2022-04-17 12:04:21
Couple Rate是一个使用Facebook gem开发的Facebook 应用,应用程序的核心是让facebook的成员能够对其他几个随机出现的facebook的成员进行评分,从1到10.
{ CoupleRater controller and views }
* Get a random couple.
* Rate the couple
* See the overall rating of the couple after rating it.
* Narrow by gender
* Narrow by geo network
* Narrow by friends
* Eliminate or allow question marks
* Show global statistics called "Couplistics"
{ Users controller and views }
* See how people rated you
* Sort those "matches" by gender
* Sort those "matches" by friends
* Sort those "matches" by relationship (both like each other, you like them,…)
* Sort those "matches" by network
* Set your relationship (whether you like a person or secretly like them)
* Set privacy and preference settings
* See your friends and their ratings
* Change what networks you show in
* Change your picture
{ Messaging controller }
* Send poke notifications
* Send like notificatoins
* Publish templatized new feed stories and relationship changes
{ cron job-rake task for profile:update }
* Load profile box with recent couplings of a user.
{ extras/attachment/ }
* Allow users to attach pictures of different types of couples on friends walls and such. (groom and bride, hot couple, two kittens, two puppies, …)
{ CoupleRater controller and views }
* Get a random couple.
* Rate the couple
* See the overall rating of the couple after rating it.
* Narrow by gender
* Narrow by geo network
* Narrow by friends
* Eliminate or allow question marks
* Show global statistics called "Couplistics"
{ Users controller and views }
* See how people rated you
* Sort those "matches" by gender
* Sort those "matches" by friends
* Sort those "matches" by relationship (both like each other, you like them,…)
* Sort those "matches" by network
* Set your relationship (whether you like a person or secretly like them)
* Set privacy and preference settings
* See your friends and their ratings
* Change what networks you show in
* Change your picture
{ Messaging controller }
* Send poke notifications
* Send like notificatoins
* Publish templatized new feed stories and relationship changes
{ cron job-rake task for profile:update }
* Load profile box with recent couplings of a user.
{ extras/attachment/ }
* Allow users to attach pictures of different types of couples on friends walls and such. (groom and bride, hot couple, two kittens, two puppies, …)