-- 可能会发生的异常情况 -- 线程1查询,当前left_count为1,则有记录 select * from t_bonus where id = 10001 and left_count > 0 -- 线程2查询,当前left_count为1,也有记录 select * from t_bonus where id = 10001 and left_count > 0 -- 线程1完成领取记录,修改left_count为0, update t_bonus set left_count = left_count - 1 where id = 10001 -- 线程2完成领取记录,修改left_count为-1,产生脏数据 update t_bonus set left_count = left_count - 1 where id = 10001
-- 添加版本号控制字段 alter table table add column version int default '0' not null after t_bonus; -- 线程1查询,当前left_count为1,则有记录,当前版本号为1234 select left_count, version from t_bonus where id = 10001 and left_count > 0 -- 线程2查询,当前left_count为1,有记录,当前版本号为1234 select left_count, version from t_bonus where id = 10001 and left_count > 0 -- 线程1,更新完成后当前的version为1235,update状态为1,更新成功 update t_bonus set version = 1235, left_count = left_count-1 where id = 10001 and version = 1234 -- 线程2,更新由于当前的version为1235,udpate状态为0,更新失败,再针对相关业务做异常处理 update t_bonus set version = 1235, left_count = left_count-1 where id = 10001 and version = 1234
setnx命令(set if not exists)\
语法:setnx key value\
功能:原子性操作,当且仅当 key 不存在,将 key 的值设为 value ,并返回1;若给定的 key 已经存在,则 setnx 不做任何动作,并返回0。\
语法:expire(key, expiretime)\
语法:getset key value\
功能:将给定 key 的值设为 value ,并返回 key 的旧值 (old value),当 key 存在但不是字符串类型时,返回一个错误,当key不存在时,返回nil。\
语法:get key\
功能:返回 key 所关联的字符串值,如果 key 不存在那么返回特殊值 nil 。\
语法:del key [key …]\
功能:删除给定的一个或多个 key ,不存在的 key 会被忽略。
- setnx(lockkey, 1) 如果返回0,则说明占位失败;如果返回1,则说明占位成功
- expire()命令对lockkey设置超时时间,为的是避免死锁问题。
- 执行完业务代码后,可以通过delete命令删除key。
- setnx(lockkey, 当前时间+过期超时时间) ,如果返回1,则获取锁成功;如果返回0则没有获取到锁,转向2。
- get(lockkey)获取值oldexpiretime ,并将这个value值与当前的系统时间进行比较,如果小于当前系统时间,则认为这个锁已经超时,可以允许别的请求重新获取,转向3。
- 计算newexpiretime=当前时间+过期超时时间,然后getset(lockkey, newexpiretime) 会返回当前lockkey的值currentexpiretime。
- 判断currentexpiretime与oldexpiretime 是否相等,如果相等,说明当前getset设置成功,获取到了锁。如果不相等,说明这个锁又被别的请求获取走了,那么当前请求可以直接返回失败,或者继续重试。
- 在获取到锁之后,当前线程可以开始自己的业务处理,当处理完毕后,比较自己的处理时间和对于锁设置的超时时间,如果小于锁设置的超时时间,则直接执行delete释放锁;如果大于锁设置的超时时间,则不需要再锁进行处理。
import; import; /** * created by idea * user: shma1664 * date: 2016-08-16 14:01 * desc: redis分布式锁 */ public final class redislockutil { private static final int defaultexpire = 60; private redislockutil() { // } /** * 加锁 * @param key redis key * @param expire 过期时间,单位秒 * @return true:加锁成功,false,加锁失败 */ public static boolean lock(string key, int expire) { redisservice redisservice = springutils.getbean(redisservice.class); long status = redisservice.setnx(key, "1"); if(status == 1) { redisservice.expire(key, expire); return true; } return false; } public static boolean lock(string key) { return lock2(key, defaultexpire); } /** * 加锁 * @param key redis key * @param expire 过期时间,单位秒 * @return true:加锁成功,false,加锁失败 */ public static boolean lock2(string key, int expire) { redisservice redisservice = springutils.getbean(redisservice.class); long value = system.currenttimemillis() + expire; long status = redisservice.setnx(key, string.valueof(value)); if(status == 1) { return true; } long oldexpiretime = long.parselong(redisservice.get(key, "0")); if(oldexpiretime < system.currenttimemillis()) { //超时 long newexpiretime = system.currenttimemillis() + expire; long currentexpiretime = long.parselong(redisservice.getset(key, string.valueof(newexpiretime))); if(currentexpiretime == oldexpiretime) { return true; } } return false; } public static void unlock1(string key) { redisservice redisservice = springutils.getbean(redisservice.class); redisservice.del(key); } public static void unlock2(string key) { redisservice redisservice = springutils.getbean(redisservice.class); long oldexpiretime = long.parselong(redisservice.get(key, "0")); if(oldexpiretime > system.currenttimemillis()) { redisservice.del(key); } } }
public void drawredpacket(long userid) { string key = "draw.redpacket.userid:" + userid; boolean lock = redislockutil.lock2(key, 60); if(lock) { try { //领取操作 } finally { //释放锁 redislockutil.unlock(key); } } else { new runtimeexception("重复领取奖励"); } }
