2022-03-25 18:02:09
对于喜欢用 MySQL Front来管理数据库的人来是件好事,前段时间还因为他*关闭而惋惜,近日浏览了下他们的主页,没想到 生命力是这么的强.
*关闭的MySQL Front 现在更名为SQL Front 继续开发,授权方式为开源
In the past weeks, I was able to find a solution to bring back this project, and I hope that everything will go peacefully in the future. It is my wish that people will learn to work together instead of just thinking of themselves. We all live on the same planet - so imho it will be both necessary and beneficial if we all try to cooperate.
So now this project has been born again!
*关闭的MySQL Front 现在更名为SQL Front 继续开发,授权方式为开源
In the past weeks, I was able to find a solution to bring back this project, and I hope that everything will go peacefully in the future. It is my wish that people will learn to work together instead of just thinking of themselves. We all live on the same planet - so imho it will be both necessary and beneficial if we all try to cooperate.
So now this project has been born again!