Apache Solr 3.4发布,基于Lucene的开源搜索服务器
2022-04-04 14:18:03
Apache Solr 3.4发布了。显然是为了配合Lucene 3.4而一起发布的。
Apache Solr是一个性能强大的,基于Lucene的全文搜索开源企业级搜索服务器,支持XML/HTTP、JSON APIs、命中结果突出显示、分面搜索(facet search)、缓存、复制和Web管理界面等诸多功能。Solr运行在Java servlet容器比如Tomcat中。
Solr 3.4主要改进:
建议使用早期版本的Apache Lucene和Solr用户都升级至3.4版。
Apache Solr是一个性能强大的,基于Lucene的全文搜索开源企业级搜索服务器,支持XML/HTTP、JSON APIs、命中结果突出显示、分面搜索(facet search)、缓存、复制和Web管理界面等诸多功能。Solr运行在Java servlet容器比如Tomcat中。
Solr 3.4主要改进:
- SolrJ client can now parse grouped and range facets results (SOLR-2523).
- A new XsltUpdateRequestHandler allows posting XML that's transformed by a provided XSLT into a valid Solr document (SOLR-2630).
- Post-group faceting option (group.truncate) can now compute facet counts for only the highest ranking documents per-group. (SOLR-2665).
- Add commitWithin update request parameter to all update handlers that were previously missing it. This tells Solr to commit the change within the specified amount of time (SOLR-2540).
- You can now specify NIOFSDirectory (SOLR-2670).
- New parameter hl.phraseLimit speeds up FastVectorHighlighter (LUCENE-3234).
- The query cache and filter cache can now be disabled per request. See this wiki page (SOLR-2429).
- Improved memory usage, build time, and performance of SynonymFilterFactory (LUCENE-3233).
- Added omitPositions to the schema, so you can omit position information while still indexing term frequencies (LUCENE-2048).
- Various fixes for multi-threaded DataImportHandler.
建议使用早期版本的Apache Lucene和Solr用户都升级至3.4版。
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