public class picturetransferjob extends quartzjobbean { protected void executeinternal(jobexecutioncontext arg0) throws jobexecutionexception { //实际的ftp配置是读取配置文件获取的 //ftp地址 string hostname =""; //ftp端口 int port = 2001; /ftp账号 string username = "test1"; //ftp密码 string password = "test1"; //ftp文件存储目录 string ftpdowload = "/"; //文件本地存储路径 string path = this.getclass().getresource("/").getpath(); //图片地址文件存储目录 string addrpath=path.substring(1, path.indexof("web-inf/classes"))+"picaddr"; //实际下载的图片存储目录 string picpath=path.substring(1, path.indexof("web-inf/classes"))+"pic"; addrpath = addrpath.replace("%20"," "); picpath = picpath.replace("%20"," "); try { //创建存储图片地址的文件 creatfile(addrpath); //创建存储实际图片的文件 creatfile(picpath); string oldaddrpath = addrpath; string oldpicpath = picpath; //创建ftp连接 ftputil2 ftputil2 = new ftputil2(hostname, port,username, password, ftpdowload, true); //遍历ftp目录下的文件 string[] files = ftputil2.listallfiles(); //本地数据库会有一个表记录下载过的文件,这里会查询数据库和ftp列出的文件名比较,如果已经下载过的文件就不会下载,避免重复下载。 //下面省略比较的过程,循环files数组,在本地创建文件 for(int i=0;i<files.length;i++){ creatfile(addrpath+file.separator+filename); //ftpdowload是ftp服务器存储文件的地址,addrpath是本地存储文件的地址 //这里一个返回状态判断文件是否下载成功 boolean downloadinvestorflag = ftputil2.downloadfile(ftpdowload, addrpath); //文件下载成功后调读取文件的方法,将需要下载的图片地址存入容器 boolean entitystate = setpicturedetail(addrpath,picpath,filenamedate); } } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); //调记录错误日志的业务类用于发送下载文件出错的短信 } } //这里开始读图片地址 private boolean setpicturedetail(string addrpath,string picpath,string syndate) { system.out.println("----------进入setpicturedetail方法-----------"); bufferedreader br = null; try { br=new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream(addrpath),"utf-8")); string row; int count=0; //map中存储每行读取到的图片名称和url地址 map<string, string> addrmap=new hashmap<string, string>(); while ((row=br.readline())!=null) { try { count++; if (count==1) { continue; } string[] column = row.split("\\|\\|", -1); addrmap.put(column[0].trim(), column[1].trim()); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } system.out.println(new date()); //这里调用压缩方法,压缩方法中会调用执行下载图片的方法 zippic(picpath,syndate,addrmap); system.out.println(new date()); system.out.println("----------完成--------------"); return true; } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); //调用记录错误日志的业务类 return false; }finally { try { if (null != br) br.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } /** * 根据url地址下载图片 * @throws ioexception */ private boolean downpic(string picpath,list<entry<string, string>> addrlist,list<file> piclist)throws ioexception{ inputstream is=null; fileoutputstream fos=null; url url=null; string filename=null; string picaddr=null; file pic=null; try { for(map.entry<string, string> addrentry:addrlist) { filename=addrentry.getkey(); picaddr=addrentry.getvalue(); //创建url对象 url=new url(picaddr); is=url.openstream(); //urlconnection获取到的流通过inputstream直接写入字节数组会缺失数据,导致下载的图片不完整,使用可以解决 byte[] bytes=ioutils.tobytearray(is);//new byte[is.available()];获取的字节 //流中数据读入字节数组,读入后,流中数据清空 pic=new file(picpath+filename+".jpg"); fos=new fileoutputstream(pic); fos.write(bytes); //将下载的图片存入list,待图片全部下载完成后传入zip方法进行压缩 piclist.add(pic); fos.flush(); fos.close(); is.close(); } return true; } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); return false; } finally{ if (null!=fos) { fos.close(); } if (null!=is) { is.close(); } } } //这里是压缩文件的伪代码 private void zippic(picpath,syndate,addrmap);{ //传入需要压缩的文件列表和压缩文件名 ziputil.zipbystream(piclist,new file(picpath+syndate+".zip")); } /** * 创建文件 * @param path */ private void creatfile(string path) { file file = new file(path); if(!file.exists()) { file.mkdirs(); } } }
/** * 将下载的图片按天压缩 * @throws ioexception */ private boolean zippic(string picpath,string syndate,map<string, string> addrmap) throws ioexception{ //这里由于是多线程存储图片流,所以需要使用线程安全的map,因此使用concurrenthashmap map<string,inputstream> picturelist=new concurrenthashmap<string,inputstream>(); //这里定义每个线程下载的图片个数 int count=400; //存储需要下载的图片地址 list<entry<string, string>> addrlist=new arraylist<entry<string, string>>(addrmap.entryset()); //线程数,加一是因为要创建一个线程下载最后不足400个的图片 int nthreads=(addrlist.size()/count)+1; //countdownlatch countdownlatch = new countdownlatch(nthreads); try { boolean downpic=false; //执行多线程下载图片 downpic=downpic(picpath,addrlist,piclist,picturelist,nthreads,count); if (downpic) { ziputil.zipbyarray(piclist,new file(picpath+syndate+".zip")); } return true; } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); return false; } }
