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java 中ThreadLocal 的正确用法

程序员文章站 2024-03-04 13:27:11
java 中threadlocal 的正确用法 用法一:在关联数据类中创建private static threadlocalthrealocal的jdk文档中说明:th...

java 中threadlocal 的正确用法

用法一:在关联数据类中创建private static threadlocalthrealocal的jdk文档中说明:threadlocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread。如果我们希望通过某个类将状态(例如用户id、事务id)与线程关联起来,那么通常在这个类中定义private static类型的threadlocal 实例。

例如,在下面的类中,私有静态 threadlocal 实例(serialnum)为调用该类的静态 serialnum.get() 方法的每个线程维护了一个“序列号”,该方法将返回当前线程的序列号。(线程的序列号是在第一次调用 serialnum.get() 时分配的,并在后续调用中不会更改。)

public class serialnum { 
  // the next serial number to be assigned 
  private static int nextserialnum = 0; 
  private static threadlocal serialnum = new threadlocal() { 
    protected synchronized object initialvalue() { 
      return new integer(nextserialnum++); 
  public static int get() { 
    return ((integer) (serialnum.get())).intvalue(); 


public class threadcontext {
 private string userid;
 private long transactionid;
 private static threadlocal threadlocal = new threadlocal(){
    protected threadcontext initialvalue() {
      return new threadcontext();
 public static threadcontext get() {
  return threadlocal.get();

 public string getuserid() {
  return userid;
 public void setuserid(string userid) {
  this.userid = userid;
 public long gettransactionid() {
  return transactionid;
 public void settransactionid(long transactionid) {
  this.transactionid = transactionid;




public class hibernateutil {
  private static log log = logfactory.getlog(hibernateutil.class);
  private static final sessionfactory sessionfactory;   //定义sessionfactory
  static {
    try {
      // 通过默认配置文件hibernate.cfg.xml创建sessionfactory
      sessionfactory = new configuration().configure().buildsessionfactory();
    } catch (throwable ex) {
      log.error("初始化sessionfactory失败!", ex);
      throw new exceptionininitializererror(ex);

  public static final threadlocal session = new threadlocal();
   * 获取当前线程中的session
   * @return session
   * @throws hibernateexception
  public static session currentsession() throws hibernateexception {
    session s = (session) session.get();
    // 如果session还没有打开,则新开一个session
    if (s == null) {
      s = sessionfactory.opensession();
      session.set(s);     //将新开的session保存到线程局部变量中
    return s;
  public static void closesession() throws hibernateexception {
    session s = (session) session.get();
    if (s != null)






public class threadlocaltest implements runnable{
  threadlocal<studen> studenthreadlocal = new threadlocal<studen>();

  public void run() {
    string currentthreadname = thread.currentthread().getname();
    system.out.println(currentthreadname + " is running...");
    random random = new random();
    int age = random.nextint(100);
    system.out.println(currentthreadname + " is set age: " + age);
    studen studen = getstudent(); //通过这个方法,为每个线程都独立的new一个student对象,每个线程的的student对象都可以设置不同的值
    system.out.println(currentthreadname + " is first get age: " + studen.getage());
    try {
    } catch (interruptedexception e) {
    system.out.println( currentthreadname + " is second get age: " + studen.getage());
  private studen getstudent() {
    studen studen = studenthreadlocal.get();
    if (null == studen) {
      studen = new studen();
    return studen;

  public static void main(string[] args) {
    threadlocaltest t = new threadlocaltest();
    thread t1 = new thread(t,"thread a");
    thread t2 = new thread(t,"thread b");

class studen{
  int age;
  public int getage() {
    return age;
  public void setage(int age) {
    this.age = age;
