2024-03-31 21:09:16
public class stackx...
//stack public class stackx { private int top; private char[] stackarray; private int maxsize; //constructor public stackx(int maxsize){ this.maxsize = maxsize; = -1; stackarray = new char[this.maxsize]; } //put item on top of stack public void push(char push){ stackarray[++top] = push; } //take item from top of stack public char pop(){ return stackarray[top--]; } //peek the top item from stack public char peek(){ return stackarray[top]; } //peek the character at index n public char peekn(int index){ return stackarray[index]; } //true if stack is empty public boolean isempty(){ return (top == -1); } //return stack size public int size(){ return top+1; } } //intopost public class intopost { private stackx mystack; private string input; private string output=""; //constructor public intopost(string input){ this.input = input; mystack = new stackx(this.input.length()); } //do translation to postfix public string dotrans(){ for(int i=0; i<input.length(); i++){ char ch = input.charat(i); switch(ch){ case '+': case '-': this.getoper(ch,1); break; case '*': case '/': this.getoper(ch,2); break; case '(': this.getoper(ch, 3); break; case ')': this.getoper(ch, 4); break; default: this.output = this.output + ch; } } while(!this.mystack.isempty()){ this.output = this.output + this.mystack.pop(); } return this.output; } //get operator from input public void getoper(char ch, int prect1){ char temp; if(this.mystack.isempty()||prect1==3){ this.mystack.push(ch); } else if(prect1==4){ while(!this.mystack.isempty()){ temp = this.mystack.pop(); if(temp=='(')continue; this.output = this.output + temp; } } else if(prect1==1){ temp = this.mystack.peek(); if(temp=='(') this.mystack.push(ch); else{ this.output = this.output + this.mystack.pop(); this.mystack.push(ch); } } else{ temp = this.mystack.peek(); if(temp=='('||temp=='+'||temp=='-') this.mystack.push(ch); else{ this.output = this.output + this.mystack.pop(); } } } } //test public class testintopost { private static intopost intopost; private static string str; public static void main(string []args){ str = "((a+b)*c)-d"; intopost = new intopost(str); system.out.println(intopost.dotrans()); } }
下一篇: Java日期时间操作的方法