sharedconstructing private void sharedconstructing(context context) { super.setclickable(true); this.context = context; mscaledetector = new scalegesturedetector(context, new scalelistener()); mgesturedetector = new gesturedetector(context, new gesturelistener()); matrix = new matrix(); prevmatrix = new matrix(); m = new float[9]; normalizedscale = 1; if (mscaletype == null) { mscaletype = scaletype.fit_center; } minscale = 1; maxscale = 3; superminscale = super_min_multiplier * minscale; supermaxscale = super_max_multiplier * maxscale; setimagematrix(matrix); setscaletype(scaletype.matrix); setstate(state.none); ondrawready = false; super.setontouchlistener(new privateontouchlistener()); }
mscaledetector = new scalegesturedetector(context, new scalelistener()); mgesturedetector = new gesturedetector(context, new gesturelistener());
super.setontouchlistener(new privateontouchlistener()); privateontouchlistener private class privateontouchlistener implements ontouchlistener { // // remember last point position for dragging // private pointf last = new pointf(); @override public boolean ontouch(view v, motionevent event) { mscaledetector.ontouchevent(event); mgesturedetector.ontouchevent(event); pointf curr = new pointf(event.getx(), event.gety()); if (state == state.none || state == state.drag || state == state.fling) { switch (event.getaction()) { case motionevent.action_down: last.set(curr); if (fling != null) fling.cancelfling(); setstate(state.drag); break; case motionevent.action_move: if (state == state.drag) { float deltax = curr.x - last.x; float deltay = curr.y - last.y; float fixtransx = getfixdragtrans(deltax, viewwidth, getimagewidth()); float fixtransy = getfixdragtrans(deltay, viewheight, getimageheight()); matrix.posttranslate(fixtransx, fixtransy); fixtrans(); last.set(curr.x, curr.y); } break; case motionevent.action_up: case motionevent.action_pointer_up: setstate(state.none); break; } } setimagematrix(matrix); // // user-defined ontouchlistener // if(usertouchlistener != null) { usertouchlistener.ontouch(v, event); } // // ontouchimageviewlistener is set: touchimageview dragged by user. // if (touchimageviewlistener != null) { touchimageviewlistener.onmove(); } // // indicate event was handled // return true; } }
mscaledetector.ontouchevent(event); mgesturedetector.ontouchevent(event);
matrix.posttranslate(fixtransx, fixtransy);
private class scalelistener extends scalegesturedetector.simpleonscalegesturelistener { @override public boolean onscalebegin(scalegesturedetector detector) { setstate(state.zoom); return true; } @override public boolean onscale(scalegesturedetector detector) { scaleimage(detector.getscalefactor(), detector.getfocusx(), detector.getfocusy(), true); // // ontouchimageviewlistener is set: touchimageview pinch zoomed by user. // if (touchimageviewlistener != null) { touchimageviewlistener.onmove(); } return true; } @override public void onscaleend(scalegesturedetector detector) { super.onscaleend(detector); setstate(state.none); boolean animatetozoomboundary = false; float targetzoom = normalizedscale; if (normalizedscale > maxscale) { targetzoom = maxscale; animatetozoomboundary = true; } else if (normalizedscale < minscale) { targetzoom = minscale; animatetozoomboundary = true; } if (animatetozoomboundary) { doubletapzoom doubletap = new doubletapzoom(targetzoom, viewwidth / 2, viewheight / 2, true); compatpostonanimation(doubletap); } } }
scaleimage(detector.getscalefactor(), detector.getfocusx(), detector.getfocusy(), true);
private void scaleimage(double deltascale, float focusx, float focusy, boolean stretchimagetosuper) { float lowerscale, upperscale; if (stretchimagetosuper) { lowerscale = superminscale; upperscale = supermaxscale; } else { lowerscale = minscale; upperscale = maxscale; } float origscale = normalizedscale; normalizedscale *= deltascale; if (normalizedscale > upperscale) { normalizedscale = upperscale; deltascale = upperscale / origscale; } else if (normalizedscale < lowerscale) { normalizedscale = lowerscale; deltascale = lowerscale / origscale; } matrix.postscale((float) deltascale, (float) deltascale, focusx, focusy); fixscaletrans(); }
normalizedscale *= deltascale;
matrix.postscale((float) deltascale, (float) deltascale, focusx, focusy);
doubletapzoom doubletap = new doubletapzoom(targetzoom, viewwidth / 2, viewheight / 2, true); compatpostonanimation(doubletap);
private class gesturelistener extends gesturedetector.simpleongesturelistener { @override public boolean onsingletapconfirmed(motionevent e) { if(doubletaplistener != null) { return doubletaplistener.onsingletapconfirmed(e); } return performclick(); } @override public void onlongpress(motionevent e) { performlongclick(); } @override public boolean onfling(motionevent e1, motionevent e2, float velocityx, float velocityy) { if (fling != null) { // // if a previous fling is still active, it should be cancelled so that two flings // are not run simultaenously. // fling.cancelfling(); } fling = new fling((int) velocityx, (int) velocityy); compatpostonanimation(fling); return super.onfling(e1, e2, velocityx, velocityy); } @override public boolean ondoubletap(motionevent e) { boolean consumed = false; if(doubletaplistener != null) { consumed = doubletaplistener.ondoubletap(e); } if (state == state.none) { float targetzoom = (normalizedscale == minscale) ? maxscale : minscale; doubletapzoom doubletap = new doubletapzoom(targetzoom, e.getx(), e.gety(), false); compatpostonanimation(doubletap); consumed = true; } return consumed; } @override public boolean ondoubletapevent(motionevent e) { if(doubletaplistener != null) { return doubletaplistener.ondoubletapevent(e); } return false; } }
