【WPF学习】第五十六章 基于帧的动画
public class ellipseinfo { public ellipse ellipse { get; set; } public double velocityy { get; set; } public ellipseinfo(ellipse ellipse, double velocityy) { velocityy = velocityy; ellipse = ellipse; } }
private list<ellipseinfo> ellipses = new list<ellipseinfo>(); private double accelerationy = 0.1; private int minstartingspeed = 1; private int maxstartingspeed = 50; private double speedratio = 0.1; private int minellipses = 20; private int maxellipses = 100; private int ellipseradius = 10;
private bool rendering = false; private void cmdstart_clicked(object sender, routedeventargs e) { if (!rendering) { ellipses.clear(); canvas.children.clear(); compositiontarget.rendering += renderframe; rendering = true; } } private void cmdstop_clicked(object sender, routedeventargs e) { stoprendering(); } private void stoprendering() { compositiontarget.rendering -= renderframe; rendering = false; }
private void renderframe(object sender, eventargs e) { if (ellipses.count == 0) { // animation just started. create the ellipses. int halfcanvaswidth = (int)canvas.actualwidth / 2; random rand = new random(); int ellipsecount = rand.next(minellipses, maxellipses + 1); for (int i = 0; i < ellipsecount; i++) { ellipse ellipse = new ellipse(); ellipse.fill = brushes.limegreen; ellipse.width = ellipseradius; ellipse.height = ellipseradius; canvas.setleft(ellipse, halfcanvaswidth + rand.next(-halfcanvaswidth, halfcanvaswidth)); canvas.settop(ellipse, 0); canvas.children.add(ellipse); ellipseinfo info = new ellipseinfo(ellipse, speedratio * rand.next(minstartingspeed, maxstartingspeed)); ellipses.add(info); } } }
else { for (int i = ellipses.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ellipseinfo info = ellipses[i]; double top = canvas.gettop(info.ellipse); canvas.settop(info.ellipse, top + 1 * info.velocityy); }
if (top >= (canvas.actualheight - ellipseradius * 2 - 10)) { // this circle has reached the bottom. // stop animating it. ellipses.remove(info); } else { // increase the velocity. info.velocityy += accelerationy; }
if (ellipses.count == 0) { // end the animation. // there's no reason to keep calling this method // if it has no work to do. stoprendering(); }
<window x:class="animation.framebasedanimation" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" title="framebasedanimation" height="396" width="463.2"> <grid margin="3"> <grid.rowdefinitions> <rowdefinition height="auto"></rowdefinition> <rowdefinition></rowdefinition> </grid.rowdefinitions> <stackpanel orientation="horizontal"> <button margin="3" padding="3" click="cmdstart_clicked">start</button> <button margin="3" padding="3" click="cmdstop_clicked">stop</button> </stackpanel> <canvas name="canvas" grid.row="1" margin="3"></canvas> </grid> </window>
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.windows; using system.windows.controls; using system.windows.data; using system.windows.documents; using system.windows.input; using system.windows.media; using system.windows.media.imaging; using system.windows.shapes; namespace animation { /// <summary> /// framebasedanimation.xaml 的交互逻辑 /// </summary> public partial class framebasedanimation : window { public framebasedanimation() { initializecomponent(); } private bool rendering = false; private void cmdstart_clicked(object sender, routedeventargs e) { if (!rendering) { ellipses.clear(); canvas.children.clear(); compositiontarget.rendering += renderframe; rendering = true; } } private void cmdstop_clicked(object sender, routedeventargs e) { stoprendering(); } private void stoprendering() { compositiontarget.rendering -= renderframe; rendering = false; } private list<ellipseinfo> ellipses = new list<ellipseinfo>(); private double accelerationy = 0.1; private int minstartingspeed = 1; private int maxstartingspeed = 50; private double speedratio = 0.1; private int minellipses = 20; private int maxellipses = 100; private int ellipseradius = 10; private void renderframe(object sender, eventargs e) { if (ellipses.count == 0) { // animation just started. create the ellipses. int halfcanvaswidth = (int)canvas.actualwidth / 2; random rand = new random(); int ellipsecount = rand.next(minellipses, maxellipses + 1); for (int i = 0; i < ellipsecount; i++) { ellipse ellipse = new ellipse(); ellipse.fill = brushes.limegreen; ellipse.width = ellipseradius; ellipse.height = ellipseradius; canvas.setleft(ellipse, halfcanvaswidth + rand.next(-halfcanvaswidth, halfcanvaswidth)); canvas.settop(ellipse, 0); canvas.children.add(ellipse); ellipseinfo info = new ellipseinfo(ellipse, speedratio * rand.next(minstartingspeed, maxstartingspeed)); ellipses.add(info); } } else { for (int i = ellipses.count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ellipseinfo info = ellipses[i]; double top = canvas.gettop(info.ellipse); canvas.settop(info.ellipse, top + 1 * info.velocityy); if (top >= (canvas.actualheight - ellipseradius * 2 - 10)) { // this circle has reached the bottom. // stop animating it. ellipses.remove(info); } else { // increase the velocity. info.velocityy += accelerationy; } if (ellipses.count == 0) { // end the animation. // there's no reason to keep calling this method // if it has no work to do. stoprendering(); } } } } } public class ellipseinfo { public ellipse ellipse { get; set; } public double velocityy { get; set; } public ellipseinfo(ellipse ellipse, double velocityy) { velocityy = velocityy; ellipse = ellipse; } } }
开始学习基于帧的动画的最好方式是查看wpf sdk提供的每一帧动画都非常详细的示例。该例演示了几种粒子系统效果,并且使用自定义的timetracker类实现了依赖与时间的基于帧的动画。
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