2023-12-19 17:12:10
package student_system;
import j...
package student_system; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import*; import java.sql.connection; import java.sql.drivermanager; import java.sql.preparedstatement; import java.sql.resultset; import java.sql.statement; import java.util.*; /*class stu implements{ string number,name,specialty,grade,borth,sex; public stu(){}; public void setnumber(string number){ this.number=number;} public string getnumber(){ return number;} public void setname(string name){;} public string getname(){ return name;} public void setsex(string sex){;} public string getsex(){ return sex;} public void setspecialty(string specialty){ this.specialty=specialty;} public string getspecialty(){ return specialty;} public void setgrade(string grade){ this.grade=grade;} public string getgrade(){ return grade;} public void setborth(string borth){ this.borth=borth;} public string getborth(){ return borth;} }*/ public class studentsystem extends jframe{ public static void main(string[] args){ jframe frame = new jframe(); frame.settitle("信息管理系统"); frame.setsize(500, 500); frame.setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close); container container = frame.getcontentpane(); container.setlayout(new flowlayout()); jlabel lb=new jlabel("录入请先输入记录,查询、删除请先输入学号,修改是对查询" + "内容改后的保存!"); final jtextfield 学号; final jtextfield 姓名; final jtextfield 专业; final jtextfield 年级; final jtextfield 出生; final jradiobutton 男; final jradiobutton 女; buttongroup group=null; jbutton 录入,查询,删除,修改,显示; jpanel p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,pv,ph; 学号=new jtextfield(10); 姓名=new jtextfield(10); 专业=new jtextfield(10); 年级=new jtextfield(10); 出生=new jtextfield(10); group=new buttongroup(); 男=new jradiobutton("男"); 女=new jradiobutton("女"); group.add(男); group.add(女); 录入=new jbutton("录入"); 查询=new jbutton("查询"); 删除=new jbutton("删除"); 修改=new jbutton("修改"); 显示=new jbutton("显示"); 修改.setenabled(false); //添加输入框及文本框 p1=new jpanel(); p1.add(new jlabel("学号:",; p1.add(学号); p2=new jpanel(); p2.add(new jlabel("姓名:",; p2.add(姓名); p3=new jpanel(); p3.add(new jlabel("性别:",; p3.add(男); p3.add(女); p4=new jpanel(); p4.add(new jlabel("专业:",; p4.add(专业); p5=new jpanel(); p5.add(new jlabel("年级:",; p5.add(年级); p6=new jpanel(); p6.add(new jlabel("出生:",; p6.add(出生); pv=new jpanel(); pv.setlayout(new gridlayout(6,1)); pv.add(p1); pv.add(p2); pv.add(p3); pv.add(p4); pv.add(p5); pv.add(p6); ph=new jpanel(); ph.add(录入); ph.add(查询); ph.add(修改); ph.add(删除); ph.add(显示); frame.add(lb); frame.add(ph); frame.add(p1); frame.add(p2); frame.add(p3); frame.add(p4); frame.add(p5); frame.add(p6); frame.add(pv); frame.add(ph); class mylistener implements actionlistener { public void actionperformed (actionevent e) { //判断选中是男是女 /*if(e.getsource().equals(男)){ if(男.isselected()) { system.out.println("男被选中了"); } else { system.out.println("男被取消选中了"); } } if(e.getsource().equals(女)){ if(女.isselected()) { system.out.println("女被选中了"); } else { system.out.println("女被取消选中了"); } }*/ //录入 的功能 if(e.getactioncommand() == "录入") { string text1 = 学号.gettext().trim(); string text2 = 姓名.gettext(); string text3 = 专业.gettext(); string text4 = 年级.gettext(); string text5 = 出生.gettext(); string text6 = null; string text7 = "- - - - -我是分割线 - - - - -"; if(男.isselected()) { text6 = "男"; } if(女.isselected()) { text6 = "女"; } //用texts包含此次所有录入信息 string texts = "\n\n学号:" + text1 + "\n\n" + "姓名:" + text2 + "\n\n" + "专业:" + text3 + "\n\n" + "年级:" + text4 + "\n\n" + "出生:" + text5 + "\n\n" + "性别:" + text6 + "\n\n" ; //显示框 int m = joptionpane.showconfirmdialog(null, "是否录入该条记录:" + texts , "录入" , joptionpane.yes_no_option);//n = 1/0; if(m==0) { insert_student(text1,text2,text3,text4,text5); } else { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "已取消该次录入!!"); } } //显示 