游标和递归sql 的一些代码
2023-12-16 11:42:52
DECLARE @UserID INT; --推广员帐号 DECLARE @ProxyID INT; --代理帐号 DECLARE @Score INT=1000; --分数 SELECT @UserID = [SpreaderID] FROM [QPAccountsDB].[dbo].[Accou... ......
declare @userid int; --推广员帐号 declare @proxyid int; --代理帐号 declare @score int=1000; --分数 select @userid = [spreaderid] from [qpaccountsdb].[dbo].[accountsinfo] where userid = 5055; select --查出推广员的代理帐号 @proxyid = proxyid from [qpaccountsdb].[dbo].[accountsinfo] left join [qpproxydb].[dbo].[bs_proxyinfo] on bs_proxyinfo.account = accountsinfo.accounts where userid = @userid; print @proxyid; create table #proxyinfo ( belongsagent int, assignproportion tinyint ); with cte as ( select belongsagent from [qpproxydb].[dbo].[bs_proxyinfo] where proxyid = @proxyid and belongsagent <> -1 union all select a.belongsagent from [qpproxydb].[dbo].[bs_proxyinfo] a join cte b on a.proxyid = b.belongsagent where a.belongsagent <> -1) insert #proxyinfo ( belongsagent, assignproportion ) select bs_proxyinfo.proxyid, assignproportion from cte left join [qpproxydb].[dbo].[bs_proxyinfo] on bs_proxyinfo.proxyid = cte.belongsagent order by bs_proxyinfo.belongsagent asc; ---游标更新删除当前数据 ---1.声明游标 declare cursor01 cursor scroll for select * from #proxyinfo order by belongsagent asc; declare @alltax int set @alltax =@score --2.打开游标 open cursor01; --3.声明游标提取数据所要存放的变量 declare @belongsagent int, @assignproportion tinyint; --4.定位游标到哪一行 fetch first from cursor01 into @belongsagent, @assignproportion; --into的变量数量必须与游标查询结果集的列数相同 while @@fetch_status = 0 --提取成功,进行下一条数据的提取操作 begin set @alltax=@assignproportion*@alltax/100 update [qpproxydb].[dbo].[bs_proxyinfo] set alltax+=@alltax where proxyid=@belongsagent fetch next from cursor01 into @belongsagent, @assignproportion; --移动游标 end; close cursor01; deallocate cursor01; drop table #proxyinfo;