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Django on Jython -还可以!

程序员文章站 2022-03-24 23:17:41
新年伊始,一些资深专家总要对流行开发语言发表自己的评论。日前Tim Bray谈了自己对Django on Jython的看法。


Tim Bray has pointed out a note from Jim Baker: Django on Jython is almost there. It can run! There's still more work to do, as Mr. Baker points out, but Django is likely to serve Jython in the same way Rails serves JRuby: the "killer application" that allows people to adopt Jython without regret.

Tim Bray展示了一份由Jim Baker提供的说明:django on jython还可以。它可以运行!但是仍有更多的工作要做,正像Baker先生所指出的那样,但django基于jython可能有点类似于jruby(在JVM上发挥ROR的优势) 同样作为"杀手级"应用,使人们认为采取jython也是无憾的。


Django is described as "a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design." In a lot of ways, it sounds exactly like Rails, providing the same sort of "define a model, get an application out of it," although it defines the model in Python rather than in a database.

django是"一个高层次的Python的Web框架,鼓励快速开发和简洁,务实的设计" 。在很多方面,这听起来完全像Rails,提供同样的"界定一个模式,由实际应用习惯出发" ,基于Python确定了模型,而不是一个数据库。


Jython - a JVM-based version of Python - is coming along. Considering how easy Python is to learn, this could be a great way to spread the JVM even further than it goes now.

jython -一个基于JVM的版本的Python-正在走来。由于Python更容易学习,这可能是一个非常好的优势,它会延伸JVM ,甚至比它现在走的还要远。