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程序员文章站 2022-04-15 15:44:28
### 前言 回顾: [Okhttp的基本用法](https://www.jianshu.com/p/8e404d9c160f) [Okhttp3源码解析(1)-OkHttpClient分析](https://www.jianshu.com/p/bf1d01b79ce7) [Okhttp3源码解析( ......
### 前言 回顾: [okhttp的基本用法](https://www.jianshu.com/p/8e404d9c160f) [okhttp3源码解析(1)-okhttpclient分析](https://www.jianshu.com/p/bf1d01b79ce7) [okhttp3源码解析(2)-request分析](https://www.jianshu.com/p/5a85345c8ea7) [okhttp3源码解析(3)-call分析(整体流程)](https://www.jianshu.com/p/4ed79472797a) [okhttp3源码解析(4)-拦截器与设计模式](https://www.jianshu.com/p/b8817597f269) 上节讲了拦截器与设计模式,今天讲`retryandfollowupinterceptor`,如果我们没有去自定义拦截器, 那`retryandfollowupinterceptor`是第一个拦截器。 ### 初始化 首先先看`retryandfollowupinterceptor`被添加的位置: ![](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1312938/201908/1312938-20190829084744888-554996670.png) 初始化位置: call实例化方法中: ``` private realcall(okhttpclient client, request originalrequest, boolean forwebsocket) { this.client = client; this.originalrequest = originalrequest; this.forwebsocket = forwebsocket; this.retryandfollowupinterceptor = new retryandfollowupinterceptor(client, forwebsocket); } ``` 找到了初始化的位置, 下面去`retryandfollowupinterceptor`种分析! ### retryandfollowupinterceptor解析 从上节我们就知道拦截器中的**intercept()是核心!** 这里贴出代码: ``` @override public response intercept(chain chain) throws ioexception { request request = chain.request(); realinterceptorchain realchain = (realinterceptorchain) chain; call call = realchain.call(); eventlistener eventlistener = realchain.eventlistener(); streamallocation streamallocation = new streamallocation(client.connectionpool(), createaddress(request.url()), call, eventlistener, callstacktrace); this.streamallocation = streamallocation; int followupcount = 0; response priorresponse = null; while (true) { if (canceled) { streamallocation.release(); throw new ioexception("canceled"); } response response; boolean releaseconnection = true; try { response = realchain.proceed(request, streamallocation, null, null); releaseconnection = false; } catch (routeexception e) { // the attempt to connect via a route failed. the request will not have been sent. if (!recover(e.getlastconnectexception(), streamallocation, false, request)) { throw e.getfirstconnectexception(); } releaseconnection = false; continue; } catch (ioexception e) { // an attempt to communicate with a server failed. the request may have been sent. boolean requestsendstarted = !(e instanceof connectionshutdownexception); if (!recover(e, streamallocation, requestsendstarted, request)) throw e; releaseconnection = false; continue; } finally { // we're throwing an unchecked exception. release any resources. if (releaseconnection) { streamallocation.streamfailed(null); streamallocation.release(); } } // attach the prior response if it exists. such responses never have a body. if (priorresponse != null) { response = response.newbuilder() .priorresponse(priorresponse.newbuilder() .body(null) .build()) .build(); } request followup; try { followup = followuprequest(response, streamallocation.route()); } catch (ioexception e) { streamallocation.release(); throw e; } if (followup == null) { if (!forwebsocket) { streamallocation.release(); } return response; } closequietly(response.body()); if (++followupcount > max_follow_ups) { streamallocation.release(); throw new protocolexception("too many follow-up requests: " + followupcount); } if (followup.body() instanceof unrepeatablerequestbody) { streamallocation.release(); throw new httpretryexception("cannot retry streamed http body", response.code()); } if (!sameconnection(response, followup.url())) { streamallocation.release(); streamallocation = new streamallocation(client.connectionpool(), createaddress(followup.url()), call, eventlistener, callstacktrace); this.streamallocation = streamallocation; } else if (streamallocation.codec() != null) { throw new illegalstateexception("closing the body of " + response + " didn't close its backing stream. bad interceptor?"); } request = followup; priorresponse = response; } } ``` 我先贴出一个`while循环`的流程图: ![](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1312938/201908/1312938-20190829084745296-805720763.png) 根据流程图和源码可以分析`retryandfollowupinterceptor`主要做了以下内容,**后两点都是发生在`while循环`中**: - **初始化streamallocation 对象** - **网络请求-chain.proceed() ,对在请求时发生的异常进行捕获以及对应的重连机制** - **followuprequest 对响应码进行处理** 下面可以逐块代码分析: ###### 1.初始化streamallocation 对象 `streamallocation`类是**协调三个实体之间的关系** 三个实体是:`connections`,`streams`,`calls` 我们请求网络时需要传递它 ![](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1312938/201908/1312938-20190829084745679-501952792.png) `streamallocation`在这大家简单了解一下就可以了. ###### 2.网络请求时异常捕获-以及重连机制 网络请求如下: ``` response = realchain.proceed(request, streamallocation, null, null); ``` 如果请求发现异常,我们通过try/catch捕获 ``` catch (routeexception e) { // the attempt to connect via a route failed. the request will not have been sent. if (!recover(e.getlastconnectexception(), streamallocation, false, request)) { throw e.getfirstconnectexception(); } releaseconnection = false; continue; } catch (ioexception e) { // an attempt to communicate with a server failed. the request may have been sent. boolean requestsendstarted = !