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Base32 应用与原理解析

程序员文章站 2024-03-14 14:42:58




  Base32依赖更小的字典,Base32编码时每5个字符为一个分组,字典的长度为25 + 1=33。


Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding
0 A 9 J 18 S 27 3
1 B 10 K 19 T 28 4
2 C 11 L 20 U 29 5
3 D 12 M 21 V 30 6
4 E 13 N 22 W 31 7
5 F 14 O 23 X padding =
6 G 15 P 24 Y
7 H 16 Q 25 Z
8 I 17 R 26 2


Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding Value Encoding
0 0 9 9 18 I 27 R
1 1 10 A 19 J 28 S
2 2 11 B 20 K 29 T
3 3 12 C 21 L 30 U
4 4 13 D 22 M 31 V
5 5 14 E 23 N padding =
6 6 15 F 24 O
7 7 16 G 25 P
8 8 17 H 26 Q



​  很多开源库都为Base32提供了实现,例如dnsjava和commons-codec,maven坐标如下:






package com.securitit.serialize.bs64;

import org.xbill.DNS.utils.base32;

public class Base32Tester {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		base32 bs32 = null;
		base32 bs32hex = null;
		String plainStr = null;
		String bs32Str = null;
		byte[] plainBts = null;

		bs32 = new base32(base32.Alphabet.BASE32, true, false);
		bs32hex = new base32(base32.Alphabet.BASE32HEX, true, false);
		// 原文内容.
		plainStr = "Hello Base32!Now this is testing Base32!Please see the result!";
		plainBts = plainStr.getBytes("UTF-8");
		// Base32测试.
		bs32Str = bs32.toString(plainBts);
		System.out.println("Base32编码结果:" + bs32Str);
		plainBts = bs32.fromString(bs32Str);
		plainStr = new String(plainBts, "UTF-8");
		System.out.println("Base32解码结果:" + plainStr);
		// Base32Hex测试.
		bs32Str = bs32hex.toString(plainBts);
		System.out.println("Base32Hex编码结果:" + bs32Str);
		plainBts = bs32hex.fromString(bs32Str);
		plainStr = new String(plainBts, "UTF-8");
		System.out.println("Base32Hex解码结果:" + plainStr);



Base32解码结果:Hello Base32!Now this is testing Base32!Please see the result!
Base32Hex解码结果:Hello Base32!Now this is testing Base32!Please see the result!


package com.securitit.serialize.base32;

import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32;

public class Base32Tester {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		Base32 bs32 = null;
		Base32 bs32hex = null;
		String plainStr = null;
		String bs32Str = null;
		byte[] plainBts = null;
		bs32 = new Base32();
		bs32hex = new Base32(true);
		// 原文内容.
		plainStr = "Hello Base32!Now this is testing Base32!Please see the result!";
		plainBts = plainStr.getBytes("UTF-8");
		// Base32测试.
		bs32Str = bs32.encodeAsString(plainBts);
		System.out.println("Base32编码结果:" + bs32Str);
		plainBts = bs32.decode(bs32Str);
		plainStr = new String(plainBts, "UTF-8");
		System.out.println("Base32解码结果:" + plainStr);
		// Base32Hex测试.
		bs32Str = bs32hex.encodeAsString(plainBts);
		System.out.println("Base32Hex编码结果:" + bs32Str);
		plainBts = bs32hex.decode(bs32Str);
		plainStr = new String(plainBts, "UTF-8");
		System.out.println("Base32Hex解码结果:" + plainStr);


Base32解码结果:Hello Base32!Now this is testing Base32!Please see the result!
Base32Hex解码结果:Hello Base32!Now this is testing Base32!Please see the result!



  · Base32使用了更小的字典,Base32包含33个字符(0-9A-V=),Base64包含65个字符(a-zA-Z0-9+/=或a-zA-Z0-9-_=)。

  · Base32编码规则是5比特为一分组,Base64编码规则是6比特为一分组。

  · 由于编码规则的不同,Base32无法完全切分数据,需要使用=补位, 补位的个数在{0,1,2, 3, 4}范围之内;Base64无法完全切分数据,需要使用=补位, 补位的个数在{0,1,2}范围之内。

  · Base32编码后数据会膨胀3/8,Base64编码后数据会膨胀1/3。

  · Base32和Base64均包含特殊字符,在URL传输等场景下需要尤为注意特殊字符的处理。