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程序员文章站 2024-03-12 09:25:50
最近为了修改大量收藏的美剧文件名,用swing写了个小工具,代码是文件处理部分,具体内容如下 package datei.steuern; impor...


package datei.steuern;
import java.io.bufferedreader;
import java.io.file;
import java.io.fileinputstream;
import java.io.filenotfoundexception;
import java.io.fileoutputstream;
import java.io.filewriter;
import java.io.ioexception;
import java.io.inputstream;
import java.io.inputstreamreader;
import java.io.randomaccessfile;
import java.nio.bytebuffer;
import java.nio.channels.filechannel;
import java.util.arraylist;
import java.util.arrays;
import java.util.collections;
import java.util.list;
import java.util.logging.level;
import java.util.logging.logger;
 * @author s.watson
public class filetools {
 public filetools() {
 * formatpath 转义文件目录
 * @param path
 * @return
 public static string formatpath(string path) {
 return path.replaceall("\\\\", "/");
 * combainpath文件路径合并
 * @param eins
 * @param zwei
 * @return
 private static string combainpath(string eins, string zwei) {
 string dori = "";
 eins = null == eins ? "" : formatpath(eins);
 zwei = null == zwei ? "" : formatpath(zwei);
 if (!eins.endswith("/") && zwei.indexof("/") != 0) {
 dori = eins + "/" + zwei;
 } else {
 dori = (eins + zwei).replaceall("//", "/");
 return dori;
 * list2array 列表转换数组
 * @param list
 * @return
 private static string[] list2array(list list) {
 string array[] = (string[]) list.toarray(new string[list.size()]);
 return array;
 * cp 复制文件
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static list<file> cp(string source, string destination, boolean loop) {
 list<file> list = new arraylist();
 try {
 file srcfile = new file(source);
 file desfile = new file(destination);
 list.addall(cp(srcfile, desfile, loop));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * cp 复制文件
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static list<file> cp(file source, file destination, boolean loop) {
 list<file> list = new arraylist();
 try {
 if (!source.exists() || source.isdirectory()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 list.add(cp(source, destination));
 if (loop) {
 string[] subfile = source.list();
 for (string subpath : subfile) {
  string src = combainpath(source.getpath(), subpath);//子文件原文件路径
  string des = combainpath(destination.getpath(), subpath);//子文件目标路径
  file subfile = new file(src);
  if (subfile.isfile()) {
  list.add(cp(src, des));
  } else if (subfile.isdirectory() && loop) {
  list.addall(cp(src, des, loop));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * cp 单文件复制文件
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @return
 public static file cp(string source, string destination) {
 file desfile = null;
 try {
 file srcfile = new file(source);
 desfile = new file(destination);
 desfile = cp(srcfile, desfile);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return desfile;
 * cp 单文件复制文件
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @return
 public static file cp(file source, file destination) {
 fileinputstream in = null;
 fileoutputstream out = null;
 filechannel inc = null;
 filechannel outc = null;
 try {
 if (!source.exists() || source.isdirectory()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 if (source.getpath().equals(destination.getpath())) {
 return source;
 long allbytes = du(source, false);
 if (!destination.exists()) {
 in = new fileinputstream(source.getpath());
 out = new fileoutputstream(destination);
 inc = in.getchannel();
 outc = out.getchannel();
 bytebuffer bytebuffer = null;
 long length = 2097152;//基本大小,默认2m
 long _2m = 2097152;
 while (inc.position() < inc.size()) {
 if (allbytes > (64 * length)) {//如果文件大小大于128m 缓存改为64m
  length = 32 * _2m;
 } else if (allbytes > (32 * length)) {//如果文件大小大于64m 缓存改为32m
  length = 16 * _2m;
 } else if (allbytes > (16 * length)) {//如果文件大小大于32m 缓存改为16m
  length = 8 * _2m;
 } else if (allbytes > (8 * length)) {//如果文件大小大于16m 缓存改为8m
  length = 4 * _2m;
 } else if (allbytes > (4 * length)) {//如果文件大小大于8m 缓存改为4m
  length = 2 * _2m;
 } else if (allbytes > (2 * length)) {//如果文件大小大于4m 缓存改为2m
  length = _2m;
 } else if (allbytes > (length)) {//如果文件大小大于2m 缓存改为1m
  length = _2m / 2;
 } else if (allbytes < length) {//如果文件小于基本大小,直接输出
  length = allbytes;
 allbytes = inc.size() - inc.position();
 bytebuffer = bytebuffer.allocatedirect((int) length);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 try {
 if (null != inc) {
 if (null != outc) {
 if (null != in) {
 if (null != out) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return destination;
 * rename 文件重命名
 * @param filepath
 * @param from
 * @param to
 * @return
 public static file rename(string filepath, string from, string to) {
 file newfile = null;
 try {
 file oldfile = new file(combainpath(filepath, from));
 newfile = new file(combainpath(filepath, to));
