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程序员文章站 2024-02-28 14:13:28
先来看段mysql查询文章回复语句: 复制代码 代码如下:#查询文章回复-- ------------------------------ procedure struc...


复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- procedure structure for `sp_select_reply_article`
-- ----------------------------
drop procedure if exists `sp_select_reply_article`;
delimiter ;;
create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `sp_select_reply_article`(in `ra_id` int,in `pagefrom` int,in `pagesize` int)
         #routine body goes here...
         set @ra_id = ra_id;
         set @pagefrom = pagefrom;
         set @pagesize = pagesize;
         set @ssra = concat('select * from gk_article where id = ? limit ?,?');
         prepare sqlquery from @ssra;
         execute sqlquery using @ra_id,@pagefrom,@pagesize;

delimiter ;


复制代码 代码如下:

         set @ssra = concat('select * from gk_article where id = ? limit ?,?');
         prepare sqlquery from @ssra;
         execute sqlquery using @ra_id,@pagefrom,@pagesize;


复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- procedure structure for `sp_update_permission`
-- ----------------------------
drop procedure if exists `sp_update_permission`;
delimiter ;;
create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `sp_update_permission`(in `puser_uid` varchar(20),in `plevel` int,in `ppower` int)
         #routine body goes here...

         set @puser_uid = puser_uid;
         set @plevel = plevel;
         set @ppower = ppower;
         update gk_permission set `level` = @plevel, power = @ppower where user_uid = convert(@puser_uid using utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci;

delimiter ;

#技术点3:mysql进行字符串比较时发生错误(illegal mix of collations (utf8_unicode_ci,implicit) and (utf8_general_ci,implicit) for operation '='),解决方法:将比较等式一边进行字符串转换,如改为“convert(b.fullcode using utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci”,主要代码如下:

复制代码 代码如下:

         update gk_permission set `level` = @plevel, power = @ppower where user_uid = convert(@puser_uid using utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci;

复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- procedure structure for `sp_insert_user`
-- ----------------------------
drop procedure if exists `sp_insert_user`;
delimiter ;;
create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `sp_insert_user`(in `uid` varchar(20),in `upw` varchar(32),in `name` varchar(20),in `sex` int,in `phone` varchar(20),in `u_id` int,in `s_id` int,in `j_id` int)
         #routine body goes here...
         set @uid = uid;
         set @upw = upw;
         set @uname = uname;
         set @sex = sex;
         set @phone = phone;
         set @u_id = u_id;
         set @s_id = s_id;
         set @j_id = j_id;
         set @verifytime = date('0000-00-00');
         insert into gk_user(uid,upw,uname,sex,phone,u_id,s_id,j_id,verifytime)

delimiter ;

复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- procedure structure for `sp_delete_exchange_by_id`
-- ----------------------------
drop procedure if exists `sp_delete_exchange_by_id`;
delimiter ;;
create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `sp_delete_exchange_by_id`(in `eid` int)
         #routine body goes here...
         set @eid = eid;
         delete from gk_exchange where id = @eid;

delimiter ;

复制代码 代码如下:

-- ----------------------------
-- procedure structure for `sp_select_user_by_uid`
-- ----------------------------
drop procedure if exists `sp_select_user_by_uid`;
delimiter ;;
create definer=`root`@`localhost` procedure `sp_select_user_by_uid`(in `uid` varchar(20),in `getadmin` int)
         #routine body goes here...
         set @uid = uid;
         #set @getadmin = getadmin;
         if (getadmin = 1) then
                   select us.*, un.`name`, se.`name`, jo.`name`, pe.`level`, pe.power from gk_user as us, gk_unit as un, gk_section as se, gk_jobtitle as jo, gk_permission as pe where us.u_id = un.id and us.s_id = se.id and us.j_id = jo.id and us.uid = pe.user_uid and us.uid = convert(@uid using utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci;
         end if;
         if (getadmin = 0) then
                   select us.*, un.`name`, se.`name`, jo.`name` from gk_user as us, gk_unit as un, gk_section as se, gk_jobtitle as jo where us.u_id = un.id and us.s_id = se.id and us.j_id = jo.id and us.uid = convert(@uid using utf8) collate utf8_unicode_ci;
         end if;

delimiter ;

#技术点4:这个存数过程需要用到控制语句(if else elseif while loop repeat leave iterate)。

复制代码 代码如下:

         if (getadmin = 1) then
         end if;

#技术点5:在传入参数不匹配的情况下报错(column count doesn't match value count at row 1),这个就是细心问题了,详细检查参数吧。

