel/articles/122014.html nizhenyang的博客 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6a98ae6c0100nflu.html 月拌西凉的空间 http://hi.baidu.com/%D4%C2%B0%E8%CE%F7%C1%B9/blog/item/6eb3893752e50f4ead4b5ff2.html //----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAXSIZE 2002 int n, m, cnt ; int seq[MAXSIZE], link[MAXSIZE] ; bool cover[MAXSIZE] ; bool graph[MAXSIZE][MAXSIZE] ; void cnvToDig (char *str, int *a, int *b) { int i, starPos ; *a = *b = 0 ; starPos = -1 ; for (i = 0 ; i < strlen (str) ; ++i) { if (str[i] == '*') { starPos = (n - i - 1) ; } else if (str[i] == '1') { *a |= 1 << (n - i - 1) ; } } *b = (starPos == -1) ? (*a) : (*a | (1 << starPos)) ; } inline bool onlyDiff (int lhs, int rhs) { int c = lhs ^ rhs ; return c && !(c & (c-1)) ; } bool noRepeat (int a) { int i ; for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; ++i) if (seq[i] == a) return false ; return true ; } bool find (int cur) { int i, j ; for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; ++i) { if (!cover[i] && graph[cur][i]) { cover[i] = true ; if (link[i] == -1 || find (link[i])) { link[i] = cur ; return true ; } } } return false ; } int main () { int i, j ; int a, b ; int sum ; char str[20] ; while (scanf ("%d%d", &n, &m), n | m) { getchar () ; for (i = cnt = 0 ; i < m ; ++i) { gets (str) ; cnvToDig (str, &a, &b) ; // printf ("%d, %d\n",a , b) ; if (noRepeat(a)) seq[cnt++] = a ; if (a != b && noRepeat (b)) seq[cnt++] = b ; } memset (graph, false, sizeof (graph)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; ++i) for (j = i + 1 ; j < cnt ; ++j) if (onlyDiff(seq[i], seq[j])) graph[i][j] = graph[j][i] = true ; sum = 0 ; memset (link, -1, sizeof (link)) ; for (i = 0 ; i < cnt ; ++i) { memset (cover, 0, sizeof (cover)) ; sum += find (i) ; } printf ("%d\n", cnt - sum / 2) ; } return 0 ; }