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How to fix error system is running in low graphics mode?

程序员文章站 2023-12-25 11:05:45

How to fix error system is running in low graphics mode?

While booting to Ubuntu desktop system get stuck, and the error message generated is - The system is running in low graphics mode. Graphic card and input device does not get detected correctly. Subsequently to solve, it advises to configure it yourself.
引导到 Ubuntu 桌面系统时卡住,并且生成的错误消息是 - The system is running in low graphics mode。图形卡和输入设备未正确检测。Subsequently to solve, it advises to configure it yourself.

How to fix error system is running in low graphics mode?

stick [stɪk]:vt. 刺,戳,伸出,粘贴 vi. 坚持,伸出,粘住 n. 棍,手杖,呆头呆脑的人
subsequently [ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli]:adv. 随后,其后,后来

When you click on OK it leads to next screen, where you get an option to reconfigure graphics. Restore it to default setting or restore from any of the backed up settings.
当您单击 OK 时,将转到下一个屏幕,您可以在其中选择重新配置图形。将其还原为默认设置,或从任何备份设置还原。

How to fix error system is running in low graphics mode?

In order to do that follow the instructions as mention in the screen shot above and reboot the machine. In case, if this does not fix the low graphic issue then you can follow below steps.
为此,请按照上述屏幕快照中的说明进行操作,然后重新启动计算机。如果这不能解决 low graphic 问题,则可以按照以下步骤操作。

  • Restart the machine
  • Once the grub menu loaded choose Advanced options for ubuntu.

It will take you to the next screen, where you will see different options. Choose dpkg Repair broken packages. It will upgrade the system and repair broken packages.
它将带您到下一个屏幕,您将在其中看到不同的选项。选择 dpkg Repair broken packages。它将升级系统并修复损坏的软件包。

How to fix error system is running in low graphics mode?

Even after doing this if you don’t get success then follow below instructions to fix this problem.

  • Press key Ctrl + Alt + F4 to go to shell terminal (In some system, need to press Ctrl + Alt + F1)
  • Run below commands to upgrade system and fix the broken packages.
sudo apt-get update

After this just replace update with upgrade and run. Once that get completed replace upgrade with dist-upgrade and run. After that restart the system and check if all goes well.
之后,只需将 update 替换为 upgrade 即可运行。一旦完成,用 dist-upgrade 替换升级并运行。之后,重新启动系统并检查是否一切正常。

sudo reboot
  • If this does not fix the issue then there might be problem with login manager - lightdm. Therefore, try removing this and then install it again. In order to do that run below commands.
sudo apt-get purge lightdm
sudo apt-get install lightdm

I have tried this and this has fixed my low graphic issue. Rather than using lightdm you can also use any other login manager like gdm3, kdm etc.
我已经尝试过了,这已经解决了我的 low graphic 问题。除了使用 lightdm,您还可以使用其他任何登录管理器,例如 gdm3,kdm 等。

