python机器学习 玩飞行小鸟游戏
2022-03-27 17:16:26
python机器学习 玩飞行小鸟游戏截图 视频效果代码截图 视频效果 机器学习玩飞行的小鸟游戏 代码#coding:utf-8import randomimport PATHimport cv2from itertools import cycleFPS = 30ScreenWidth = 288ScreenHeight = 512Image = PATH.l...
截图 视频效果
import random
import PATH
import cv2
from itertools import cycle
FPS = 30
ScreenWidth = 288
ScreenHeight = 512
Image = PATH.load()
Screen = Image['background']
PipGapSize = 100 # 管道障碍物中间间隔的长度设置为100
Basey = 400 # 基底线所在的位置
index = random.randint(50, 250) #在gapYs中随机选取
PlayerWidth = Image['player'][0].shape[1]
PlayerHeight = Image['player'][0].shape[0]
PipeWidth = Image['pipe'][0].shape[1]
PipeHeight = Image['pipe'][0].shape[0]
BackgroundHeight = Image['background'].shape[0]
PlayerIndex = cycle([0, 1, 2, 1])
class Bird:
def __init__(self):
self.playerx = int(ScreenWidth * 0.2)
self.playery = int((ScreenHeight - PlayerHeight) / 2)
self.playerVy = 0
self.playerMaxVy = 8 # 小鸟最快的下落速度是每帧8格
self.playerMinVy = -6 # 小鸟最快的上升速度是每帧6格
self.playerAccY = 1 # 小鸟的下落加速度
self.playerFlapAcc = -8 #在小鸟扇动翅膀时的速度
self.playerFlapped = False # 标识符,小鸟扇动翅膀时为True
self.score = self.playerIndex = self.loopIter = 0
self.action = [0,0]
self.reward = 0.1
self.endpoint = False
self.screen = None
self.flag = 0
class GameState:
def __init__(self):
self.basex = 0
self.baseUpline = Image['base'].shape[0] - BackgroundHeight
newPipe1 = GetPipe()
self.upPipes = [
{'x': ScreenWidth, 'y': newPipe1[0]['y']},
self.downPipes = [
{'x': ScreenWidth, 'y': newPipe1[1]['y']},
self.pipeVx = -4 # 管道障碍物在x轴方向上的移动速度是每帧4格,向x轴负方向移动。就是向左
self.interval_n =0 #间隔加速度
self.interval =40 #间隔
# self.baseground=None #基础画面
# self.showground=None #显示画面
self.score = 0#通用分数
self.playerx = int(ScreenWidth * 0.2)
def pipeline(self):
# 管道障碍物向左移动时候的速度
for uPipe, lPipe in zip(self.upPipes, self.downPipes):
uPipe['x'] += self.pipeVx
lPipe['x'] += self.pipeVx
# 生成新的管道
self.interval_n +=1
if self.interval_n ==self.interval:
newPipe = GetPipe()
self.upPipes.append({'x': ScreenWidth+PipeWidth-1, 'y': newPipe[0]['y']})
self.downPipes.append({'x': ScreenWidth+PipeWidth-1, 'y': newPipe[1]['y']})
# 当旧的管道移动到屏幕最左边的时候,将其从upPips与downPips中删除
if self.upPipes[0]['x'] <0:
for uPipe, lPipe in zip(self.upPipes, self.downPipes):
self.baseground[0:uPipe['y']+PipeHeight,uPipe['x']-PipeWidth if uPipe['x']-PipeWidth > 0 else 0: ScreenWidth if uPipe['x']>ScreenWidth else uPipe['x']]=Image['pipe'][0][abs(uPipe['y']):320,PipeWidth-uPipe['x'] if PipeWidth-uPipe['x'] > 0 else 0:ScreenWidth+PipeWidth-uPipe['x'] if ScreenWidth+PipeWidth-uPipe['x']>0 else PipeWidth]
self.baseground[lPipe['y']:400,lPipe['x']-PipeWidth if lPipe['x']-PipeWidth > 0 else 0:lPipe['x'] if ScreenWidth >ScreenWidth else lPipe['x']]=Image['pipe'][1][0:400-lPipe['y'],PipeWidth-lPipe['x'] if PipeWidth-lPipe['x'] > 0 else 0:ScreenWidth+PipeWidth-lPipe['x'] if ScreenWidth+PipeWidth-lPipe['x']>0 else PipeWidth]
self.showground = self.baseground.copy()
def frame_step(self, birds):
# 确定分数,在小鸟的x超过管道右边界的x时,获得的分数+1
if self.upPipes[0]['x'] <self.playerx < self.upPipes[0]['x'] + 4:
self.score += 1
for bird in birds:
bird.screen = self.baseground.copy()
bird.reward = 0.1
bird.endpoint = False
