2022-04-09 19:42:32
比如下面一串字符,把连续的数字使用“-”连接起来。 结果要求如下: 解决问题,Insus.NET创建2个自定义函数: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- -- Author: Insus.NET -- Create date: 20 ......
declare @source nvarchar(max) = n'1,2,3,5,6,7,9,10,33,34,35,36,37,100,101,102,103,104,111,142,137,188,189,200,205,206'
set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go -- ============================================= -- author: insus.net -- create date: 2019-05-27 -- update date: 2019-05-27 -- description: 分割字符串 -- ============================================= create function [dbo].[tvf_splitstringastwofield] ( @source nvarchar(max) ) returns @returnresult table ( [from] int not null, [to] int not null ) as begin set @source = @source + n','; if charindex(',',@source) > 0 begin while charindex(',', @source) > 0 begin declare @cutoutstring nvarchar(max) = substring(@source, 0, charindex(',', @source)) set @source = ltrim(rtrim(substring(@source, charindex(',', @source) + 1, len(@source)))) declare @from int,@to int select top 1 @from = [from], @to = ([to]) from @returnresult order by [from] desc if @from is null and @to is null insert into @returnresult ([from],[to]) values(@cutoutstring,@cutoutstring) else begin if @to + 1 = cast(@cutoutstring as int) update @returnresult set [to] = @cutoutstring where [from] = @from else insert into @returnresult ([from],[to]) values(@cutoutstring,@cutoutstring) end end end else insert into @returnresult ([from],[to]) values(@source,@source) return end go
set ansi_nulls on go set quoted_identifier on go -- ============================================= -- author: insus.net -- create date: 2019-05-27 -- update date: 2019-05-27 -- description: 两个字段合并为一个 create function [dbo].[svf_twofieldmergedtoone] ( @field1 nvarchar(max), @field2 nvarchar(max) ) returns nvarchar(max) as begin declare @rtv nvarchar(max) if len(isnull(@field1,n'')) > 0 and len(isnull(@field2,n'')) > 0 begin if @field1 = @field2 set @rtv = @field1 else set @rtv = @field1 + n'-' + @field2 end else if len(isnull(@field1,n'')) > 0 and len(isnull(@field2,n'')) = 0 set @rtv = @field1 else if len(isnull(@field1,n'')) = 0 and len(isnull(@field2,n'')) > 0 set @rtv = @field2 else set @rtv = n'' return @rtv end go
;with t as ( select [from],[to] from [dbo].[tvf_splitstringastwofield](@source) ) select [from],[to],[dbo].[svf_twofieldmergedtoone]([from],[to]) as [result] from t go
上一篇: 米线的做法多样,你知道吗?