/** * 根据url地址下载图片 * @throws interruptedexception */ private boolean downpic(string picpath,list<entry<string, string>> addrlist,map<string, byte[]> piclist,map<string, inputstream> picturelist,int nthreads,int count)throws ioexception, interruptedexception{ executorservice threadpool=executors.newfixedthreadpool(nthreads); // 创建两个个计数器 countdownlatch begin=new countdownlatch(0); countdownlatch end=new countdownlatch(nthreads); // 循环创建线程 for (int i = 0; i < nthreads; i++) { list<entry<string, string>>subaddrlist=null; // 计算每个线程执行的数据 if ((i + 1) == nthreads) { int startindex = (i * count); int endindex = addrlist.size(); subaddrlist = addrlist.sublist(startindex, endindex); } else { int startindex = (i * count); int endindex = (i + 1) * count; subaddrlist = addrlist.sublist(startindex, endindex); } // 线程类 picdownload mythead = new picdownload(picpath,subaddrlist,piclist,picturelist); // 这里执行线程的方式是调用线程池里的threadpool.execute(mythead)方法。 try { threadpool.execute(mythead); } catch (exception e) { //记录错误日志 return false; } } begin.countdown(); end.await(); // 执行完关闭线程池 threadpool.shutdown(); //这里一定要循环直到线程池中所有线程都结束才能往下走,测试时由于没有这一步导致子线程下载图片还没完成,而主线程已经往下走了,导致压缩包内没有图片 //也可以使用countdownlatch实现 /*while (true) { if (threadpool.isterminated()) { system.out.println("所有子线程已结束!"); break; } }*/ return true; }
class picdownload implements runnable{ //下载图片的地址列表 list<entry<string, string>> addrlist; //装载下载成功的图片列表 map<string, byte[]> piclist; map<string, inputstream> picturelist; //图片本地存储路径 string picpath; countdownlatch begin,end; public picdownload(string picpath,list<entry<string, string>> addrlist,map<string, inputstream> piclist,countdownlatch begin,countdownlatch end){ this.addrlist=addrlist; this.piclist=piclist; this.picpath=picpath; this.begin=begin; this.end=end; } @override public void run() { try { system.out.println(thread.currentthread().getname()+"------"+thread.currentthread().getid()); downpicture(addrlist); //system.out.println(countdownlatch.getcount()); begin.await(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); }finally{ end.countdown(); //countdownlatch.countdown(); } } public boolean downpicture(list<entry<string, string>> addrlist) throws exception{ inputstream is=null; fileoutputstream fos=null; url url=null; string filename=null; string picaddr=null; file pic=null; try { for(map.entry<string, string> addrentry:addrlist) { filename=addrentry.getkey(); picaddr=addrentry.getvalue(); //创建url对象 url=new url(picaddr); is=url.openstream(); //urlconnection获取到的流通过inputstream直接写入字节数组会缺失数据,导致下载的图片不完整,使用可以解决 //byte[] bytes=ioutils.tobytearray(is);//new byte[is.available()];获取的字节 //流中数据读入字节数组,读入后,流中数据清空 piclist.put(filename+".jpg", is); //这时候由于没有把流写入文件,一定不能关闭流,否则流中的数据就会丢失 //is.close(); } return true; } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); return false; } finally{ //不能关闭流 /*if (null!=is) { is.close(); }*/ } } }
上面使用流来压缩遇到了另一个问题,在压缩文件时会出现 reset
/** *使用容器存储下载的图片字节数组 */ public boolean downpicture(list<entry<string, string>> addrlist) throws exception{ inputstream is=null; fileoutputstream fos=null; url url=null; string filename=null; string picaddr=null; file pic=null; try { for(map.entry<string, string> addrentry:addrlist) { filename=addrentry.getkey(); picaddr=addrentry.getvalue(); //创建url对象 url=new url(picaddr); //打开连接,创建对象,该对象没有关闭连接的方法,可以转为它的子类httpurlconnection调用disconnect方法关闭连接。 //和都有设置超时时间的方法关闭连接 //httpurlconnection uc=(httpurlconnection)url.openconnection(); is=uc.getinputstream(); //urlconnection获取到的流通过inputstream直接写入字节数组会缺失数据,导致下载的图片不完整,使用可以解决 byte[] bytes=ioutils.tobytearray(is);//new byte[is.available()];获取的字节 //流中数据读入字节数组,读入后,流中数据清空 //; piclist.put(filename+".jpg",bytes); is.close(); } return true; } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); return false; } finally{ if (null!=is) { is.close(); } } }
