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Visual Studio Code Basic

程序员文章站 2024-02-22 23:48:28

Visual Studio Code Basic

Basic Editing

Key Command
⌘X Cut line (empty selection)
⌘C Copy line (empty selection)
⇧⌘K Delete Line
⌘I Select current line
⌘Enter Insert Line Below
⇧⌘Enter Insert Line Above
⌥↓ Move Line Down
⌥↑ Move Line Up
⇧⌥↓ Copy Line Down
⇧⌥↑ Copy Line Up
⌘D Add Selection To Next Find Match
⌘U Undo last cursor operation
⇧⌥I Insert cursor at end of each line selected
⇧⌘L Select all occurrences of current selection
⌥⌘↓ Insert Cursor Below
⌥⌘↑ Insert Cursor Above
⌘] Indent Line
⌘[ Outdent Line
⌘/ Toggle Line Comment
⌥⌘[ Fold
⌥⌘] Unfold
⌘K ⌘0 Fold all
⌘K ⌘J Unfold all
⌘F Find
⇧⌘F Find in files
⌥⌘F Replace
⌘G Find Next
⇧⌘G Find Previous
⌥Enter Select All Occurrences of Find Match
⌃⇧⌘← Shrink the current selection
⌃⇧⌘→ Expand the current selection
⇧⌥⌘↓ Column Select Down
⌘K ⌘F Format the selection

Hold Shift and Opton while dragging to do column selection


Key Command
⌘P Go to File..., Quick Open
⌃- Go Back
⌃⇧- Go Forward
⌘↓ Go to End of File
⌘↑ Go to Beginning of File
⌃G Go to Line...

Editor/Window Management

Key Command
⇧⌘N New Window
⌘W Close Eitor/Window

File Management

Key Command
⌘N New File
⌘O Open File
⌘S Save
⇧⌘T Reopen Closed Editor
⌃Tab Open Next
⌃⇧Tab Open Previous
⌘K P Copy Path of Active File
⌘K O Show Opened File in New Window


Key Command
⌃⌘F Toggle Full Screen
⌘K Z Toggle Zen Mode
⌘= Zoom in
⌘- Zoom out
⌘B Toggle Sidebar Visibility
⇧⌘P Show command palette


Key Command
⌘, Open User Settings
⌘K ⌘S Open Keyboard Shortcuts
  "files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.rulers": [
  "editor.wordWrap": "wordWrapColumn",
  "editor.wordWrapColumn": 80,
  "window.zoomLevel": 0,
  "editor.fontSize": 14
