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基于python的web2pyTM Enterprise Web Framework

程序员文章站 2022-04-17 12:04:27

    web2py是一个开源的全站式企业敏捷开发框架,能够打造安全的数据库驱动的WEB应用程序.它基于PYTHON,是一个很有创意的新型的MVC WEB开发框架.
    web2py不用安装,不用配置,不用碰 command line,没有其它相关依赖,开个浏览器就可以在线编程.甚至可以运行在USB驱动器上.


web2py 看起來确实相当先进。差別只在 community 、信任度上 . 如果早一年出來可能注目度会完全不同,现在出來的话要给点时间 






基于python的web2pyTM Enterprise Web Framework



Why web2py?


  • No installation, No configuration, No console scripting, No dependencies. It even runs off a USB drive.
  • Everything is done through the provided web interface (including development, debugging, testing, maintenantce, deployment, internationalization, and database administration)
  • It is portable. Runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix and some cellphones.
  • No limitation on licensing of the applications you develop. web2py even allows you to bytecode compile them and distribute in closed-sorce format (as long they do not contain web2py source code, read the license)
  • web2py prevents the most common types of vulnerabilities: Cross Site Scripting, Injection Flaws, and Malicious File Execution.
  • web2py includes libraries to handle JSON, AJAX, RSS, ATOM, CSV, RTF, XML, XML-RPC, REST, and WIKI markup and can talk to SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Oracle databases.
  • web2py can handle upload and download of very large files.
  • web2py also works with third party python libraries. For example, it can talk to Falsh via PyAMF. Here is a tutorial.
  • web2py guides the developer to follow well established software engineering patterns such as the Model-View-Controller and testing.
  • web2py is really easy to use. To develop with web2py you only need to know Python (the easiest of programing languages) and HTML (compare web2py with PHP).
  • web2py includes a web interafce to doctests (the python testing library) which tests functions in your application and generates real-time reports.
  • web2py has an appliances repository where new free and ready to use apps are added daily.

A taste of web2py

Consider the following complete application which consists a model (which describes the data representation): db.py


a controller (which describes the application logic and workflow): images_examples.py

def index():
    if form.accepts(request.vars,session): response.flash='image uploaded'
    return dict(form=form)

and a view (which describes the data presenation): images_examples/index.html:

{{extend 'layout.html'}}
<h1>Upload page</h2>

What does it do?

  • Creates the database db in file 'images.db'
  • Creates the table 'image' which contains a field called 'file'. If the table exists but does not match the definition it is altered accordingly.
  • Creates a web-based database administrative interface for db.image
  • Creates a web page called index with upload form for db.image. Try it here
  • On upload the file is renamed in a secure way, saved, and the name of the file is stored in a new field db.image record.