spring aop基于注解方式和spel实现开箱即用的redis分布式锁策略
import java.lang.annotation.elementtype; import java.lang.annotation.retention; import java.lang.annotation.retentionpolicy; import; /** * runtime * 定义注解 * 编译器将把注释记录在类文件中,在运行时 vm 将保留注释,因此可以反射性地读取。 * @author shma1664 * */ @retention(retentionpolicy.runtime) @target(elementtype.method) public @interface redislockable { string[] key() default ""; long expiration() default 60; }
import javax.annotation.resource; import java.lang.reflect.method; import; import; import org.aspectj.lang.proceedingjoinpoint; import org.aspectj.lang.signature; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.around; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.aspect; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.pointcut; import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.methodsignature; import org.springframework.expression.evaluationcontext; import org.springframework.expression.expression; import org.springframework.expression.expressionparser; import org.springframework.expression.spel.standard.spelexpressionparser; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.component; /** * created by idea * user: mashaohua * date: 2016-09-28 18:08 * desc: */ @aspect @component public class redislockaop { @resource private redisclient redisclient; @pointcut("execution(**.*(..))") public void pointcut(){} @around("pointcut()") public object doaround(proceedingjoinpoint point) throws throwable{ signature signature = point.getsignature(); methodsignature methodsignature = (methodsignature) signature; method method = methodsignature.getmethod(); string targetname = point.gettarget().getclass().getname(); string methodname = point.getsignature().getname(); object[] arguments = point.getargs(); if (method != null && method.isannotationpresent(redislockable.class)) { redislockable redislock = method.getannotation(redislockable.class); long expire = redislock.expiration(); string rediskey = getlockkey(targetname, methodname, redislock.key(), arguments); boolean islock = redislockutil.lock2(rediskey, expire); if(!islock) { try { return point.proceed(); } finally { unlock2(rediskey); } } else { throw new runtimeexception("您的操作太频繁,请稍后再试"); } } return point.proceed(); } private string getlockkey(string targetname, string methodname, string[] keys, object[] arguments) { stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder(); sb.append("lock.").append(targetname).append(".").append(methodname); if(keys != null) { string keystr = joiner.on(".").skipnulls().join(keys); string[] parameters = reflectparamnames.getnames(targetname, methodname); expressionparser parser = new spelexpressionparser(); expression expression = parser.parseexpression(keystr); evaluationcontext context = new standardevaluationcontext(); int length = parameters.length; if (length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { context.setvariable(parameters[i], arguments[i]); } } string keysvalue = expression.getvalue(context, string.class); sb.append("#").append(keysvalue); } return sb.tostring(); }
<!-- --> <dependency> <groupid>org.javassist</groupid> <artifactid>javassist</artifactid> <version>3.18.1-ga</version> </dependency>
import javassist.*; import javassist.bytecode.codeattribute; import javassist.bytecode.localvariableattribute; import javassist.bytecode.methodinfo; import org.apache.log4j.logger; /** * created by idea * user: mashaohua * date: 2016-09-28 18:39 * desc: */ public class reflectparamnames { private static logger log = logger.getlogger(reflectparamnames.class); private static classpool pool = classpool.getdefault(); static{ classclasspath classpath = new classclasspath(reflectparamnames.class); pool.insertclasspath(classpath); } public static string[] getnames(string classname,string methodname) { ctclass cc = null; try { cc = pool.get(classname); ctmethod cm = cc.getdeclaredmethod(methodname); // 使用javaassist的反射方法获取方法的参数名 methodinfo methodinfo = cm.getmethodinfo(); codeattribute codeattribute = methodinfo.getcodeattribute(); localvariableattribute attr = (localvariableattribute) codeattribute.getattribute(localvariableattribute.tag); if (attr == null) return new string[0]; int begin = 0; string[] paramnames = new string[cm.getparametertypes().length]; int count = 0; int pos = modifier.isstatic(cm.getmodifiers()) ? 