Apache Solr 3.1 发布,开源搜索服务器
2022-04-03 19:33:29
Apache Solr 3.1发布了。 它是继Solr 1.4.1发布之后的第一个版本,因为 Solr 与Lucene 版本号同步,因此在版本号上做了个跳跃。
Apache Solr是一个性能强大的,基于 Lucene 的全文搜索的 开源企业级搜索服务器,拥有XML/HTTP,JSON APIs,hit highlighting, faceted search, caching, replication,web管理界面等很多功能,Solr运行在Java servlet容器比如Tomcat中。
Solr 3.1 新亮点包括:
- Numeric range facets (similar to date faceting).
- New spatial search, including spatial filtering, boosting and sorting capabilities.
- Example Velocity driven search UI at http://localhost:8983/solr/browse
- A new faster termvector-based highlighter.
- Extended dismax (edismax) query parser with support for fielded queries, enhanced relevancy, and full lucene syntax support.
- Distributed search support for the Spell check and Terms components.
- Suggester, a fast trie-based autocomplete component.
- Sort results by any function query
- JSON document indexing
- CSV response format
- Apache UIMA integration for metadata extraction.
- Tons of optimizations, bugfixes, and new analysis capabilities via Apache Lucene 3.1