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激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0

程序员文章站 2022-04-17 18:50:03


1. 原理与模型

主要原理学习了这篇论文:摄像机-激光雷达静态外参联合标定《Extrinsic calibration of a camera and laser range finder (improves camera calibration)》

激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0

相机的标定基本上与摄像机内参标定《A Flexible New Technique for Camera Calibration》这篇文论介绍的相同,在之前的文章里也介绍过:相机的标定之手机相机的标定

设标定板在 Z=0Z=0平面上,其上的某点世界参考系下坐标为 PwP_w,则相机参考系下坐标为 Pc=RP+tP_c=R\cdot P+t,其中 R,tR,t 分别为旋转矩阵和平移向量,代表相机在世界参考系下的位姿。

该点在雷达参考系下的坐标为 Pl=ΦPc+ΔP_l=\Phi\cdot P_c+\Delta,这里的 Φ,Δ\Phi,\Delta 就是我们要标定的量,PlP_l 则相当于我们测得的云点图里的点。

在世界参考系下与标定板垂直的向量写成: Nw=[0  0  1]T[0  0  0]TN_w=[0\ \ 0\ \ 1]^T-[0\ \ 0\ \ 0]^T故在相机坐标系下,垂直向量为: Nc=(R[0  0  1]T+t)(R[0  0  0]T+t)=R[0  0  1]T=R3N_c=(R\cdot[0\ \ 0\ \ 1]^T+t)-(R\cdot[0\ \ 0\ \ 0]^T+t)=R\cdot[0\ \ 0\ \ 1]^T=R_3我们令 R=[R1  R2  R3]R=[R_1\ \ R_2\ \ R_3]

我们可知 R3=1||R_3||=1,令垂直向量的模长为相机中心到标定板平面的距离,则有 Nc=R3(R3Tt)N_c=R3\cdot(R_3^T\cdot t)

Nc(Φ1(PlΔ))=Nc2 |N_c\cdot(\Phi^{-1}(P_l-\Delta))|=||N_c||^2

minij(Nc,i(Φ1(Pl,i,jΔ))Nc,iNc,j)2 \min\sum_i\sum_j(\frac{|N_{c,i}\cdot(\Phi^{-1}(P_{l,i,j}-\Delta))|}{||N_{c,i}||}-||N_{c,j}||)^2

其中:ii 代表位姿 ididjj 代表某个位姿下激光雷达测得点的 idid

2. MATLAB 生成模拟数据

2.1. MATLAB需注意的地方

注意:MATLAB的旋转向量 θn\theta n 好像是指绕 nn 顺时针旋转 θ\theta 角 ???? ???? ???? 。

激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0
逆时针旋转 设定推得的Rodrigues' rotation formula 为:
R=cos(θ) I+(1cos(θ)) nnT+sin(θ) nΛR=cos(\theta)\ I + (1-cos(\theta))\ nn^T+sin(\theta)\ n^{\Lambda}

Rodrigues' rotation formula推导。

代入上面 r=π2[0 0 1]Tr=\frac{\pi}{2}[0\ 0\ 1]^TR=[010100001]R=\begin{bmatrix}0&-1&0\\1& 0&0\\0&0&1\end{bmatrix},可见,MATLAB里的旋转矩阵代表的旋转方向为顺时针。


2.2. 模型参数


激光雷达外参:Φ=[0.25  0.02  0.01]TΔ=[0  1.0  0.1]\Phi=[-0.25\ \ -0.02\ \ -0.01]^T,\Delta = [0\ \ -1.0\ \ 0.1] (m)

令相机测得的角点位置存在一个高斯分布的误差,平均值为 00,标准差为 0.50.5 (pixel) 。激光雷达测得的点云存在一个均匀分布的误差,分布范围为 ±0.05\pm 0.05 (m) 。

初始时,相机的旋转量为零,平移矩阵为 [0.3  0.2  2]T[-0.3\ \ -0.2\ \ 2]^T

标定板大小为 11×1111\times11个方格,即有 10×1010\times10 个角点,每个格子大小为 0.0760.076 (m) 。初始时标定板处于 Z=0Z=0 平面上,在实验过程中绕某一条轴旋转标定板。

模拟的相机拍摄图像如下 (红线为激光雷达的扫描线):

激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0
激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0


3. 代码部分


// common_include.h 里面就是一些常用的库比如 ceres、Eigen 这些的。
#include "common/common_include.h"
#include "common/config.h"
#include <string>
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>

