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程序员文章站 2024-03-07 20:10:39
前言 在我们开始之前,希望您能最好已经满足以下条件:      1、有一份编译后的android源码(亲自动手实践才会有更深入的...





本文启动流程分析基于android 5.1的源码。为什么是5.1的源码呢?因为手边编译完的代码只有这个版本…另外,用什么版本的源码并不重要,大体的流程并无本质上的区别,仅仅是实现细节的调整,找一个你熟悉的版本就好。




说明:为了让大家更清楚的理解整个过程,将时序图中划分为三个部分:launcher进程system进程app进程,其中有涉及共用的类以l / a进行区分表示跟哪个进程有关,便于理解。













3.1 launcher响应用户点击,通知ams


public class launcher extends activity
  implements view.onclicklistener, onlongclicklistener, launchermodel.callbacks,
     view.ontouchlistener, pageswitchlistener, launcherproviderchangelistener {
  * launches the intent referred by the clicked shortcut.
  * @param v the view representing the clicked shortcut.
 public void onclick(view v) {
  // make sure that rogue clicks don't get through while allapps is launching, or after the
  // view has detached (it's possible for this to happen if the view is removed mid touch).
  if (v.getwindowtoken() == null) {


  object tag = v.gettag();
  if (tag instanceof shortcutinfo) {
  } else if (tag instanceof folderinfo) {
  } else if (v == mallappsbutton) {
  } else if (tag instanceof appinfo) {
  } else if (tag instanceof launcherappwidgetinfo) {
 private void startappshortcutorinfoactivity(view v) {
  boolean success = startactivitysafely(v, intent, tag);
 boolean startactivitysafely(view v, intent intent, object tag) {
  try {
   success = startactivity(v, intent, tag);
  } catch (activitynotfoundexception e) {
  return success;
 boolean startactivity(view v, intent intent, object tag) {
  try {

   if (user == null || user.equals(userhandlecompat.myuserhandle())) {
    // could be launching some bookkeeping activity
    startactivity(intent, optsbundle);
   } else {
   return true;
  } catch (securityexception e) {
  return false;


public class instrumentation {
 public activityresult execstartactivity(
   context who, ibinder contextthread, ibinder token, activity target,
   intent intent, int requestcode, bundle options) {
  iapplicationthread whothread = (iapplicationthread) contextthread;
  try {
   int result = activitymanagernative.getdefault()
    .startactivity(whothread, who.getbasepackagename(), intent,
      token, target != null ? target.membeddedid : null,
      requestcode, 0, null, options);
  } catch (remoteexception e) {
  return null;


3.2 ams响应launcher进程请求


public final class activitystacksupervisor implements displaylistener {
 final int startactivityuncheckedlocked(activityrecord r, activityrecord sourcerecord,
   ivoiceinteractionsession voicesession, ivoiceinteractor voiceinteractor, 
 int startflags, boolean doresume, bundle options, taskrecord intask) {
 final intent intent = r.intent;
 final int callinguid = r.launchedfromuid;
 final boolean launchsingletop = r.launchmode == activityinfo.launch_single_top;
 final boolean launchsingleinstance = r.launchmode == activityinfo.launch_single_instance;
 final boolean launchsingletask = r.launchmode == activityinfo.launch_single_task; 

 int launchflags = intent.getflags();
 // we'll invoke onuserleaving before onpause only if the launching
 // activity did not explicitly state that this is an automated launch.
 muserleaving = (launchflags & intent.flag_activity_no_user_action) == 0;
   activityrecord nottop =
    (launchflags & intent.flag_activity_previous_is_top) != 0 ? r : null;

 // if the onlyifneeded flag is set, then we can do this if the activity
 // being launched is the same as the one making the call... or, as
 // a special case, if we do not know the caller then we count the
 // current top activity as the caller.
 if ((startflags&activitymanager.start_flag_only_if_needed) != 0) {
   // if the caller is not coming from another activity, but has given us an
 // explicit task into which they would like us to launch the new activity,
 // then let's see about doing that.
 if (sourcerecord == null && intask != null && intask.stack != null) {
 final intent baseintent = intask.getbaseintent();
 final activityrecord root = intask.getrootactivity();
 // if this task is empty, then we are adding the first activity -- it
 // determines the root, and must be launching as a new_task.
 if (launchsingleinstance || launchsingletask) {
   if (intask == null) {
 if (sourcerecord == null) {
 // this activity is not being started from another... in this
 // case we -always- start a new task.
 if ((launchflags & intent.flag_activity_new_task) == 0 && intask == null) {
  slog.w(tag, "startactivity called from non-activity context; forcing " +
       "intent.flag_activity_new_task for: " + intent);
  launchflags |= intent.flag_activity_new_task;
 } else if (sourcerecord.launchmode == activityinfo.launch_single_instance) {
 // the original activity who is starting us is running as a single
 // instance... this new activity it is starting must go on its
 // own task.
 launchflags |= intent.flag_activity_new_task;
 } else if (launchsingleinstance || launchsingletask) {
 // the activity being started is a single instance... it always
 // gets launched into its own task.
 launchflags |= intent.flag_activity_new_task;
   // we may want to try to place the new activity in to an existing task. we always
 // do this if the target activity is singletask or singleinstance; we will also do
 // this if new_task has been requested, and there is not an additional qualifier telling
 // us to still place it in a new task: multi task, always doc mode, or being asked to
 // launch this as a new task behind the current one.
 if (((launchflags & intent.flag_activity_new_task) != 0 &&
    (launchflags & intent.flag_activity_multiple_task) == 0)
    || launchsingleinstance || launchsingletask) {
 // if bring to front is requested, and no result is requested and we have not
 // been given an explicit task to launch in to, and
 // we can find a task that was started with this same
 // component, then instead of launching bring that one to the front.
 if (intask == null && r.resultto == null) {
 // see if there is a task to bring to the front. if this is
 // a single_instance activity, there can be one and only one
 // instance of it in the history, and it is always in its own
 // unique task, so we do a special search.
 activityrecord intentactivity = !launchsingleinstance ?
  findtasklocked(r) : findactivitylocked(intent, r.info);
 if (intentactivity != null) {
   if (r.packagename != null) {
   // if the activity being launched is the same as the one currently
   // at the top, then we need to check if it should only be launched
   // once.
   activitystack topstack = getfocusedstack();
   activityrecord top = topstack.toprunningnondelayedactivitylocked(nottop);
   if (top != null && r.resultto == null) {
    if (top.realactivity.equals(r.realactivity) && top.userid == r.userid) {
   } else{
 boolean newtask = false;
 boolean keepcurtransition = false;