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ftputil2 { private ftpclient ftpclient = null; // ftp服务器地址 private string hostname; // ftp服务器默认端口 public static int defaultport = 21; // 登录名 private string username; // 登录密码 private string password; // 需要访问的远程目录 private string remotedir; /** * @param hostname * 主机地址 * @param port * 端口号 * @param username * 用户名 * @param password * 密码 * @param remotedir * 默认工作目录 * @param is_zhtimezone * 是否是中文ftp server端 * @return * @return */ /** * 新增方法 */ public ftputil2() { propconfig config = propconfig.loadconfig(""); string hostname = config.getconfig("ftpaddress"); string port = config.getconfig("ftpport"); string username = config.getconfig("ftpusername"); string password = config.getconfig("ftppassword"); string remotedir = config.getconfig("remotefilepath"); boolean is_zhtimezone= true; this.hostname = hostname; this.username = username; this.password = password; this.remotedir = remotedir == null ? "" : remotedir; this.ftpclient = new ftpclient(); if (is_zhtimezone) { this.ftpclient.configure(ftputil2.config()); this.ftpclient.setcontrolencoding("gbk"); } // 登录 this.login(); // 切换目录 this.changedir(this.remotedir); this.setfiletype(ftpclient.binary_file_type); ftpclient.setdefaultport(integer.parseint(port)); } public ftputil2(string hostname, int port, string username, string password, string remotedir, boolean is_zhtimezone) { this.hostname = hostname; this.username = username; this.password = password; defaultport=port; this.remotedir = remotedir == null ? "" : remotedir; this.ftpclient = new ftpclient(); if (is_zhtimezone) { this.ftpclient.configure(ftputil2.config()); this.ftpclient.setcontrolencoding("gbk"); } // 登录 this.login(); // 切换目录 this.changedir(this.remotedir); this.setfiletype(ftpclient.ascii_file_type); ftpclient.setdefaultport(port); } /** * 登录ftp服务器 */ public boolean login() { boolean success = false; try { ftpclient.connect(this.hostname,defaultport); ftpclient.login(this.username, this.password); int reply; reply = ftpclient.getreplycode(); if (!ftpreply.ispositivecompletion(reply)) { ftpclient.disconnect(); return success; } } catch (ftpconnectionclosedexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } success = true; system.out.println("连接到ftp服务器:" + this.hostname + " 成功..开始登录"); return success; } private static ftpclientconfig config() { ftpclientconfig conf = new ftpclientconfig(ftpclientconfig.syst_unix); conf.setrecentdateformatstr("mm月dd日 hh:mm"); // conf.setrecentdateformatstr("(yyyy年)?mm月dd日( hh:mm)?"); return conf; } /** * 变更工作目录 * * @param remotedir * */ public void changedir(string remotedir) { try { this.remotedir = remotedir; ftpclient.changeworkingdirectory(remotedir); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } system.out.println("变更工作目录为:" + remotedir); } /** * 返回上一级目录(父目录) */ public void toparentdir() { try { ftpclient.changetoparentdirectory(); } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } /** * 列出当前工作目录下所有文件 */ public string[] listallfiles() { string[] names = this.listfiles("*"); return this.sort(names); } /** * 列出指定工作目录下的匹配文件 * * @param dir * exp: /cim/ * @param file_regex * 通配符为* */ public string[] listallfiles(string dir, string file_regex) { string[] names = this.listfiles(dir + file_regex); return this.sort(names); } /** * 列出匹配文件 * * @param file_regex * 匹配字符,通配符为* */ public string[] listfiles(string file_regex) { try { /** * ftpfile[] remotefiles = ftpclient.listfiles(file_regex); * //system.out.println(remotefiles.length); string[] name = new * string[remotefiles.length]; if(remotefiles != null) { for(int * i=0;i<remotefiles.length;i++) { if(remotefiles[i] == null) * name[i] = ""; else * if(remotefiles[i].getname()==null||remotefiles * [i].getname().equals * (".")