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程序员文章站 2022-03-21 16:43:59
usb存储设备控制 by yu2n xp系统测试通过,需要管理员权限。 在下次插拔设备时生效,无须重启。 'usb_stock_block.vbs...

usb存储设备控制 by yu2n



checkos     ' 检查操作系统版本
checkmestate  ' 检查程序运行状态
main      ' 执行主程序

sub main()
    dim wso, windir, enableusb
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    set objnetwork = createobject("wscript.network")
        strcomputer = objnetwork.computername
    if wso.popup(vbcrlf & "禁用 usb 存储设备,请按“确定”"& vbcrlf & _
                vbcrlf & "启用 usb 存储设备,请按“取消”   (6秒后自动取消)" _
                , 6, "usb 存储设备控制 - 主菜单", 48+4096+1) = 1 then
        enableusb = 0
        enableusb = 1
    end if
    if exist( "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe" ) then windir = "windows"
    if exist( "c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe" ) then windir = "winnt"

    if enableusb = 1 then
        wso.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\storagedevicepolicies\writeprotect","1","reg_dword" '禁止写入
        wso.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor\start","3","reg_dword"           '启用usbstor
        move "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.pnf_" , "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.pnf"
        move "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.inf_" , "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.inf"
        move "c:\" & windir & "\system32\drivers\usbstor.sys_" , "c:\" & windir & "\system32\drivers\usbstor.sys"
        if (not exist( "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.pnf_" )) and (regkeyread( "hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor\start" ) = 3 ) then
            wso.popup vbcrlf & "启用 usb 存储设备成功。    ", 5, "usb 存储设备控制 - 操作完成", 64+4096
            wso.popup vbcrlf & "启用 usb 存储设备失败。    ", 5, "usb 存储设备控制 - 操作完成", 16+4096
        end if
        wso.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\control\storagedevicepolicies\writeprotect","1","reg_dword" '禁止写入
        wso.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor\start","4","reg_dword"           '禁用用usbstor
        move "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.pnf" , "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.pnf_"
        move "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.inf" , "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.inf_"
        move "c:\" & windir & "\system32\drivers\usbstor.sys" , "c:\" & windir & "\system32\drivers\usbstor.sys_"
        if (not exist( "c:\" & windir & "\inf\usbstor.pnf" )) and (regkeyread( "hkey_local_machine\system\currentcontrolset\services\usbstor\start" ) = 4 ) then
            wso.popup vbcrlf & "禁用 usb 存储设备成功。    ", 5, "usb 存储设备控制 - 操作完成", 64+4096
            wso.popup vbcrlf & "禁用 usb 存储设备失败。    ", 5, "usb 存储设备控制 - 操作完成", 16+4096
        end if
    end if
    set wso = nothing
end sub

function exist( strpath )
    'on error resume next
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if ((fso.folderexists( strpath )) or (fso.fileexists( strpath ))) then
        exist = true
        exist = false
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end function
sub move( strsource, strdestination )
    on error resume next
    if exist( strsource ) then
        set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
        if (fso.fileexists(strsource)) then fso.movefile strsource, strdestination
        if (fso.folderexists(strsource)) then fso.movefolder strsource, strdestination
        set fso = nothing
        warninginfo "警告", "找不到 " & strsource & " 文件!", 2
    end if
    if not exist( strdestination ) then warninginfo "警告", "移动失败,无法移动 " & vbcrlf & strsource & " 至" & vbcrlf & strdestination, 2
end sub
function regkeyread( strkey )
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    regkeyread = wso.regread( strkey )  'strkey = "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\doctip"
    set wso = nothing
end function

sub checkmestate()
    if isrun( wscript.scriptfullname ) then
        set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
        if wso.popup("程序已运行,请不要重复运行本程序!" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & _
                            "退出已运行程序,请按“确定”,否则请按“取消”。(3秒后自动取消)" _
                            , 3, "警告", 1) = 1 then
        end if
        set wso = nothing
        'warninginfo "警告:", "程序已运行,请不要重复运行本程序!!", 1
    end if
end sub
' 检测是否重复运行
function isrun(apppath)
    for each ps in getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:win32_process").instances_
        'if lcase(ps.name)="mshta.exe" then
        if lcase(ps.name)="wscript.exe" then
            if instr(lcase(ps.commandline),lcase(apppath)) then i=i+1
        end if
    if i>1 then
    end if
end function
function killmeallrun()
    dim meallpid
    set pid = getobject("winmgmts:\\.").instancesof("win32_process")
    for each ps in pid
        'if lcase(ps.name) = lcase("mshta.exe") then
        if lcase(ps.name)="wscript.exe" or lcase(ps.name)="cscript.exe"then
            if instr(lcase(ps.commandline),lcase(wscript.scriptfullname)) then meallpid = meallpid & "/pid " & ps.processid & " "
        end if
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    wso.run "taskkill " & meallpid & " /f /t", 0, false
    set wso = nothing
    set pid = nothing
end function

sub checkos()
    dim os_ver
    os_ver = getsystemversion
    if os_ver >= 60 or os_ver <= 50 then
        msgbox "不支持该操作系统!    ", 48+4096, "警告"
        wscript.quit  ' 退出程序
    end if
end sub
function getsystemversion()
    dim os_obj, os_version, os_version_arr
    set os_obj = getobject("winmgmts:").instancesof("win32_operatingsystem")
    for each os_info in os_obj
        os_version = os_info.version
        if os_version <> "" then exit for
    set os_obj = nothing
    os_version_arr = split( os_info.version, ".")
    getsystemversion = cint( os_version_arr( 0 ) & os_version_arr( 1 ) )
end function