 taskrecord tasktoaffiliate = launchtaskbehind && sourcerecord != null ?
    sourcerecord.task : null;

 // should this be considered a new task?
 if (r.resultto == null && intask == null && !addingtotask
    && (launchflags & intent.flag_activity_new_task) != 0) {
 if (reusetask == null) {
      newtaskinfo != null ? newtaskinfo : r.info,
      newtaskintent != null ? newtaskintent : intent,
      voicesession, voiceinteractor, !launchtaskbehind /* totop */),
   } else {
    r.settask(reusetask, tasktoaffiliate);
 } else if (sourcerecord != null) {
 } else if (!addingtotask &&
     (launchflags&intent.flag_activity_reorder_to_front) != 0) {
 } else if (intask != null){
 } else {
 targetstack.startactivitylocked(r, newtask, doresume, keepcurtransition, options);
   return activitymanager.start_success;



final class activitystack {
 final boolean startpausinglocked(boolean userleaving, boolean uisleeping, boolean resuming,
   boolean dontwait) {
 if (mpausingactivity != null) {
 activityrecord prev = mresumedactivity;
 if (prev == null) {
 mresumedactivity = null;
 mpausingactivity = prev;
 mlastpausedactivity = prev;
 mlastnohistoryactivity = (prev.intent.getflags() & intent.flag_activity_no_history) != 0
    || (prev.info.flags & activityinfo.flag_no_history) != 0 ? prev : null;
 prev.state = activitystate.pausing;
 if (prev.app != null && prev.app.thread != null) {
  try {
 prev.app.thread.schedulepauseactivity(prev.apptoken, prev.finishing,
      userleaving, prev.configchangeflags, dontwait);
  } catch (exception e) {
 } else {


3.3 launcher进程挂起launcher,再次通知ams


public final class activitythread {
 private void handlepauseactivity(ibinder token, boolean finished,
   boolean userleaving, int configchanges, boolean dontreport) {
  activityclientrecord r = mactivities.get(token);
  if (r != null) {
   performpauseactivity(token, finished, r.isprehoneycomb());

   // make sure any pending writes are now committed.
   if (r.isprehoneycomb()) {

   // tell the activity manager we have paused.
   if (!dontreport) {
    try {
    } catch (remoteexception ex) {


3.4 ams创建新的进程

创建新进程的时候,ams会保存一个processrecord信息,如果应用程序中的androidmanifest.xml配置文件中,我们没有指定application标签的process属性,系统就会默认使用package的名称。每一个应用程序都有自己的uid,因此,这里uid + process的组合就可以为每一个应用程序创建一个processrecord

public final class activitymanagerservice extends activitymanagernative
  implements watchdog.monitor, batterystatsimpl.batterycallback {
 private final void startprocesslocked(processrecord app, string hostingtype, string hostingnamestr, string abioverride, string entrypoint, string[] entrypointargs) {
 try {
  // start the process. it will either succeed and return a result containing
  // the pid of the new process, or else throw a runtimeexception.
  boolean isactivityprocess = (entrypoint == null);
  if (entrypoint == null) entrypoint = "android.app.activitythread";
  process.processstartresult startresult = process.start(entrypoint,
     app.processname, uid, uid, gids, debugflags, mountexternal,
     app.info.targetsdkversion, app.info.seinfo, requiredabi, instructionset,
     app.info.datadir, entrypointargs);
 } catch () {


3.5 应用进程初始化


public final class activitythread {
 public static void main(string[] args) {

  activitythread thread = new activitythread();


 private void attach(boolean system) {
  if (!system) {
   final iactivitymanager mgr = activitymanagernative.getdefault();
   try {
   } catch (remoteexception ex) {
    // ignore
  } else {


3.6 在ams中注册应用进程,启动启动栈顶页面



public final class activitystacksupervisor implements displaylistener {
 final boolean realstartactivitylocked(activityrecord r,
   processrecord app, boolean andresume, boolean checkconfig)
   throws remoteexception {
  r.app = app;
  try {
  app.thread.schedulelaunchactivity(new intent(r.intent), r.apptoken,
     system.identityhashcode(r), r.info, new configuration(mservice.mconfiguration),
     r.compat, r.launchedfrompackage, r.task.voiceinteractor, app.repprocstate,
     r.icicle, r.persistentstate, results, newintents, !andresume,
     mservice.isnexttransitionforward(), profilerinfo);
  } catch (remoteexception e) {



通过上述流程,相信大家可以有了一个基本的认知,这里我们忽略细节简化流程,单纯从进程角度来看下图: launch_app_sim