 rename(newfile, oldfile);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return newfile;
 * rename 文件重命名
 * @param to
 * @param from
 * @return
 public static file rename(file from, file to) {
 try {
 string newpath = to.getpath();
 string oldpath = from.getpath();
 if (!oldpath.equals(newpath)) {
 if (!to.exists()) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return to;
 * mv 移动文件
 * @param filename
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @param cover
 public static void mv(string filename, string source, string destination, boolean cover) {
 try {
 if (!source.equals(destination)) {
 file oldfile = new file(combainpath(source, filename));
 file newfile = new file(combainpath(destination, filename));
 mv(oldfile, newfile, cover);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * mv 移动文件
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @param cover
 public static void mv(string source, string destination, boolean cover) {
 try {
 if (!source.equals(destination)) {
 file oldfile = new file(source);
 file newfile = new file(destination);
 mv(oldfile, newfile, cover);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * mv 移动文件
 * @param source
 * @param destination
 * @param cover
 public static void mv(file source, file destination, boolean cover) {
 try {
 if (!source.exists()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 stringbuilder filename = new stringbuilder(source.getname());
 if (!cover && source.getpath().equals(destination.getpath())) {
 if (filename.indexof(".") > 0) {
  filename.insert(filename.lastindexof("."), "_副本");
 } else {
 cp(source, new file(combainpath(source.getparent(), filename.tostring())));
 } else {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * extensions 获取文件扩展名信息
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @return
 private static string[] extensions(string filepath, string filename) {
 string[] extension = {};
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return extension;
 * extensions 获取文件扩展名信息
 * @param fullpath
 * @return
 private static string[] extensions(string fullpath) {
 string[] extension = {};
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return extension;
 * extensions 获取文件扩展名信息
 * @param file
 * @return
 private static string[] extensions(file file) {
 string[] extension = {};
 try {
 if (file.isfile()) {
 string filename = file.getname();
 if (filename.lastindexof(".") >= 0) {
  int lastindex = filename.lastindexof(".");
  extension[0] = string.valueof(lastindex);//扩展名的“.”的索引
  extension[1] = filename.substring(lastindex + 1);//扩展名
  extension[2] = filename.substring(0, lastindex);//文件名
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return extension;
 * ls 遍历文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static list<file> ls(string filepath, boolean loop) {
 list<file> list = new arraylist();
 try {
 file file = new file(filepath);
 list.addall(ls(file, loop));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * ls 遍历文件
 * @param file
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static list<file> ls(file file, boolean loop) {
 list<file> list = new arraylist();
 try {
 if (!file.isdirectory()) {
 } else if (file.isdirectory()) {
 file[] sublist = file.listfiles();
 sublist = filessort(sublist, true);
 for (file subfile : sublist) {
  if (subfile.isdirectory() && loop) {
  list.addall(ls(subfile.getpath(), loop));
  } else {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * filessort 文件排序(默认升序)
 * @param parentpath
 * @param sublist
 * @return
 private static file[] filessort(file[] infiles, boolean asc) {
 list<string> files = new arraylist();
 list<string> dirs = new arraylist();
 for (file subfile : infiles) {
 if (subfile.isdirectory()) {
 } else if (subfile.isfile()) {
 string[] filearray = {};
 if (files.size() > 0) {
 filearray = list2array(files);
 if (!asc) {
 arrays.sort(filearray, collections.reverseorder());
 string[] dirarray = {};
 if (dirs.size() > 0) {
 dirarray = list2array(dirs);
 if (!asc) {
 arrays.sort(dirarray, collections.reverseorder());
 return concat2filearray(filearray, dirarray);
 * concat2filearray 合并文件数组
 * @param old1
 * @param old2
 * @return
 private static file[] concat2filearray(string[] old1, string[] old2) {
 file[] newarray = new file[old1.length + old2.length];
 for (int i = 0, n = old1.length; i < n; i++) {
 newarray[i] = new file(old1[i]);
 for (int i = 0, j = old1.length, n = (old1.length + old2.length); j < n; i++, j++) {
 newarray[j] = new file(old2[i]);
 return newarray;
 * read 读取文本文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder read(string filepath, string filename, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, false, 0, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * read 读取文本文件
 * @param fullpath
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder read(string fullpath, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, false, 0, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * read 读取文本文件