的功能 if(e.getactioncommand() == "显示") { int n = joptionpane.showconfirmdialog(null, "是否显示所有记录" , "显示" , joptionpane.yes_no_option);//n = 1/0; if(n ==0 ) { try { file file = new file("d:/file.txt"); inputstreamreader reader = new inputstreamreader( new fileinputstream(file));//创建一个输入流对象 bufferedreader bufferreader = new bufferedreader(reader); string line = ""; string lines = null; line = bufferreader.readline(); while(line != null) { system.out.println(line); if(lines != null) { lines = lines + "\n" + line + "\n"; } else { lines = line + "\n" ; } line = bufferreader.readline(); } //joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, lines , "显示",joptionpane.information_message); } catch (exception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); } } else { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "已取消该次查询"); } } //查询 的功能 if(e.getactioncommand() == "查询") { file file = new file("d:/file.txt"); bufferedreader reader = null; string text7 = "- - - - -我是分割线 - - - - -"; try { //inputstreamreader reader = new inputstreamreader( // new fileinputstream(file));//创建一个输入流对象 reader = new bufferedreader(new filereader(file)); //暂时仅允许查询学号 string text1 = 学号.gettext(); int n = joptionpane.showconfirmdialog(null, "查询的学号为:" + text1 , "查询" , joptionpane.yes_no_option);//n = 1/0; if(n == 0){ string line = null; string lines = null; while((line = reader.readline())!= null) { if(line.equals(text1)) { system.out.println(line); while(!(line.equals(text7))){ line = reader.readline(); if(lines == null) { lines = line + "\n"; } else { lines = lines + line + "\n"; } system.out.println(line); } } else { continue; } } joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, lines , "查询",joptionpane.information_message); reader.close(); } else { joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "已取消查询功能"); } } catch (exception e1) { e1.printstacktrace(); } finally { if(reader != null) { try { reader.close(); }catch (ioexception e1){ } } } } //删除 的功能 if(e.getactioncommand() == "删除") { string text1 = 学号.gettext().trim(); delete_student(text1); } } } //------------注册监听------------- mylistener listener = new mylistener(); mylistener listen = new mylistener(); 显示.addactionlistener(listener); 录入.addactionlistener(listener); 查询.addactionlistener(listener); 删除.addactionlistener(listener); 男.addactionlistener(listen); 女.addactionlistener(listen); frame.setvisible(true); } /* * ---------------------- 功能函数 --------------------- */ //获取所有的数据 // public static void getallmessage(){ try { //添加jdbc驱动 class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); string url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"; string user = "root"; string password = "root"; connection connect = drivermanager.getconnection(url,user,password); statement stmt = connect.createstatement(); system.out.println("success to connect "); //读取所有的数据 string sql1 = "select * from studentsystem"; resultset rs = stmt.executequery(sql1); system.out.println("学号\t姓名\t专业\t年级\t出生"); string lines = null; while( { system.out.print(rs.getstring(1)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(2)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(3)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(4)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(5)+ "\t"); system.out.println(); if(lines != null){ lines = lines + "学号__姓名__专业__年级__出生\n" + rs.getstring(1)+ " "+ rs.getstring(2)+ " "+ rs.getstring(3) + " "+ rs.getstring(4)+ " "+ rs.getstring(5)+ " " + "\n\n"; } else { lines ="数据库中所有数据:\n\n" + "学号__姓名__专业__年级__出生\n" + rs.getstring(1)+ ""+ rs.getstring(2)+ " "+ rs.getstring(3) + " "+ rs.getstring(4)+ " "+ rs.getstring(5)+ " " + "\n"; } } joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, lines , "显示",joptionpane.information_message); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } /** * 插入功能 */ public static void insert_student(string str1,string str2,string str3,string str4,string str5){ try { //添加jdbc驱动 class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); string url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"; string user = "root"; string password = "root"; //连接数据库 connection connect = drivermanager.getconnection(url,user,password); statement stmt = connect.createstatement(); system.out.println("success to connect "); /** * */ string lines = null; string sql = "select * from studentsystem";//要执行的sql string sql2 = "delete from studentsystem where id =?"; string sql3 = "insert into studentsystem(id,name,study,grade,birthplace)values(?,?,?,?,?)";//sql命令 preparedstatement pst = (preparedstatement)connect.preparestatement(sql3); pst = connect.preparestatement(sql3); pst.setnstring(1,str1);//1,2,3,为对应上面的参数,切记!!!!!这里”12“传给了第一个问号代表的 id pst.setstring(2,str2); pst.setstring(3,str3); pst.setstring(4,str4); pst.setstring(5,str5); pst.executeupdate(); joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "该次录入成功!!"); resultset rs = stmt.executequery(sql); system.out.println("学号\t姓名\t专业\t年级\t出生"); while( { system.out.print(rs.getstring(1)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(2)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(3)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(4)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(5)+ "\t"); system.out.println(); if(lines != null){ lines = lines + "学号__姓名__专业__年级__出生\n" + rs.getstring(1)+ " "+ rs.getstring(2)+ " "+ rs.getstring(3) + " "+ rs.getstring(4)+ " "+ rs.getstring(5)+ " " + "\n\n"; } else { lines ="数据库中所有数据:\n\n" + "学号__姓名__专业__年级__出生\n" + rs.getstring(1)+ ""+ rs.getstring(2)+ " "+ rs.getstring(3) + " "+ rs.getstring(4)+ " "+ rs.getstring(5)+ " " + "\n"; } } joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, lines , "显示",joptionpane.information_message); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } /** * ------------删除功能------------ */ public static void delete_student(string str){ try { //添加jdbc驱动 class.forname("com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); string url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"; string user = "root"; string password = "root"; //连接数据库 connection connect = drivermanager.getconnection(url,user,password); statement stmt = connect.createstatement(); system.out.println("success to connect "); //** string lines = null; string sql = "select * from studentsystem";//要执行的sql string sql2 = "delete from studentsystem where id =?"; preparedstatement pst = (preparedstatement)connect.preparestatement(sql2); pst = connect.preparestatement(sql2); pst.setstring(1,str); pst.executeupdate(); joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, "已删除该条记录", "删除" ,joptionpane.information_message); resultset rs = stmt.executequery(sql); system.out.println("学号\t姓名\t专业\t年级\t出生"); while( { system.out.print(rs.getstring(1)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(2)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(3)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(4)+ "\t"); system.out.print(rs.getstring(5)+ "\t"); system.out.println(); if(lines != null){ lines = lines + "学号__姓名__专业__年级__出生\n" + rs.getstring(1)+ " "+ rs.getstring(2)+ " "+ rs.getstring(3) + " "+ rs.getstring(4)+ " "+ rs.getstring(5)+ " " + "\n\n"; } else { lines ="数据库中所有数据:\n\n" + "学号__姓名__专业__年级__出生\n" + rs.getstring(1)+ ""+ rs.getstring(2)+ " "+ rs.getstring(3) + " "+ rs.getstring(4)+ " "+ rs.getstring(5)+ " " + "\n"; } } joptionpane.showmessagedialog(null, lines , "显示",joptionpane.information_message); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } }