2022-09-28 13:56:31
1. 资源
1. thinkstats
2. 学习总结
standard deviation...
1. 资源
1. thinkstats
2. 学习总结
读取数据 mean,average variance standard deviation histograms hist pmf pie bar line mu sigma 平方 probability frequency conditional probability relative risk outliers mode percentile rank cdf resampling replacement interquartile range 25th percentile 75th percentile empirical distribution continuous distribution the lognormal distribution normal probability plot the normal distribution the pareto distribution the exponential distribution bayesianism/prior/posterior/likehood/normalizing constant monte carlo simulation skewness pdf convolution central limit theorem null hypothesis p-value hypothesis testing false positive false negetive two sided test one sided test cross-validation training set testing set chi-square test likelihood ratio cell power estimator mean squared error maximum likelihood estimator bias point estimate confidence interval credible interval censored data correlation normalize standard score covariance rank least squares fit residual dependent variable independent variable coefficient of determination randomized controlled trial treatment control group natural experiment
3. 问题汇总
3. 问题汇总
问题1:TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not subscriptable 解决:append()而不是append[]