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golang pprof 性能检测工具使用

程序员文章站 2024-03-18 10:16:52

Go tool pprof辅助工具安装 图形工具graphviz

brew install graphviz

C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin


yum list available 'graphviz*'
yum install 'graphviz*'  --skip-broken


./configure make make install


FlameGraph git地址

git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git
cd FlameGraph-master
cp flamegraph.pl /usr/local/bin


flamegraph.pl -h
PC001deMacBook-Pro:~ pc001$ flamegraph.pl -h
Option h is ambiguous (hash, height, help)
USAGE: /usr/local/bin/flamegraph.pl [options] infile > outfile.svg

--title TEXT     # change title text
--subtitle TEXT  # second level title (optional)
--width NUM      # width of image (default 1200)
--height NUM     # height of each frame (default 16)
--minwidth NUM   # omit smaller functions (default 0.1 pixels)
--fonttype FONT  # font type (default "Verdana")
--fontsize NUM   # font size (default 12)
--countname TEXT # count type label (default "samples")
--nametype TEXT  # name type label (default "Function:")
--colors PALETTE # set color palette. choices are: hot (default), mem,
                 # io, wakeup, chain, java, js, perl, red, green, blue,
                 # aqua, yellow, purple, orange
--bgcolors COLOR # set background colors. gradient choices are yellow
                 # (default), blue, green, grey; flat colors use "#rrggbb"
--hash           # colors are keyed by function name hash
--cp             # use consistent palette (palette.map)
--reverse        # generate stack-reversed flame graph
--inverted       # icicle graph
--flamechart     # produce a flame chart (sort by time, do not merge stacks)
--negate         # switch differential hues (blue<->red)
--notes TEXT     # add notes comment in SVG (for debugging)
--help           # this message

/usr/local/bin/flamegraph.pl --title="Flame Graph: malloc()" trace.txt > graph.svg

安装 go-torch:

go-torch git地址

go tool pprof *filepath
(pprof) web //graphviz svg图
(pprof) top
 ./go-torch *filepath //火焰图

$ go-torch -h
  go-torch [options] [binary] <profile source>

pprof Options:
  -u, --url=         Base URL of your Go program (default: http://localhost:8080)
  -s, --suffix=      URL path of pprof profile (default: /debug/pprof/profile)
  -b, --binaryinput= File path of previously saved binary profile. (binary profile is anything accepted by https://golang.org/cmd/pprof)
      --binaryname=  File path of the binary that the binaryinput is for, used for pprof inputs
  -t, --seconds=     Number of seconds to profile for (default: 30)
      --pprofArgs=   Extra arguments for pprof

Output Options:
  -f, --file=        Output file name (must be .svg) (default: torch.svg)
  -p, --print        Print the generated svg to stdout instead of writing to file
  -r, --raw          Print the raw call graph output to stdout instead of creating a flame graph; use with Brendan Gregg's flame graph perl script (see https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph)
      --title=       Graph title to display in the output file (default: Flame Graph)
      --width=       Generated graph width (default: 1200)
      --hash         Colors are keyed by function name hash
      --colors=      Set color palette. Valid choices are: hot (default), mem, io, wakeup, chain, java,
                     js, perl, red, green, blue, aqua, yellow, purple, orange
      --hash         Graph colors are keyed by function name hash
      --cp           Graph use consistent palette (palette.map)
      --inverted     Icicle graph
Help Options:
  -h, --help         Show this help message
const (
	cpuProfile         = "cpuprof"
	heapProfile        = "memprof"

func startProfiling() (func(), error) {
	// start CPU profiling as early as possible
	ofi, err := os.Create(cpuProfile)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	profileErr := pprof.StartCPUProfile(ofi)
	go func() {
		for range time.NewTicker(time.Second * 30).C {
			err := writeHeapProfileToFile()
			if err != nil {

	stopProfiling := func() {
		ofi.Close() // captured by the closure
	return stopProfiling, nil

func writeHeapProfileToFile() error {
	mprof, err := os.Create(heapProfile)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer mprof.Close() // _after_ writing the heap profile
	return pprof.WriteHeapProfile(mprof)

golang pprof 性能检测工具使用
golang pprof 性能检测工具使用