(e instanceof connectionshutdownexception); if (!recover(e, streamallocation, requestsendstarted, request)) throw e; releaseconnection = false; continue; } ``` -`routeexception` 路由异常 - `ioexception` io异常 捕获后都做了`recover()`重连判断,具体代码如下,就不细说了: ``` private boolean recover(ioexception e, streamallocation streamallocation, boolean requestsendstarted, request userrequest) { streamallocation.streamfailed(e); // the application layer has forbidden retries. if (!client.retryonconnectionfailure()) return false; // we can't send the request body again. if (requestsendstarted && userrequest.body() instanceof unrepeatablerequestbody) return false; // this exception is fatal. if (!isrecoverable(e, requestsendstarted)) return false; // no more routes to attempt. if (!streamallocation.hasmoreroutes()) return false; // for failure recovery, use the same route selector with a new connection. return true; } ``` 这里需要注意的是如果可以重连,执行 continue; `continue`含义: 继续循环,(不执行 循环体内`continue` 后面的语句,直接进行下一循环) ###### 3.` followuprequest` 对响应码进行处理 先看看具体`followuprequest `方法: ``` private request followuprequest(response userresponse, route route) throws ioexception { if (userresponse == null) throw new illegalstateexception(); int responsecode = userresponse.code(); final string method = userresponse.request().method(); switch (responsecode) { case http_proxy_auth: proxy selectedproxy = route != null ? route.proxy() : client.proxy(); if (selectedproxy.type() != proxy.type.http) { throw new protocolexception("received http_proxy_auth (407) code while not using proxy"); } return client.proxyauthenticator().authenticate(route, userresponse); case http_unauthorized: return client.authenticator().authenticate(route, userresponse); case http_perm_redirect: case http_temp_redirect: // "if the 307 or 308 status code is received in response to a request other than get // or head, the user agent must not automatically redirect the request" if (!method.equals("get") && !method.equals("head")) { return null; } // fall-through case http_mult_choice: case http_moved_perm: case http_moved_temp: case http_see_other: // does the client allow redirects? if (!client.followredirects()) return null; string location = userresponse.header("location"); if (location == null) return null; httpurl url = userresponse.request().url().resolve(location); // don't follow redirects to unsupported protocols. if (url == null) return null; // if configured, don't follow redirects between ssl and non-ssl. boolean samescheme = url.scheme().equals(userresponse.request().url().scheme()); if (!samescheme && !client.followsslredirects()) return null; // most redirects don't include a request body. request.builder requestbuilder = userresponse.request().newbuilder(); if (httpmethod.permitsrequestbody(method)) { final boolean maintainbody = httpmethod.redirectswithbody(method); if (httpmethod.redirectstoget(method)) { requestbuilder.method("get", null); } else { requestbody requestbody = maintainbody ? userresponse.request().body() : null; requestbuilder.method(method, requestbody); } if (!maintainbody) { requestbuilder.removeheader("transfer-encoding"); requestbuilder.removeheader("content-length"); requestbuilder.removeheader("content-type"); } } // when redirecting across hosts, drop all authentication headers. this // is potentially annoying to the application layer since they have no // way to retain them. if (!sameconnection(userresponse, url)) { requestbuilder.removeheader("authorization"); } return requestbuilder.url(url).build(); case http_client_timeout: // 408's are rare in practice, but some servers like haproxy use this response code. the // spec says that we may repeat the request without modifications. modern browsers also // repeat the request (even non-idempotent ones.) if (!client.retryonconnectionfailure()) { // the application layer has directed us not to retry the request. return null; } if (userresponse.request().body() instanceof unrepeatablerequestbody) { return null; } if (userresponse.priorresponse() != null && userresponse.priorresponse().code() == http_client_timeout) { // we attempted to retry and got another timeout. give up. return null; } if (retryafter(userresponse, 0) > 0) { return null; } return userresponse.request(); case http_unavailable: if (userresponse.priorresponse() != null && userresponse.priorresponse().code() == http_unavailable) { // we attempted to retry and got another timeout. give up. return null; } if (retryafter(userresponse, integer.max_value) == 0) { // specifically received an instruction to retry without delay return userresponse.request(); } return null; default: return null; } } ``` 不难看出, 是根据响应码进行判断的。 - http_proxy_auth 407 代理身份验证 - http_unauthorized 401 未授权 - http_perm_redirect 308 重定向 - http_temp_redirect 307 重定向 - http_mult_choice 300 multiple choices - http_moved_perm 301 moved permanently - http_moved_temp 302 temporary redirect - http_see_other 303 see other - http_client_timeout 408 request time-out - http_unavailable 503 service unavailable 对于这些响应码都做了处理: 1.返回null ``` if (followup == null) { if (!forwebsocket) { streamallocation.release(); } return response; } ``` 2.其他异常情况直接抛异常了 强调: `max_follow_ups`字段, 表示最大的重定向次数 ``` /** * how many redirects and auth challenges should we attempt? chrome follows 21 redirects; firefox, * curl, and wget follow 20; safari follows 16; and http/1.0 recommends 5. */ private static final int max_follow_ups = 20; ``` ``` if (++followupcount > max_follow_ups) { streamallocation.release(); throw new protocolexception("too many follow-up requests: " + followupcount); } ``` 这节就说到这,希望对大家有所帮助..... ![](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1312938/201908/1312938-20190829084746645-654895211.png) 大家可以关注我的微信公众号:「秦子帅」一个有质量、有态度的公众号! ![公众号](https://img2018.cnblogs.com/blog/1312938/201908/1312938-20190829084746832-730035128.jpg)