||remotefiles[i].getname().equals("..")) { name[i] = ""; * } else name[i] = remotefiles[i].getname(); * system.out.println(name[i]); } } */ ftpclient.enterlocalpassivemode(); string[] name = ftpclient.listnames(file_regex);; if (name == null) return new string[0]; return this.sort(name); } catch (exception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } return new string[0]; } public void lists(string reg) { try { string[] a = ftpclient.listnames(reg); if (a != null) { for (string b : a) { system.out.println(b); } } } catch (ioexception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block e.printstacktrace(); } } /** * 设置传输文件的类型[文本文件或者二进制文件] * * @param filetype * --binary_file_type,ascii_file_type */ public void setfiletype(int filetype) { try { ftpclient.setfiletype(filetype); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } /** * 上传文件 * * @param localfilepath * --本地文件路径+文件名 * @param newfilename * --新的文件名 */ public void uploadfile(string localfilepath, string newfilename) { // 上传文件 this.ftpclient.enterlocalpassivemode();// 被动模式连接 bufferedinputstream buffin = null; try { buffin = new bufferedinputstream(new fileinputstream(localfilepath)); boolean ifupload = ftpclient.storefile(newfilename, buffin); if (!ifupload) { system.out.println("上传文件失败。。。"); } else { system.out.println("上传文件成功。。。"); } } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { try { if (buffin != null) buffin.close(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } /** * 上传文件2 * * @param file * --fileinputstream的文件 * @param newfilename * --新的文件名 */ public void newuploadfile(fileinputstream file, string newfilename) { // 上传文件 this.ftpclient.enterlocalpassivemode();// 被动模式连接 bufferedinputstream buffin = null; try { buffin = new bufferedinputstream(file); boolean ifupload = ftpclient.storefile(newfilename, buffin); if (!ifupload) { system.out.println("上传文件失败。。。"); } else { system.out.println("上传文件成功。。。"); } } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } finally { try { if (buffin != null) buffin.close(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } /** * 下载文件(单个) * * @param remotefilename * --服务器上的文件名 * @param localfilename * --本地文件名 */ public boolean downloadfile(string remotefilename, string localfilename) { this.ftpclient.enterlocalpassivemode();// 被动模式连接 bufferedoutputstream buffout = null; try { buffout = new bufferedoutputstream(new fileoutputstream( localfilename)); boolean ifdownload = ftpclient .retrievefile(remotefilename, buffout); if (!ifdownload) { system.out.println("下载文件失败。。。"); return false; } else { system.out.println("下载文件成功。。。"); } } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); return false; } finally { try { if (buffout != null) buffout.close(); } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } return true; } /** * 关闭ftp连接 */ public void close() { try { if (ftpclient != null) { ftpclient.logout(); ftpclient.disconnect(); } } catch (exception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } /** * 冒泡排序字符串(从大到小) */ public string[] sort(string[] str_array) { if (str_array == null) { throw new nullpointerexception("the str_array can not be null!"); } string tmp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str_array.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < str_array.length - i - 1; j++) { if (str_array[j].compareto(str_array[j + 1]) < 0) { tmp = str_array[j]; str_array[j] = str_array[j + 1]; str_array[j + 1] = tmp; } } } return str_array; } public static void main(string[] strs) { ftputil2 ftputil2 = new ftputil2("", 20011, "test1", "test1", "/", true); ftputil2.downloadfile("test.txt", "d:\\test.txt"); } }
import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.enumeration; import java.util.list; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ibatis.common.logging.log; import com.ibatis.common.logging.logfactory; public class ziputil { private static final log log = logfactory.getlog(ziputil.class); /** * 压缩文件 * * @param srcfile file[] 需要压缩的文件列表 * @param zipfile file 压缩后的文件 */ public static outputstream zipfiles(list<file> srcfile, outputstream outputstream) { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; try { // create the zip file zipoutputstream out = new zipoutputstream(outputstream); // compress the files for (int i = 0; i < srcfile.size(); i++) { file file = srcfile.get(i); fileinputstream in = new