0 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < attr.tablelength(); i++){ // 为什么 加这个判断,发现在windows 跟linux执行时,参数顺序不一致,通过观察,实际的参数是从this后面开始的 if (attr.variablename(i).equals("this")){ begin = i; break; } } for (int i = begin+1; i <= begin+paramnames.length; i++){ paramnames[count] = attr.variablename(i); count++; } return paramnames; } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }finally{ try { if(cc != null) cc.detach(); } catch (exception e2) { log.error(e2.getmessage()); } } return new string[0]; } }
/** * 抽奖接口 * 添加redis分布式锁保证一个订单只有一个请求处理,防止用户刷礼物,支持spel表达式 * * @param orderid 订单id * @return 抽中的奖品信息 */ @redislockable(key = {"#orderid"}, expiration = 120) @override public bonusconvertbean drawbonus(integer orderid) throws bonusexception{ // 业务逻辑 }
package com.shma.example.zookeeper.lock;
import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collections; import java.util.list; import java.util.concurrent.countdownlatch; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.lock; import org.apache.zookeeper.*; import; /** * created by idea * user: mashaohua * date: 2016-09-30 16:09 * desc: */ public class zookeeperlock implements lock, watcher { private zookeeper zk; private string root = "/locks";//根 private string lockname;//竞争资源的标志 private string myznode;//当前锁 private int sessiontimeout = 30000; private list<exception> exception = new arraylist<exception>(); /** * 创建分布式锁,使用前请确认config配置的zookeeper服务可用 * @param config * @param lockname 竞争资源标志,lockname中不能包含单词lock */ public zookeeperlock(string config, string lockname){ this.lockname = lockname; // 创建一个与服务器的连接 try { zk = new zookeeper(config, sessiontimeout, this); stat stat = zk.exists(root, false); if(stat == null){ // 创建根节点 zk.create(root, new byte[0], zoodefs.ids.open_acl_unsafe, createmode.persistent); } } catch (ioexception e) { exception.add(e); } catch (keeperexception e) { exception.add(e); } catch (interruptedexception e) { exception.add(e); } } @override public void lock() { if(exception.size() > 0){ throw new lockexception(exception.get(0)); } if(!trylock()) { throw new lockexception("您的操作太频繁,请稍后再试"); } } @override public void lockinterruptibly() throws interruptedexception { this.lock(); } @override public boolean trylock() { try { myznode = zk.create(root + "/" + lockname, new byte[0], zoodefs.ids.open_acl_unsafe, createmode.persistent); return true; } catch (keeperexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return false; } @override public boolean trylock(long time, timeunit unit) throws interruptedexception { return trylock(); } @override public void unlock() { try { zk.delete(myznode, -1); myznode = null; zk.close(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keeperexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } @override public condition newcondition() { return null; } @override public void process(watchedevent watchedevent) { // } }
zookeeperlock lock = null; try { lock = new zookeeperlock("","test1"); lock.lock(); //业务逻辑处理 } catch (lockexception e) { throw e; } finally { if(lock != null) lock.unlock(); }
