2022-03-26 10:53:16
1. 随便找了个网上效率被认为比较高的分页过程
if exists (select * from dbo.sy...
1. 随便找了个网上效率被认为比较高的分页过程
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[xp_getpager_user_dt]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1) drop procedure [dbo].[xp_getpager_user_dt] GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[xp_getpager_user_dt] @pcount int output, --总页数输出 @rcount int output, --总记录数输出 @tablename nvarchar(100), --查询表名 @keys varchar(50), --主键 @fields nvarchar(500), --查询字段 @where nvarchar(3000), --查询条件 @sortfields nvarchar(100), --排序字段 @beginindex int=0, --开始位置 @pageindex int=1, --当前页数 @pagesize int=100 --页大小 AS SET NOCOUNT ON SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON IF @pagesize < 0 OR @pageindex < 0 BEGIN RETURN END DECLARE @new_where1 NVARCHAR(3000) DECLARE @new_order1 NVARCHAR(100) DECLARE @new_order2 NVARCHAR(100) DECLARE @Sql NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @SqlCount NVARCHAR(4000) DECLARE @Top int if(@beginindex <=0) set @beginindex=0 else set @beginindex=@beginindex-1 IF ISNULL(@where,'') = '' SET @new_where1 = ' ' ELSE SET @new_where1 = ' WHERE ' + @where IF ISNULL(@sortfields,'') <> '' BEGIN SET @new_order1 = ' ORDER BY ' + Replace(@sortfields,'desc','') SET @new_order1 = Replace(@new_order1,'asc','desc') SET @new_order2 = ' ORDER BY ' + @sortfields END ELSE BEGIN SET @new_order1 = ' ORDER BY ID DESC' SET @new_order2 = ' ORDER BY ID ASC' END SET @SqlCount = 'SELECT @rcount=COUNT(1),@pcount=CEILING((COUNT(1)+0.0)/' + CAST(@pagesize AS NVARCHAR)+') FROM ' + @tablename + @new_where1 EXEC SP_EXECUTESQL @SqlCount,N'@rcount INT OUTPUT,@pcount INT OUTPUT', @rcount OUTPUT,@pcount OUTPUT IF @pageindex > CEILING((@rcount+0.0)/@pagesize) --如果输入的当前页数大于实际总页数,则把实际总页数赋值给当前页数 BEGIN SET @pageindex = CEILING((@rcount+0.0)/@pagesize) END set @sql = 'select '+ @fields +' from ' + @tablename + ' w1 ' + ' where '+ @keys +' in (' +'select top '+ ltrim(str(@pagesize)) +' ' + @keys + ' from ' +'(' +'select top ' + ltrim(STR(@pagesize * @pageindex + @beginindex)) + ' ' + @keys + ' FROM ' + @tablename + @new_where1 + @new_order2 +') w ' + @new_order1 +') ' + @new_order2 print(@sql) Exec(@sql) GO
2. 优化后的分页过程
create PROC [dbo].[xp_GetPager_user_dt2] @quitdate nvarchar(10)='2015-01-01', @userno nvarchar(10)='', @sortfields nvarchar(100)='', @pageindex int=1, @pagesize int=5 AS begin --构建执行脚本 declare @sql nvarchar(1800)='', --存储对象 @tablename NVARCHAR(50)=' v_pn_users_fromlocal', --返回字段 @returnfields nvarchar(1000)='', --where 条件 @where nvarchar(200)=' where 1=1 ',--and abs([Status]) >= 10 and [Status] <> 40 and isvalid<>-1 , --上次查询数量 @lastcount int =-1 --计算前面查询的数据总数 set @lastcount=(@pageindex-1)*@pagesize if @lastcount<0 set @lastcount=0 --判断排序字段 if @sortfields='' set @sortfields='quitdate' --*******************************************返回字段设定***************************************** set @returnfields='code,name,fname,email,isvalid,hiredate,hirevalid,quitdate,costcenter,sex,IDCard,PassDate ' --*******************************************由条件构建Where*************************************** if @quitdate<>'2015-01-01' set @where+=' and quitdate > '''+@quitdate+'''' if @userno<>'' set @where+=' and code = '''+@userno+'''' --*******************************************由条件构建SQL*************************************** set @sql=' declare @lastmaxid int=0,@total int --缓存的临时表,并创建检索rowID if object_id(''tempdb..#t'') is not null drop table #t select row_number() over (order by '+@sortfields+') rowid, * into #t from '+@tablename set @sql += @where --获取按照执行排序,前面查询的数据的最大ID set @sql +=' select top '+cast(@lastcount as nvarchar)+' @lastmaxid=max(rowid) from #t' set @sql+= ' group by rowid' --获取符合条件的数据总数 set @sql+=' select @total=count(*) from #t' --**********************************************构造执行返回结果的SQL***************************************** set @sql+=' select ' if @pagesize>0 set @sql+='top '+cast(@pagesize as nvarchar) set @sql+=' rowid ' if @returnfields<>'' begin set @sql+=','+@returnfields end set @sql+=' from #t where rowid>@lastmaxid order by rowid' set @sql+=' select @total total,'+cast(@pagesize as nvarchar)+' pagesize,'+cast(@pageindex as nvarchar)+' pageindex' set @sql+=' if object_id(''tempdb..#t'') is not null drop table #t' exec(@sql) END
1. declare @pcount int,@rcount int
exec [dbo].[xp_getpager_user_dt]
@pcount output, --总页数输出
@rcount output, --总记录数输出
@tablename ='v_pn_users_fromlocal', --查询表名
@keys ='code', --主键
@fields ='code,name,fname,email,isvalid,hiredate,hirevalid,quitdate,costcenter,sex,IDCard,PassDate', --查询字段
@where ='quitdate>''2015-01-01''', --查询条件
@sortfields ='quitdate', --排序字段
@beginindex =0, --开始位置
@pageindex =1, --当前页数
@pagesize =100
执行时间:1 min 18s
2. [xp_GetPager_user_dt2] @quitdate='2015-01-01',@pagesize=100