 * @param file
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder read(file file, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, false, 0, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * find 读取文本文件指定行
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param line
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder find(string filepath, string filename, int line, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, true, line, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * find 读取文本文件指定行
 * @param fullpath
 * @param line
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder find(string fullpath, int line, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, true, line, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * find 读取文本文件指定行
 * @param file
 * @param line
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder find(file file, int line, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, true, line, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * tail 读取文本文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param charset
 * @param find
 * @param line
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder tail(string filepath, string filename, boolean find, int line, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, find, line, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * tail 读取文本文件
 * @param fullpath
 * @param charset
 * @param find
 * @param line
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder tail(string fullpath, boolean find, int line, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 sb.append(filetools.tail(file, find, line, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * tail 读取文本文件
 * @param file
 * @param charset
 * @param find
 * @param line
 * @return
 public static stringbuilder tail(file file, boolean find, int line, string charset) {
 stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();
 bufferedreader bufferreader = null;
 if (null == charset || "".equals(charset)) {
 charset = "utf-8";
 try {
 if (!file.exists() || file.isdirectory()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 string fullpath = file.getpath();
 bufferreader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream(fullpath), charset));
 string temp;
 for (int i = 0; (temp = bufferreader.readline()) != null; i++) {
 if (!find || line == i) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 if (null != bufferreader) {
 try {
 } catch (ioexception ex) {
  j2log(null, null, ex);
 return sb;
 * sed 读取文本文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static list<string> sed(string filepath, string filename, string charset) {
 list<string> list = new arraylist();
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 list.addall(filetools.sed(file, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * sed 读取文本文件
 * @param fullpath
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static list<string> sed(string fullpath, string charset) {
 list<string> list = new arraylist();
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 list.addall(filetools.sed(file, charset));
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * sed 读取文本文件
 * @param file
 * @param charset
 * @return
 public static list<string> sed(file file, string charset) {
 list<string> list = new arraylist();
 bufferedreader bufferreader = null;
 if (null == charset || "".equals(charset)) {
 charset = "utf-8";
 try {
 if (!file.exists() || file.isdirectory()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 string fullpath = file.getpath();
 bufferreader = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream(fullpath), charset));
 string temp;
 for (int i = 0; (temp = bufferreader.readline()) != null; i++) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 if (null != bufferreader) {
 try {
 } catch (ioexception ex) {
  j2log(null, null, ex);
 return list;
 * cat 读取文本文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @return
 public static byte[] cat(string filepath, string filename) {
 byte[] output = {};
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 output = filetools.cat(file);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return output;
 * cat 读取文本文件
 * @param fullpath
 * @return
 public static byte[] cat(string fullpath) {
 byte[] output = {};
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 output = filetools.cat(file);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return output;
 * cat 读取文本文件
 * @param file
 * @return
 public static byte[] cat(file file) {
 inputstream in = null;
 byte[] output = {};
 try {
 if (!file.exists() || file.isdirectory()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 string fullpath = file.getpath();
 long length = du(file, false);
 long _2m = 2097152;
 byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) length];
 in = new fileinputstream(fullpath);
 for (int count = 0; count != -1;) {
 if (length > 16 * _2m) {
  length = 4 * _2m;
 } else if (length > 8 * _2m) {
  length = 2 * _2m;
 } else if (length > 4 * _2m) {
  length = _2m;
 } else if (length > 2 * _2m) {
  length = _2m / 2;
 } else if (length > _2m) {
  length = _2m / 4;
 } else {
  length = 4096;
 bytes = new byte[(int) length];
 count = in.read(bytes);
 output = concatarray(bytes, output);
 length = in.available();
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 if (null != in) {
 try {
 } catch (exception ex) {
  j2log(null, null, ex);
 return output;
 * 合并数组
 * @param old1
 * @param old2
 * @return
 private static byte[] concatarray(byte[] old1, byte[] old2) {
 byte[] newarray = new byte[old1.length + old2.length];
 system.arraycopy(old1, 0, newarray, 0, old1.length);
 system.arraycopy(old2, 0, newarray, old1.length, old2.length);
 return newarray;
 * dd 写入文件fullpath内容content
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param content
 * @param isappend
 public static void dd(string filepath, string filename, byte[] content, boolean isappend) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.dd(file, content, isappend);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * dd 写入文件fullpath内容content
 * @param fullpath
 * @param content
 * @param isappend
 public static void dd(string fullpath, byte[] content, boolean isappend) {
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.dd(file, content, isappend);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * dd 写入文件fullpath内容content
 * @param file
 * @param content
 * @param isappend
 public static void dd(file file, byte[] content, boolean isappend) {
 fileoutputstream fileoutputstream = null;
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 fileoutputstream = new fileoutputstream(file, isappend);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 try {
 if (null != fileoutputstream) {
 } catch (ioexception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * write 写文件内容content到文件fullpath
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param content
 public static void write(string filepath, string filename, string content) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.write(file, content, true);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * write 写文件内容content到文件fullpath
 * @param fullpath
 * @param content
 public static void write(string fullpath, string content) {
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.write(file, content, true);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * write 写文件内容content到文件fullpath
 * @param file
 * @param content
 public static void write(file file, string content) {
 try {
 filetools.write(file, content, true);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * write 写(追加)文件内容content到文件fullpath
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param content
 * @param isappend
 public static void write(string filepath, string filename, string content, boolean isappend) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.write(file, content, isappend);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * write 写(追加)文件内容content到文件fullpath
 * @param fullpath
 * @param content
 * @param isappend
 public static void write(string fullpath, string content, boolean isappend) {
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.write(file, content, isappend);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * write 写(追加)文件内容content到文件fullpath
 * @param file
 * @param content
 * @param isappend
 public static void write(file file, string content, boolean isappend) {
 filewriter filewriter = null;
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 filewriter = new filewriter(file.getpath(), isappend);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 if (null != filewriter) {
 try {
 } catch (ioexception ex) {
  j2log(null, null, ex);
 * tail 添加文件内容content到文件的index位置
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param content
 * @param index
 public static void tail(string filepath, string filename, string content, long index) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.tail(file, content, index);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * tail 添加文件内容content到文件的index位置
 * @param fullpath
 * @param content
 * @param index
 public static void tail(string fullpath, string content, long index) {
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 filetools.tail(file, content, index);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * tail 添加文件内容content到文件的index位置
 * @param file
 * @param content
 * @param index
 public static void tail(file file, string content, long index) {
 randomaccessfile randomaccessfile = null;
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 randomaccessfile = new randomaccessfile(file.getpath(), "rw");
