sqlserver 统计sql语句大全收藏
2023-12-09 16:26:16
1.计算每个人的总成绩并排名 select name,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by name order by...
select name,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by name order by allscore
select distinct t1.name,t1.stuid,t2.allscore from stuscore t1,( select stuid,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by stuid)t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuidorder by t2.allscore desc
3. 计算每个人单科的最高成绩
select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t1.score from stuscore t1,(select stuid,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuid and t1.score=t2.maxscore
select distinct t1.stuid,t1.name,t2.avgscore from stuscore t1,(select stuid,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuid
select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t2.maxscore from stuscore t1,(select subject,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by subject) t2where t1.subject=t2.subject and t1.score=t2.maxscore
select distinct t1.* from stuscore t1 where t1.id in (select top 2 stuscore.id from stuscore where subject = t1.subject order by score desc) order by t1.subject
7.学号 姓名 语文 数学 英语 总分 平均分
select stuid as 学号,name as 姓名,sum(case when subject='语文' then score else 0 end) as 语文,sum(case when subject='数学' then score else 0 end) as 数学,sum(case when subject='英语' then score else 0 end) as 英语,sum(score) as 总分,(sum(score)/count(*)) as 平均分from stuscoregroup by stuid,name order by 总分desc
select subject,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscoregroup by subject
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学' order by score descdeclare @id intset @id=0;update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@idselect * from @tmp
select dense_rank () over(order by score desc) as row,name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学'order by score desc
10. 列出数学成绩在2-3名的学生
select t3.* from(select top 2 t2.* from (select top 3 name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学'order by score desc) t2 order by t2.score) t3 order by t3.score desc
11. 求出李四的数学成绩的排名
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学' order by score descdeclare @id intset @id=0;update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@idselect * from @tmp where name='李四'
12. 课程 不及格(-59) 良(-80) 优(-100)
select subject, (select count(*) from stuscore where score<60 and subject=t1.subject) as 不及格,(select count(*) from stuscore where score between 60 and 80 and subject=t1.subject) as 良,(select count(*) from stuscore where score >80 and subject=t1.subject) as 优from stuscore t1 group by subject
13. 数学:张三(50分),李四(90分),王五(90分),赵六(76分)
declare @s varchar(1000)set @s=''select @s =@s+','+name+'('+convert(varchar(10),score)+'分)' from stuscore where subject='数学' set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,'')print '数学:'+@s
select name,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by name order by allscore
select distinct t1.name,t1.stuid,t2.allscore from stuscore t1,( select stuid,sum(score) as allscore from stuscore group by stuid)t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuidorder by t2.allscore desc
3. 计算每个人单科的最高成绩
select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t1.score from stuscore t1,(select stuid,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuid and t1.score=t2.maxscore
select distinct t1.stuid,t1.name,t2.avgscore from stuscore t1,(select stuid,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscore group by stuid) t2where t1.stuid=t2.stuid
select t1.stuid,t1.name,t1.subject,t2.maxscore from stuscore t1,(select subject,max(score) as maxscore from stuscore group by subject) t2where t1.subject=t2.subject and t1.score=t2.maxscore
select distinct t1.* from stuscore t1 where t1.id in (select top 2 stuscore.id from stuscore where subject = t1.subject order by score desc) order by t1.subject
7.学号 姓名 语文 数学 英语 总分 平均分
select stuid as 学号,name as 姓名,sum(case when subject='语文' then score else 0 end) as 语文,sum(case when subject='数学' then score else 0 end) as 数学,sum(case when subject='英语' then score else 0 end) as 英语,sum(score) as 总分,(sum(score)/count(*)) as 平均分from stuscoregroup by stuid,name order by 总分desc
select subject,avg(score) as avgscore from stuscoregroup by subject
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学' order by score descdeclare @id intset @id=0;update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@idselect * from @tmp
select dense_rank () over(order by score desc) as row,name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学'order by score desc
10. 列出数学成绩在2-3名的学生
select t3.* from(select top 2 t2.* from (select top 3 name,subject,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学'order by score desc) t2 order by t2.score) t3 order by t3.score desc
11. 求出李四的数学成绩的排名
declare @tmp table(pm int,name varchar(50),score int,stuid int)insert into @tmp select null,name,score,stuid from stuscore where subject='数学' order by score descdeclare @id intset @id=0;update @tmp set @id=@id+1,pm=@idselect * from @tmp where name='李四'
12. 课程 不及格(-59) 良(-80) 优(-100)
select subject, (select count(*) from stuscore where score<60 and subject=t1.subject) as 不及格,(select count(*) from stuscore where score between 60 and 80 and subject=t1.subject) as 良,(select count(*) from stuscore where score >80 and subject=t1.subject) as 优from stuscore t1 group by subject
13. 数学:张三(50分),李四(90分),王五(90分),赵六(76分)
declare @s varchar(1000)set @s=''select @s =@s+','+name+'('+convert(varchar(10),score)+'分)' from stuscore where subject='数学' set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,'')print '数学:'+@s