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程序员文章站 2024-03-18 08:50:28



https://scapy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#starting-scapy 官方文档

pip install scapy 安装scapy就好了

from scapy.all import *
a = rdpcap("data.pcap") #读取本地数据包
>>> a
<data.pcap: TCP:7068 UDP:326 ICMP:2120 Other:107>
a.summary()   #displays a list of summaries of each packet,这个太多了
Command Effect
summary() displays a list of summaries of each packet
nsummary() same as previous, with the packet number
conversations() displays a graph of conversations
show() displays the preferred representation (usually nsummary())
filter() returns a packet list filtered with a lambda function
hexdump() returns a hexdump of all packets
hexraw() returns a hexdump of the Raw layer of all packets
padding() returns a hexdump of packets with padding
nzpadding() returns a hexdump of packets with non-zero padding
plot() plots a lambda function applied to the packet list
make table() displays a table according to a lambda function


类似于 python 中的 list 类型, 可以使用下标访问,长度可以使用 len 计算 ,但数据不是list也不是string,如果要进行str操作需要,str(dpkg)


dpkt.psdump() draws a PostScript diagram with explained dissection
dpkt.pdfdump() draws a PDF with explained dissection