#include "tools/rotation.h"
#include "tools/projection.h"
// 第一个functor
	COST_FUNCTION(Eigen::Vector3d N, Eigen::Vector3d Pf): _N(N), _Pf(Pf) {}
	template <typename T>
	bool operator() (const T* const laser, T* residual) const {
		T prediction[3];
		T point[3];
		point[0] = T(_Pf(0,0));
		point[1] = T(_Pf(1,0));
		point[2] = T(_Pf(2,0));
		// 一个把激光雷达参考系转化到相机参考系的模板函数
		// template<class T>
		// Laser2Camera(const T* laser, const T* point, T* prediction)
		// 这里要注意MATLAB里面的旋转方向为顺时针
		Laser2Camera(laser, point, prediction);
		T N[3];
		N[0] = T(_N[0]);
		N[1] = T(_N[1]);
		N[2] = T(_N[2]);
		T norm = ceres::sqrt(N[0]*N[0] + N[1]*N[1] + N[2]*N[2]);
		T x[3];
		x[0] = T(_N(0,0));
		x[1] = T(_N(1,0));
		x[2] = T(_N(2,0));
		T a = x[0]*prediction[0] + x[1]*prediction[1] + x[2]*prediction[2];
        T zero = T(0);
		T b = a > zero ? a : -a;
		residual[0] = b/norm - norm
		return true;
	const Eigen::Vector3d _N;
	const Eigen::Vector3d _Pf;
// 把 N 一起优化的functor
	COST_FUNCTION2(Eigen::Vector3d Pf):_Pf(Pf) {}
	template <typename T>
	bool operator() (const T* const laser, const T* const N, T* residual) const {
		T prediction[3];
		T point[3];
		point[0] = T(_Pf(0,0));
		point[1] = T(_Pf(1,0));
		point[2] = T(_Pf(2,0));
		Laser2Camera(laser, point, prediction);
		T norm = ceres::sqrt(N[0]*N[0] + N[1]*N[1] + N[2]*N[2]);
		T a = N[0]*prediction[0] + N[1]*prediction[1] + N[2]*prediction[2];
        T zero = T(0);
		T b = a > zero ? a : -a;
		residual[0] = b/norm - norm;	
		return true;
	const Eigen::Vector3d _Pf;

int main() {
	boost::format fmt( "%s%d.out" );
	// 自己定义的一个读取一些参数的类,不是必要的
	string data_path = Config::get<string> ("DataPath2");
	ifstream fin;
	// 储存3D坐标下一张图的角点
	vector<Point3f> objects;
	// 储存一张图像的角点
	vector<Point2f> corners;
	// 储存所有图像的角点
	vector<vector<Point2f>> imageCorners;
	// 储存所有图的角点对应的空间位置
	vector<vector<Point3f>> objectCorners;
	// 储存一张图对应的云点图
	vector<Eigen::Vector3d> clouds;
	// 储存所有的云点图
	vector<vector<Eigen::Vector3d>> allClouds;
	// 生成一张图角点对应的空间位置
	// 这里要注意顺序
	for (int i=1; i<11; i++)
		for (int j=1; j<11; j++)
			objects.push_back( Point3f(j*0.076, i*0.076, 0.0) );
	// 读取各个图像的角点和云点图
	for (int i=0; i<11; i++) {
		// 清空原先存储的点
		// 存储角点及其对应的空间坐标
		fin.open( data_path + (fmt%"corners"%(i)).str() );
		if (!fin) {cout << data_path + (fmt%"corners"%(i)).str() << " Failed!\n"; continue; }
		else {
			double data[2] = {0};
			for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
				for (auto& d:data) fin >> d;
				corners.push_back( Point2f(data[0], data[1]) );
		// 存储云点图
		fin.open( data_path + (fmt%"laserdata"%(i)).str() );
		if (!fin) {cout << data_path + (fmt%"laserdata"%(i)).str() << " Failed!\n"; continue; }
		else {
			double data[3] = {0};
			for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {
				for (auto& d:data) fin >> d;
				clouds.push_back( Eigen::Vector3d(data[0], data[1], data[2]) );
	// A为相机内参,D为畸变系数,R为每张图片的旋转向量,t为每张图片的平移向量
	Mat A;
	Mat D;
	vector<Mat> R;
	vector<Mat> t;
	// 标定,不考虑畸变系数
	calibrateCamera(objectCorners, imageCorners, Size(10,10), A, D, R, t, CALIB_ZERO_TANGENT_DIST+CALIB_FIX_K1+CALIB_FIX_K2+CALIB_FIX_K3+CALIB_FIX_K4+CALIB_FIX_K5+CALIB_FIX_K6);
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	cout << "The intrinsic matrix is: \n" << A <<endl;
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	cout << "The distortion vector is: \n" << D << endl;
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	// 每一张图对应的 N
	vector<Eigen::Vector3d> Ns;
	for (int i=0; i<R.size(); i++) {
		Eigen::Vector3d rvectorn(R[i].at<double>(0,0), R[i].at<double>(1,0), R[i].at<double>(2,0));
		Eigen::AngleAxisd rvector(rvectorn.norm(), rvectorn/rvectorn.norm());
		Eigen::Matrix3d rmatrix = rvector.toRotationMatrix();
		double R3t1 = (rmatrix(0,2)*t[i].at<double>(0,0) + rmatrix(1,2)*t[i].at<double>(1,0) + rmatrix(2,2)*t[i].at<double>(2,0));
		double R3t = ceres::sqrt(R3t1*R3t1);
		Eigen::Vector3d R3(rmatrix(0,2), rmatrix(1,2), rmatrix(2,2));
		Eigen::Vector3d N = -R3*R3t1;
	for (int i=0; i<11; i++) {
	    cout << Ns[i].transpose();
	    cout << endl;
	double laser[6] = {0};
	double laser_true[6] = {-0.25, -0.02, -0.01, 0, -1, 0.1};