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 if (null != randomaccessfile) {
 try {
 } catch (exception ex) {
  j2log(null, null, ex);
 * mkdir 创建目录
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @return
 public static file mkdir(string filepath, string filename) {
 file file = null;
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file = new file(fullpath);
 file = mkdir(file);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return file;
 * mkdir 创建目录
 * @param fullpath
 * @return
 public static file mkdir(string fullpath) {
 file file = null;
 try {
 file = new file(fullpath);
 file = mkdir(file);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return file;
 * mkdir 创建目录
 * @param file
 * @return
 public static file mkdir(file file) {
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return file;
 * touch 创建文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 public static void touch(string filepath, string filename) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * touch 创建文件
 * @param fullpath
 public static void touch(string fullpath) {
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * touch 创建文件
 * @param file
 public static void touch(file file) {
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * rm 删除文件
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 public static void rm(string filepath, string filename) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * rm 删除文件
 * @param fullpath
 public static void rm(string fullpath) {
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * rm 删除文件
 * @param file
 public static void rm(file file) {
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 if (file.isfile()) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * rmdir 删除目录
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param loop
 public static void rmdir(string filepath, string filename, boolean loop) {
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file dir = new file(fullpath);
 rmdir(dir, loop);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * rmdir 删除目录
 * @param fullpath
 * @param loop
 public static void rmdir(string fullpath, boolean loop) {
 try {
 file dir = new file(fullpath);
 rmdir(dir, loop);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * rmdir 删除目录
 * @param dir
 * @param loop
 public static void rmdir(file dir, boolean loop) {
 try {
 if (!dir.exists()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 if (dir.isdirectory()) {
 file[] files = dir.listfiles();
 int length = files.length;
 for (int i = 0; i < length && loop; i++) {
  if (files[i].isdirectory()) {
  rmdir(files[i], loop);
  } else {
 if (loop || length == 0) {
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 * du 获取文件实际大小
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static long du(string filepath, string filename, boolean loop) {
 long size = 0;
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 size = du(file, loop);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return size;
 * du 获取文件实际大小
 * @param filepath
 * @param filename
 * @return
 public static long du(string filepath, string filename) {
 long size = 0;
 try {
 string fullpath = combainpath(filepath, filename);
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 size = du(file, false);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return size;
 * du 获取文件实际大小
 * @param fullpath
 * @return
 public static long du(string fullpath) {
 long size = 0;
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 size = du(file, false);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return size;
 * du 获取文件实际大小
 * @param file
 * @return
 public static long du(file file) {
 long size = 0;
 try {
 size = du(file, false);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return size;
 * du 获取文件实际大小
 * @param fullpath
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static long du(string fullpath, boolean loop) {
 long size = 0;
 try {
 file file = new file(fullpath);
 size = du(file, loop);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 return size;
 * du 获取文件实际大小
 * @param file
 * @param loop
 * @return
 public static long du(file file, boolean loop) {
 filechannel filechannel = null;
 long size = 0;
 try {
 if (!file.exists()) {
 throw new filenotfoundexception();
 if (file.isfile()) {
 fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(file);
 filechannel = fis.getchannel();
 size = filechannel.size();
 } else if (file.isdirectory()) {
 file[] files = file.listfiles();
 int length = files.length;
 for (int i = 0; i < length && loop; i++) {
  if (files[i].isdirectory()) {
  du(files[i], loop);
  } else {
  size += du(files[i], false);
 } catch (exception ex) {
 j2log(null, null, ex);
 } finally {
 if (null != filechannel) {
 try {
 } catch (exception ex) {
  j2log(null, null, ex);
 return size;
