1038 Recover the Smallest Number
2024-03-17 14:26:28
using namespace std;
bool cmp(string a, string b) {
return a + b < b + a;
int main() {
int num;
cin >> num;
string figure[10000], ans;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) cin >> figure[i];
sort(figure, figure + num, cmp);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) ans += figure[i];
while(ans[0] == '0') ans.erase(ans.begin());
if (ans.size() == 0) cout << 0;
else cout << ans;
return 0;
2.string 还是和iostream一起用比较好,省了cat和len等复杂处理,还可以+=,重载强大。
1038 Recover the Smallest Number
PAT A1038 Recover the Smallest Number (30分)
[PAT-A 1038]Recover the Smallest Number
1334. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance
PAT A1038 Recover the Smallest Number
PAT_A 1038. Recover the Smallest Number (30)
A1038 Recover the Smallest Number [贪心]
1334. Find the City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance
PAT(A)1038 Recover the Smallest Number (30分)(神奇的sort用法)
PAT A1038 Recover the Smallest Number (30)