fileinputstream(file); // add zip entry to output stream. out.putnextentry(new zipentry(file.getname())); // transfer bytes from the file to the zip file int len; while ((len = > 0) { //system.out.println(len+"=============="); out.write(buf, 0, len); } // complete the entry out.closeentry(); in.close(); } // complete the zip file out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("ziputil zipfiles exception:"+e); } return outputstream; } /** * 压缩文件 * * @param srcfile file[] 需要压缩的文件列表 * @param zipfile file 压缩后的文件 */ public static void zipfiles(list<file> srcfile, file zipfile) { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; try { // create the zip file zipoutputstream out = new zipoutputstream(new fileoutputstream(zipfile)); // compress the files for (int i = 0; i < srcfile.size(); i++) { file file = srcfile.get(i); fileinputstream in = new fileinputstream(file); // add zip entry to output stream. out.putnextentry(new zipentry(file.getname())); // transfer bytes from the file to the zip file int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf, 0, len); } // complete the entry out.closeentry(); in.close(); } // complete the zip file out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("ziputil zipfiles exception:"+e); } } /** * 压缩文件 * srcfile:key:文件名,value:文件对应的输入流 * @param srcfile * @param zipfile * @see */ public static void zipbystream(map<string,inputstream> srcfile, file zipfile) { try { // create the zip file zipoutputstream out = new zipoutputstream(new fileoutputstream(zipfile)); // compress the files system.out.println(srcfile.entryset().size()); for (map.entry<string, inputstream> fileentry:srcfile.entryset()) { inputstream in = fileentry.getvalue(); // add zip entry to output stream. system.out.println(in.available()); out.putnextentry(new zipentry(fileentry.getkey())); // transfer bytes from the file to the zip file byte[] bytes=ioutils.tobytearray(in); out.write(bytes); out.closeentry(); in.close(); } // complete the zip file out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("ziputil zipfiles exception:"+e); system.out.println(e.getmessage()); } } /** * 压缩文件 * srcfile:key:文件名,value:文件对应的字节数组 * @param srcfile * @param zipfile * @see */ public static void zipbyarray(map<string,byte[]> srcfile, file zipfile) { byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; try { // create the zip file zipoutputstream out = new zipoutputstream(new fileoutputstream(zipfile)); // compress the files system.out.println(srcfile.entryset().size()); for (map.entry<string, byte[]> fileentry:srcfile.entryset()) { //inputstream in = fileentry.getvalue(); // add zip entry to output stream. out.putnextentry(new zipentry(fileentry.getkey())); // transfer bytes from the file to the zip file byte[] bytes=fileentry.getvalue();//ioutils.tobytearray(in); out.write(bytes); out.closeentry(); //in.close(); } // complete the zip file out.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("ziputil zipfiles exception:"+e); system.out.println(e.getmessage()); } } /** * 解压缩 * * @param zipfile file 需要解压缩的文件 * @param descdir string 解压后的目标目录 */ public static void unzipfiles(file zipfile, string descdir) { try { // open the zip file zipfile zf = new zipfile(zipfile); for (enumeration entries = zf.entries(); entries.hasmoreelements();) { // get the entry name zipentry entry = ((zipentry) entries.nextelement()); string zipentryname = entry.getname(); inputstream in = zf.getinputstream(entry); // system.out.println(zipentryname); outputstream out = new fileoutputstream(descdir + zipentryname); byte[] buf1 = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { out.write(buf1, 0, len); } // close the file and stream in.close(); out.close(); } } catch (ioexception e) { log.error("ziputil unzipfiles exception:"+e); } } /** * main * * @param args */ public static void main(string[] args) { list<file> srcfile=new arraylist<file>(); srcfile.add(new file("d:\\1.jpg")); srcfile.add(new file("d:\\2.jpg")); srcfile.add(new file("d:\\3.jpg")); srcfile.add(new file("d:\\4.jpg")); file zipfile = new file("d:\\"); ziputil.zipfiles(srcfile, zipfile); } }