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程序员文章站 2024-02-25 19:00:09
hashmap的resize函数,用于对hashmap初始化或者扩容。 首先看一下该函数的注释,如下图。从注释中可以看到,该函数的作用是初始化或者使table的size翻...



   * initializes or doubles table size. if null, allocates in
   * accord with initial capacity target held in field threshold.
   * otherwise, because we are using power-of-two expansion, the
   * elements from each bin must either stay at same index, or move
   * with a power of two offset in the new table.
   * @return the table


  final node<k,v>[] resize() {
    node<k,v>[] oldtab = table;
    int oldcap = (oldtab == null) ? 0 : oldtab.length;
    int oldthr = threshold;
    int newcap, newthr = 0;
    if (oldcap > 0) {
      if (oldcap >= maximum_capacity) {
        threshold = integer.max_value;
        return oldtab;
      else if ((newcap = oldcap << 1) < maximum_capacity &&
           oldcap >= default_initial_capacity)
        newthr = oldthr << 1; // double threshold
    else if (oldthr > 0) // initial capacity was placed in threshold
      newcap = oldthr;
    else {        // zero initial threshold signifies using defaults
      newcap = default_initial_capacity;
      newthr = (int)(default_load_factor * default_initial_capacity);
    if (newthr == 0) {
      float ft = (float)newcap * loadfactor;
      newthr = (newcap < maximum_capacity && ft < (float)maximum_capacity ?
           (int)ft : integer.max_value);
    threshold = newthr;
      node<k,v>[] newtab = (node<k,v>[])new node[newcap];
    table = newtab;
    if (oldtab != null) {
      for (int j = 0; j < oldcap; ++j) {
        node<k,v> e;
        if ((e = oldtab[j]) != null) {
          oldtab[j] = null;
          if (e.next == null)
            newtab[e.hash & (newcap - 1)] = e;
          else if (e instanceof treenode)
            ((treenode<k,v>)e).split(this, newtab, j, oldcap);
          else { // preserve order
            node<k,v> lohead = null, lotail = null;
            node<k,v> hihead = null, hitail = null;
            node<k,v> next;
            do {
              next = e.next;
              if ((e.hash & oldcap) == 0) {
                if (lotail == null)
                  lohead = e;
                  lotail.next = e;
                lotail = e;
              else {
                if (hitail == null)
                  hihead = e;
                  hitail.next = e;
                hitail = e;
            } while ((e = next) != null);
            if (lotail != null) {
              lotail.next = null;
              newtab[j] = lohead;
            if (hitail != null) {
              hitail.next = null;
              newtab[j + oldcap] = hihead;
    return newtab;