	// 往问题中添加误差项
	ceres::Problem problem;
	for (int i=0; i<R.size(); i++) {
		for (int j=0; j<allClouds[i].size(); j++) {
			ceres::CostFunction* costfunction = new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<COST_FUNCTION, 1, 6> ( new COST_FUNCTION(Ns[i], allClouds[i][j]) );
			problem.AddResidualBlock(costfunction, new ceres::CauchyLoss(0.5), laser);
	// 开始优化
	cout << "Begin to optimize...\n";
	ceres::Solver::Options options;
	options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_QR;
	options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
	ceres::Solver::Summary summary;
	ceres::Solve ( options, &problem, &summary );
	cout << "Optimization finish !\n";

	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	cout << "The Rotation Vector is: " << "[ " << laser[0] << ", " << laser[1] << ", " << laser[2] << " ]\n";
	cout << "The Translation Vector is: " << "[ " << laser[3] << ", " << laser[4] << ", " << laser[5] << " ]\n";
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	// 计算平均误差
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> r_vect(laser);
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> t_n(laser + 3);
	Eigen::AngleAxisd rvector_new(r_vect.norm(), -r_vect/r_vect.norm());
	Eigen::Matrix3d R_n = rvector_new.toRotationMatrix();
	double error = 0;
	int index = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<Ns.size(); i++) {
	    for (int j=0; j<allClouds[i].size(); j++) {
	        double norm = Ns[i].norm();
	        double a = (Ns[i].transpose() * (R_n * (allClouds[i][j] - t_n)));
	        a /= norm;
	        a = (a>0) ? a : -a;
	        double e = a -norm;
	        error += e*e;
	error /= index;
	cout << "The average error is: " << error << ".\n";
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";

	double N[3*Ns.size()];
	for (int i=0; i<Ns.size(); i++) {
		N[3*i+0] = Ns[i](0, 0);
		N[3*i+1] = Ns[i](1, 0);
		N[3*i+2] = Ns[i](2, 0);
	// 把N放入一起优化
	ceres::Problem problem2;
	for (int i=0; i<R.size(); i++) {
		for (int j=0; j<allClouds[i].size(); j++) {
			ceres::CostFunction* costfunction = new ceres::AutoDiffCostFunction<COST_FUNCTION2, 1, 6, 3> ( new COST_FUNCTION2(allClouds[i][j]) );
			problem2.AddResidualBlock(costfunction, new ceres::CauchyLoss(0.5), laser, N+3*i);
	cout << "Begin to optimize...\n";
	ceres::Solver::Options options2;
	options2.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_QR;
	options2.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = false;
	options2.gradient_tolerance = 1e-20;
	ceres::Solver::Summary summary2;
	ceres::Solve ( options2, &problem2, &summary2 );
	cout << "Optimization finish !\n";
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	cout << "updating Camera pose...\n";
	for (int i=0; i<Ns.size(); i++) {
		Eigen::Vector3d N_new(N[3*i+0], N[3*i+1], N[3*i+2]);
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	cout << "The Rotation Vector is: " << "[ " << laser[0] << ", " << laser[1] << ", " << laser[2] << " ]\n";
	cout << "The Translation Vector is: " << "[ " << laser[3] << ", " << laser[4] << ", " << laser[5] << " ]\n";
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> r_vect_new(laser);
	Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> t_n_new(laser + 3);
	Eigen::AngleAxisd rvector_new_new(r_vect_new.norm(), -r_vect_new/r_vect_new.norm());
	Eigen::Matrix3d R_n_new = rvector_new_new.toRotationMatrix();
	double error_new = 0;
	int index_new = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<Ns.size(); i++) {
	    for (int j=0; j<allClouds[i].size(); j++) {
	        double norm = Ns[i].norm();
	        double a = (Ns[i].transpose() * (R_n * (allClouds[i][j] - t_n)));
	        a /= norm;
	        a = (a>0) ? a : -a;
	        double e = a -norm;
	        error_new += e*e;
	error /= index;
	cout << "The average error is: " << error << ".\n";
	cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n";
	return 0;

4. 结果

激光雷达和相机联合标定 仿真实验2.0 第一次优化是直接把相机标定求得的 NN 拿来用,得到此时的 Φ,Δ\Phi, \Delta ,平均误差为0.13左右;第二次优化是把 NN 放进最小二乘问题的那个方程里面一起优化,优化后的平均误差变成了0.00012,极大的减小了平均误差值。