# 0:小鸟不做任务事 1:小鸟扇动翅膀
if bird.action[1] == 1:
if bird.playery > -2 * PlayerHeight:
bird.playerVy = bird.playerFlapAcc
bird.playerFlapped = True
if (bird.loopIter + 1) % 3 == 0:
bird.playerIndex = next(PlayerIndex)
bird.loopIter = (bird.loopIter + 1) % 30
self.basex = -((-self.basex + 100) % self.baseUpline)
# 小鸟在y轴上的移动方式
if bird.playerVy < bird.playerMaxVy and not bird.playerFlapped:
bird.playerVy += bird.playerAccY
if bird.playerFlapped:
bird.playerFlapped = False
bird.playery += min(bird.playerVy, Basey - bird.playery - PlayerHeight)
if bird.playery < 0:
bird.playery = 0
bird.playery = int(bird.playery)
self.showground[bird.playery:PlayerHeight+bird.playery,bird.playerx:bird.playerx+PlayerWidth] = addpng(self.showground[bird.playery:PlayerHeight+bird.playery,bird.playerx:bird.playerx+PlayerWidth],Image['player'][bird.playerIndex])
bird.screen[bird.playery:PlayerHeight+bird.playery,bird.playerx:bird.playerx+PlayerWidth] = addpng(bird.screen[bird.playery:PlayerHeight+bird.playery,bird.playerx:bird.playerx+PlayerWidth],Image['player'][bird.playerIndex])
# 碰撞检测。发生碰撞时结束游戏,并马上开始新一局的游戏
Crash = CrashHappen({'x': bird.playerx, 'y': bird.playery,
'index': bird.playerIndex},
self.upPipes, self.downPipes)
if Crash:
bird.score = self.score
bird.endpoint = True
# self.__init__()
bird.reward = -1
self.showground = showScore(self.score,self.showground)
# 游戏界面的显示
return birds
def addpng(img,png):
img = cv2.split(img)
png = cv2.split(png)
for i in range(3):
img[i] = img[i]*(255.0 - png[3])/255 + png[i]*(png[3]/255)
return cv2.merge(img)
def showScore(score,sc):
scorenum = [int(x) for x in list(str(score))]
Total = 0
for num in scorenum:
Total += Image['numbers'][num].shape[1]
Xoffset = int((ScreenWidth - Total) / 2)
for num in scorenum:
# Screen.blit(Image['numbers'][num], (Xoffset, ScreenHeight * 0.1))
sc[int(ScreenHeight * 0.1):int(ScreenHeight * 0.1)+Image['numbers'][num].shape[0],Xoffset:Xoffset+Image['numbers'][num].shape[1]]=addpng (sc[int(ScreenHeight * 0.1):int(ScreenHeight * 0.1)+Image['numbers'][num].shape[0],Xoffset:Xoffset+Image['numbers'][num].shape[1]],Image['numbers'][num])
Xoffset += Image['numbers'][num].shape[1]
return sc
def GetPipe():
gapYs = [20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90] # 管道间隙的上边所在的y轴的值
index = random.randint(0, len(gapYs)-1) #在gapYs中随机选取
gapY = gapYs[index]
gapY += int(Basey * 0.2)
pipeX = ScreenWidth + 10
return [
{'x': pipeX, 'y': gapY - PipeHeight}, # 上管道的起始坐标值
{'x': pipeX, 'y': gapY + PipGapSize}, # 下管道的起始坐标值
def CrashHappen(player, upPipes, downPipes):
pi = player['index']
player['w'] = Image['player'][0].shape[1]
player['h'] = Image['player'][0].shape[0]
# 判断小鸟是否与地面相碰撞
if player['y'] + player['h'] >= Basey - 1:
return True
for uPipe, lPipe in zip(upPipes, downPipes):
# 上下管道的矩形位置和长宽数据
if uPipe['x']-PipeWidth < player['x']+PlayerWidth/4*3 and player['x']+PlayerWidth/4<uPipe['x']:
if player['y']+PlayerHeight/4 <uPipe['y']+PipeHeight or lPipe['y'] <player['y'] +PlayerHeight/4*3:
return True
return False
if __name__ == '__main__':
game = GameState()
birds = []
for i in range(1):
for _ in range(100):
birds = game.frame_step(birds)