float targetzoom = (normalizedscale == minscale) ? maxscale : minscale;
doubletapzoom doubletap = new doubletapzoom(targetzoom, e.getx(), e.gety(), false); compatpostonanimation(doubletap);
private class doubletapzoom implements runnable { private long starttime; private static final float zoom_time = 500; private float startzoom, targetzoom; private float bitmapx, bitmapy; private boolean stretchimagetosuper; private acceleratedecelerateinterpolator interpolator = new acceleratedecelerateinterpolator(); private pointf starttouch; private pointf endtouch; doubletapzoom(float targetzoom, float focusx, float focusy, boolean stretchimagetosuper) { setstate(state.animate_zoom); starttime = system.currenttimemillis(); this.startzoom = normalizedscale; this.targetzoom = targetzoom; this.stretchimagetosuper = stretchimagetosuper; pointf bitmappoint = transformcoordtouchtobitmap(focusx, focusy, false); this.bitmapx = bitmappoint.x; this.bitmapy = bitmappoint.y; // // used for translating image during scaling // starttouch = transformcoordbitmaptotouch(bitmapx, bitmapy); endtouch = new pointf(viewwidth / 2, viewheight / 2); } @override public void run() { float t = interpolate(); double deltascale = calculatedeltascale(t); scaleimage(deltascale, bitmapx, bitmapy, stretchimagetosuper); translateimagetocentertouchposition(t); fixscaletrans(); setimagematrix(matrix); // // ontouchimageviewlistener is set: double tap runnable updates listener // with every frame. // if (touchimageviewlistener != null) { touchimageviewlistener.onmove(); } if (t < 1f) { // // we haven't finished zooming // compatpostonanimation(this); } else { // // finished zooming // setstate(state.none); } } /** * interpolate between where the image should start and end in order to translate * the image so that the point that is touched is what ends up centered at the end * of the zoom. * @param t */ private void translateimagetocentertouchposition(float t) { float targetx = starttouch.x + t * (endtouch.x - starttouch.x); float targety = starttouch.y + t * (endtouch.y - starttouch.y); pointf curr = transformcoordbitmaptotouch(bitmapx, bitmapy); matrix.posttranslate(targetx - curr.x, targety - curr.y); } /** * use interpolator to get t * @return */ private float interpolate() { long currtime = system.currenttimemillis(); float elapsed = (currtime - starttime) / zoom_time; elapsed = math.min(1f, elapsed); return interpolator.getinterpolation(elapsed); } /** * interpolate the current targeted zoom and get the delta * from the current zoom. * @param t * @return */ private double calculatedeltascale(float t) { double zoom = startzoom + t * (targetzoom - startzoom); return zoom / normalizedscale; } }
float t = interpolate();
private float interpolate() { long currtime = system.currenttimemillis(); float elapsed = (currtime - starttime) / zoom_time; elapsed = math.min(1f, elapsed); return interpolator.getinterpolation(elapsed); }
double deltascale = calculatedeltascale(t);
scaleimage(deltascale, bitmapx, bitmapy, stretchimagetosuper);
if (t < 1f) { compatpostonanimation(this); } else { setstate(state.none); }
fling = new fling((int) velocityx, (int) velocityy); compatpostonanimation(fling);
private class fling implements runnable { compatscroller scroller; int currx, curry; fling(int velocityx, int velocityy) { setstate(state.fling); scroller = new compatscroller(context); matrix.getvalues(m); int startx = (int) m[matrix.mtrans_x]; int starty = (int) m[matrix.mtrans_y]; int minx, maxx, miny, maxy; if (getimagewidth() > viewwidth) { minx = viewwidth - (int) getimagewidth(); maxx = 0; } else { minx = maxx = startx; } if (getimageheight() > viewheight) { miny = viewheight - (int) getimageheight(); maxy = 0; } else { miny = maxy = starty; } scroller.fling(startx, starty, (int) velocityx, (int) velocityy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy); currx = startx; curry = starty; } public void cancelfling() { if (scroller != null) { setstate(state.none); scroller.forcefinished(true); } } @override public void run() { // // ontouchimageviewlistener is set: touchimageview listener has been flung by user. // listener runnable updated with each frame of fling animation. // if (touchimageviewlistener != null) { touchimageviewlistener.onmove(); } if (scroller.isfinished()) { scroller = null; return; } if (scroller.computescrolloffset()) { int newx = scroller.getcurrx(); int newy = scroller.getcurry(); int transx = newx - currx; int transy = newy - curry; currx = newx; curry = newy; matrix.posttranslate(transx, transy); fixtrans(); setimagematrix(matrix); compatpostonanimation(this); } } }
scroller.fling(startx, starty, (int) velocityx, (int) velocityy, minx,maxx, miny, maxy); currx = startx; curry = starty;
if (scroller.computescrolloffset()) { int newx = scroller.getcurrx(); int newy = scroller.getcurry(); int transx = newx - currx; int transy = newy - curry; currx = newx; curry = newy; matrix.posttranslate(transx, transy); fixtrans(); setimagematrix(matrix); compatpostonanimation(this); }
private void compatpostonanimation(runnable runnable) { if (version.sdk_int >= version_codes.jelly_bean) { postonanimation(runnable); } else { postdelayed(runnable, 1000/60); } }
上一篇: Android使用第三方服务器Bmob实现发送短信验证码
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