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程序员文章站 2023-12-24 12:56:33
c++自学之路:3.1-简单变量。 #include #include int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { us...



int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    using namespace std;
    int n_int = int_max;
    short n_short = shrt_max;
    long n_long = long_max;
    long long n_llong = llong_max;
    cout << "int is " << sizeof(n_int) << " bytes." << endl;
    cout << "short is " << sizeof(n_short) << " btyes." << endl;
    cout << "long is " << sizeof(n_long) << " bytes." << endl;
    cout << "long long " << sizeof(n_llong) << " bytes." << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "maxium values:" << endl;
    cout << "int:" << n_int << endl;
    cout << "short:" << n_short << endl;
    cout << "long:" << n_long << endl;
    cout << "long long:" << n_llong << endl;
    cout << "minium int values:" << endl;
    cout << "bits per byte = " << char_bit << endl;
    return 0;
sizeof 指出,在使用8位字节的中,int长度为4个字节,可以对类名或者变量名使用sizeof运算符,类名需要放在括号中,变量名括号可选。
cout << "short is " << sizeof(int) << " btyes." << endl;

cout << "short is " << sizeof n_short << " btyes." << endl;


#define zero 0;

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    using namespace std;
    short sam = shrt_max;
    unsigned short sue = sam;
    cout << "sam has " << sam << " dollars and sue has " << sue;
    cout << " dollars deposited." << endl
         << "add $1 to each accout." << endl << "now ";
    sam = sam + 1;
    sue = sue + 1;
    cout << "sam has " << sam << " dollars and sue has " << sue;
    cout << " dollars deposited.\npoor sam!" << endl;
    sam = zero;
    sue = zero;
    cout << "sam has " << sam << " dollars and sue has " << sue;
    cout << " dollars deposited." << endl;
    cout << "take $1 from each accout." << endl << "now ";
    sam = sam - 1;
    sue = sue - 1;
    cout << "sam has " << sam << " dollars and sue has " << sue;
    cout << " dollars deposited." << endl << "lucky sue!" << endl;
    return 0;

sam has 32767 dollars and sue has 32767 dollars deposited.
add $1 to each accout.
now sam has -32768 dollars and sue has 32768 dollars deposited.
poor sam!
sam has 0 dollars and sue has 0 dollars deposited.
take $1 from each accout.
now sam has -1 dollars and sue has 65535 dollars deposited.
lucky sue!

short 变量sam 和 unsigned short 变量 sue,分别设置最大值和最小值。short变量从最大值加1,取值从32768变成—32769。unsigned short变量从最大值加1并没有什么问题。short变量从最大值减1,没什么问题。unsigned short变量从最大值加1,从0变为65535。

unsigned short change;
unsigned int rovert;
unsigned quarterback;//unsigned 本身是 unsigned int 缩写。
unsigned long gone;
unsigned long long lang_lang;

1.int 被设置为对目标计算机而言最为自然的长度。




using namespace std;

int main(int argc, const char * arvg[]) {
    using namespace std;
    int chest = 42;//10进制
    int waist = 0x42;//16进制
    int inseam = 042;//8进制
    cout << "monsieur cuts a striking figure!\n";
    cout << "chest = " << chest << " (42 in decimal)\n";
    cout << "waist = " << waist << " (0x42 in hex)\n";
    cout << "inseam = " << inseam << " (042 in octal)\n" << endl;
    //  1.默认情况下cout以十进制显示。
    return 0;

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, const char * arvg[]) {

    using namespace std;
    int chest = 42;
    int waist = 42;
    int inseam = 42;
    cout << "monsieur cuts a striking figure!" << endl;
    cout << "chest = " << chest << " (decimal for 42)" << endl;
    cout << hex;
    cout << "waist = " << waist << " (hexadecimal for 42)" << endl;
    cout << oct;
    cout << "inseam = " << inseam << " (octal for 42)" << endl;
    //  hex将值转换成16进制显示。oct将值转换成8进制显示。dec将值转换为10进制显示。
    return 0;
2.整数后面l或者l表示long类型,u或者u表示unsigned int 类型,ul表示 unsigned long 类型,ull或者ull表示unsigned long long类型。
3.c++中,对于10进制数值的规则。(int为16位的机器中)20000表示为int类型,40000表示为long类型,3000000000表示为long long 类型。

