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Huffman Codes

程序员文章站 2024-01-09 22:17:04

1.  Binary Codes:

    -- Maps each character of an alphabet Sigma to a binary string.

    -- Example: Sigma = a-z and various punctuation (size 32 overall, say)

                       Obvious encoding: Use the 32 5-bit binary strings to encode this (a xed-length code)


2.  Variable Length Encoding :

    -- if some characters of Sigma are much more frequent than others, using a variable-length code.

    -- Problem: With variable-length codes, not clear where one character ends + the next one begins.

    -- Solution: Prex-free codes -- make sure that for every pair i , j in Sigma, neither of the encodings f (i) , f (j) is a prex of the other.


3.  Codes as Trees

    -- Useful fact: Binary codes <==> Binary trees

Huffman Codes
    博客分类: Algorithms II -- Standford 学习笔记 HuffmanBinary CodesGreedy AlgorithmBinary Trees 

4.  Prex-Free Codes as Trees

    -- Goal: Best binary prex-free encoding for a given set of character frequencies.

    -- Left child edges <--> "0", right child edges <--> "1"

    -- For each i in Sigma , exactly one node labeled "i"

    -- Encoding of i in Sigma <--> Bits along path from node to the node "i"

    -- Prex-free <--> Labelled nodes = the leaves [since prefixes <--> one node an ancestor of another]

    -- To decode: Repeadetly follow path from root until you hit a leaf.

    -- Encoding length of i in Sigma  = depth of i in tree.


5.  Problem Denition

    -- Input: Probability pi for each character i in Sigma.

    -- Notation: If T = tree with leaves <--> symbols of Sigma , then average encoding length

       L(T) = Sum(i in Sigma){ pi * [depth of i in T] }

    -- Output: A binary tree T minimizing the average encoding length L(T).


6.  A Greedy Approach:

    -- Build tree bottom-up using successive mergers.

    -- Final encoding length of i in Sigma = # of mergers its subtree endures.

       [Each merger increases encoding length of participating symbols by 1]

    -- Greedy heuristic: In first iteration, merge the two symbols with the smallest frequencies. Replace symbols a , b by a new "meta-symbol" ab and the frequency Pab = Pa + Pb

    -- Recusively apply the approach on less characters

Huffman Codes
    博客分类: Algorithms II -- Standford 学习笔记 HuffmanBinary CodesGreedy AlgorithmBinary Trees 

7.   Huffman's Algorithm:

    -- If |Sigma| = 2 return A --> 0, B -->1

    -- Otherwise, Let a , b in Sigma have the smallest frequencies.

        -- Let Sigma' = Sigma with a , b replaced by new symbol ab.

        -- Define Pab = Pa + Pb.

        -- Recursively compute T' (for the alphabet Sigma')

        -- Extend T' (with leaves <--> Sigma') to a tree T with leaves <--> Sigma by splitting leaf ab into two leaves a & b.


8.  Correctness of Huffman's Algorithm:

    -- By induction on n = |Sigma|. (Can assume n >= 2.)

    -- Base case: When n = 2, algorithm outputs the optimal tree. (Needs 1 bit per symbol)

    -- Inductive step: Fix input with n = |Sigma| > 2. By inductve hypothesis: Algorithm solves smaller subproblems (for Sigma') optimally. Let Sigma' = Sigma with a , b (symbols with smallest frequencies) replaced by meta-symbol ab. Define Pab = Pa + Pb.

    -- For every such pair T and T', L(T) - L(T') = Pa [a's depth in T] +Pb [b's depth in T] -Pab [ab's depth in T'] = Pa(d +1)+Pb(d +1)-(Pa +Pb)d = Pa + Pb, Independent of T , T'!

    -- The output of Huffman's Algorithm T for Sigma minimize L(T) for Sigma over all trees T' where a&b are siblings at the deepest level.

   -- Intuition: Can make an optimal tree better by pushing a & b as deep as possible (since a , b have smallest frequencies).

   -- By exchange argument. Let T* be any tree that minimizes L(T) for Sigma . Let x , y be siblings at the deepest level of T*. The exchange: Obtain T' from T* by swapping a <--> x, b <--> y (T' is the tree where a&b are siblings at the deepest level)

   -- L(T*) - L(T') = (Px - Pa) * [x's depth in T* - a's depth in T*] + (Py - Pb) [y's depth in T* - b's depth in T*] >= 0

Huffman Codes
    博客分类: Algorithms II -- Standford 学习笔记 HuffmanBinary CodesGreedy AlgorithmBinary Trees 


9.  Running Time

    -- Naive implementation: O(n2) time, where n = |Sigma|.

    -- Speed ups:

        -- Use a heap! [to perform repeated minimum computations]

        -- Use keys = frequencies

        -- After extracting the two smallest-frequency symbols, re-Insert the new meta-symbol [new key = sum of the 2 old ones]

        => Iterative, O(n log n) implementation.

    -- Even faster: Sorting + O(n) additional work. -- manage (meta-)symbols using two queues.

  • Huffman Codes
    博客分类: Algorithms II -- Standford 学习笔记 HuffmanBinary CodesGreedy AlgorithmBinary Trees 
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  • Huffman Codes
    博客分类: Algorithms II -- Standford 学习笔记 HuffmanBinary CodesGreedy AlgorithmBinary Trees 
  • 大小: 27.3 KB
  • Huffman Codes
    博客分类: Algorithms II -- Standford 学习笔记 HuffmanBinary CodesGreedy AlgorithmBinary Trees 
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