package com.shma.example.zookeeper.lock; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collections; import java.util.list; import java.util.concurrent.countdownlatch; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.lock; import org.apache.zookeeper.createmode; import org.apache.zookeeper.keeperexception; import org.apache.zookeeper.watchedevent; import org.apache.zookeeper.watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.zoodefs; import org.apache.zookeeper.zookeeper; import; /** * created by idea * user: mashaohua * date: 2016-09-30 16:09 * desc: */ public class distributedlock implements lock, watcher{ private zookeeper zk; private string root = "/locks";//根 private string lockname;//竞争资源的标志 private string waitnode;//等待前一个锁 private string myznode;//当前锁 private countdownlatch latch;//计数器 private int sessiontimeout = 30000; private list<exception> exception = new arraylist<exception>(); /** * 创建分布式锁,使用前请确认config配置的zookeeper服务可用 * @param config * @param lockname 竞争资源标志,lockname中不能包含单词lock */ public distributedlock(string config, string lockname){ this.lockname = lockname; // 创建一个与服务器的连接 try { zk = new zookeeper(config, sessiontimeout, this); stat stat = zk.exists(root, false); if(stat == null){ // 创建根节点 zk.create(root, new byte[0], zoodefs.ids.open_acl_unsafe,createmode.persistent); } } catch (ioexception e) { exception.add(e); } catch (keeperexception e) { exception.add(e); } catch (interruptedexception e) { exception.add(e); } } /** * zookeeper节点的监视器 */ public void process(watchedevent event) { if(this.latch != null) { this.latch.countdown(); } } public void lock() { if(exception.size() > 0){ throw new lockexception(exception.get(0)); } try { if(this.trylock()){ system.out.println("thread " + thread.currentthread().getid() + " " +myznode + " get lock true"); return; } else{ waitforlock(waitnode, sessiontimeout);//等待锁 } } catch (keeperexception e) { throw new lockexception(e); } catch (interruptedexception e) { throw new lockexception(e); } } public boolean trylock() { try { string splitstr = "_lock_"; if(lockname.contains(splitstr)) throw new lockexception("lockname can not contains \\u000b"); //创建临时子节点 myznode = zk.create(root + "/" + lockname + splitstr, new byte[0], zoodefs.ids.open_acl_unsafe,createmode.ephemeral_sequential); system.out.println(myznode + " is created "); //取出所有子节点 list<string> subnodes = zk.getchildren(root, false); //取出所有lockname的锁 list<string> lockobjnodes = new arraylist<string>(); for (string node : subnodes) { string _node = node.split(splitstr)[0]; if(_node.equals(lockname)){ lockobjnodes.add(node); } } collections.sort(lockobjnodes); system.out.println(myznode + "==" + lockobjnodes.get(0)); if(myznode.equals(root+"/"+lockobjnodes.get(0))){ //如果是最小的节点,则表示取得锁 return true; } //如果不是最小的节点,找到比自己小1的节点 string submyznode = myznode.substring(myznode.lastindexof("/") + 1); waitnode = lockobjnodes.get(collections.binarysearch(lockobjnodes, submyznode) - 1); } catch (keeperexception e) { throw new lockexception(e); } catch (interruptedexception e) { throw new lockexception(e); } return false; } public boolean trylock(long time, timeunit unit) { try { if(this.trylock()){ return true; } return waitforlock(waitnode,time); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return false; } private boolean waitforlock(string lower, long waittime) throws interruptedexception, keeperexception { stat stat = zk.exists(root + "/" + lower,true); //判断比自己小一个数的节点是否存在,如果不存在则无需等待锁,同时注册监听 if(stat != null){ system.out.println("thread " + thread.currentthread().getid() + " waiting for " + root + "/" + lower); this.latch = new countdownlatch(1); this.latch.await(waittime, timeunit.milliseconds); this.latch = null; } return true; } public void unlock() { try { system.out.println("unlock " + myznode); zk.delete(myznode,-1); myznode = null; zk.close(); } catch (interruptedexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keeperexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } public void lockinterruptibly() throws interruptedexception { this.lock(); } public condition newcondition() { return null; } public class lockexception extends runtimeexception { private static final long serialversionuid = 1l; public lockexception(string e){ super(e); } public lockexception(exception e){ super(e); } } }
上一篇: Java log4j详细教程