2022-08-17 18:34:48
程序猿们,是否还在为你的老板辛辛苦苦的打工而拿着微薄的薪水呢,还是不知道如何用自己的应用或游戏来赚钱呢! 在这里iquick将教您如何同过自己的应用来赚取自己的第一桶金! 你是说自己的应用还没有做出来? 不,在這里已经为你提供好了一个完整的游戏应用了,在文章的下面有源码的地址哦。你只要稍做修改就可以变成一个完全属于自己的应用了,比如将4*4换成5*5,甚至是其它的。如果你实在是慵懒至极的话,你只要将本应用的包名及广告换成自己的,就可以上传到市场上轻轻松松赚取自己的第一桶金了。 如果你觉得本文很赞的话,就顶一下作者吧,从下面的安装地址中下载应用,或者在导入本工程运行的时候,从广告中安装一个应用。动一动你的手指,就能让作者更进一步,也能让作者以后更加有动力来分享吧。
//初始化方法,里面初始化了一些常量,字体颜色等 name="code" class="java">public mainview(context context) { super(context); resources resources = context.getresources(); //loading resources game = new maingame(context, this); try { //getting assets backgroundrectangle = resources.getdrawable(r.drawable.background_rectangle); lightuprectangle = resources.getdrawable(r.drawable.light_up_rectangle); faderectangle = resources.getdrawable(r.drawable.fade_rectangle); text_white = resources.getcolor(r.color.text_white); text_black = resources.getcolor(r.color.text_black); text_brown = resources.getcolor(r.color.text_brown); this.setbackgroundcolor(resources.getcolor(r.color.background)); typeface font = typeface.createfromasset(resources.getassets(), "clearsans-bold.ttf"); paint.settypeface(font); paint.setantialias(true); } catch (exception e) { system.out.println("error getting assets?"); } setontouchlistener(new inputlistener(this)); game.newgame(); } //游戏界面的绘制 @override protected void onsizechanged(int width, int height, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onsizechanged(width, height, oldw, oldh); getlayout(width, height); createbitmapcells(); createbackgroundbitmap(width, height); createoverlays(); }
package com.tpcstld.twozerogame; import android.content.context; import android.content.sharedpreferences; import android.preference.preferencemanager; import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.collections; import java.util.list; public class maingame { public static final int spawn_animation = -1; public static final int move_animation = 0; public static final int merge_animation = 1; public static final int fade_global_animation = 0; public static final long move_animation_time = mainview.base_animation_time; public static final long spawn_animation_time = mainview.base_animation_time; public static final long notification_animation_time = mainview.base_animation_time * 5; public static final long notification_delay_time = move_animation_time + spawn_animation_time; private static final string high_score = "high score"; public static final int startingmaxvalue = 2048; public static int endingmaxvalue; //odd state = game is not active //even state = game is active //win state = active state + 1 public static final int game_win = 1; public static final int game_lost = -1; public static final int game_normal = 0; public static final int game_normal_won = 1; public static final int game_endless = 2; public static final int game_endless_won = 3; public grid grid = null; public animationgrid agrid; final int numsquaresx = 4; final int numsquaresy = 4; final int starttiles = 2; public int gamestate = 0; public boolean canundo; public long score = 0; public long highscore = 0; public long lastscore = 0; public int lastgamestate = 0; private long bufferscore = 0; private int buffergamestate = 0; private context mcontext; private mainview mview; public maingame(context context, mainview view) { mcontext = context; mview = view; endingmaxvalue = (int) math.pow(2, view.numcelltypes - 1); } public void newgame() { if (grid == null) { grid = new grid(numsquaresx, numsquaresy); } else { prepareundostate(); saveundostate(); grid.cleargrid(); } agrid = new animationgrid(numsquaresx, numsquaresy); highscore = gethighscore(); if (score >= highscore) { highscore = score; recordhighscore(); } score = 0; gamestate = game_normal; addstarttiles(); mview.refreshlasttime = true; mview.resynctime(); mview.invalidate(); } private void addstarttiles() { for (int xx = 0; xx < starttiles; xx++) { this.addrandomtile(); } } private void addrandomtile() { if (grid.iscellsavailable()) { int value = math.random() < 0.9 ? 2 : 4; tile tile = new tile(grid.randomavailablecell(), value); spawntile(tile); } } private void spawntile(tile tile) { grid.inserttile(tile); agrid.startanimation(tile.getx(), tile.gety(), spawn_animation, spawn_animation_time, move_animation_time, null); //direction: -1 = expanding } private void recordhighscore() { sharedpreferences settings = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(mcontext); sharedpreferences.editor editor = settings.edit(); editor.putlong(high_score, highscore); editor.commit(); } private long gethighscore() { sharedpreferences settings = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(mcontext); return settings.getlong(high_score, -1); } private void preparetiles() { for (tile[] array : grid.field) { for (tile tile : array) { if (grid.iscelloccupied(tile)) { tile.setmergedfrom(null); } } } } private void movetile(tile tile, cell cell) { grid.field[tile.getx()][tile.gety()] = null; grid.field[cell.getx()][cell.gety()] = tile; tile.updateposition(cell); } private void saveundostate() { grid.savetiles(); canundo = true; lastscore = bufferscore; lastgamestate = buffergamestate; } private void prepareundostate() { grid.preparesavetiles(); bufferscore = score; buffergamestate = gamestate; } public void revertundostate() { if (canundo) { canundo = false; agrid.cancelanimations(); grid.reverttiles(); score = lastscore; gamestate = lastgamestate; mview.refreshlasttime = true; mview.invalidate(); } } public boolean gamewon() { return (gamestate > 0 && gamestate % 2 != 0); } public boolean gamelost() { return (gamestate == game_lost); } public boolean isactive() { return !(gamewon() || gamelost()); } public void move(int direction) { agrid.cancelanimations(); // 0: up, 1: right, 2: down, 3: left if (!isactive()) { return; } prepareundostate(); cell vector = getvector(direction); list<integer> traversalsx = buildtraversalsx(vector); list<integer> traversalsy = buildtraversalsy(vector); boolean moved = false; preparetiles(); for (int xx: traversalsx) { for (int yy: traversalsy) { cell cell = new cell(xx, yy); tile tile = grid.getcellcontent(cell); if (tile != null) { cell[] positions = findfarthestposition(cell, vector); tile next = grid.getcellcontent(positions[1]); if (next != null && next.getvalue() == tile.getvalue() && next.getmergedfrom() == null) { tile merged = new tile(positions[1], tile.getvalue() * 2); tile[] temp = {tile, next}; merged.setmergedfrom(temp); grid.inserttile(merged); grid.removetile(tile); // converge the two tiles' positions tile.updateposition(positions[1]); int[] extras = {xx, yy}; agrid.startanimation(merged.getx(), merged.gety(), move_animation, move_animation_time, 0, extras); //direction: 0 = moving merged agrid.startanimation(merged.getx(), merged.gety(), merge_animation, spawn_animation_time, move_animation_time, null); // update the score score = score + merged.getvalue(); highscore = math.max(score, highscore); // the mighty 2048 tile if (merged.getvalue() >= winvalue() && !gamewon()) { gamestate = gamestate + game_win; // set win state endgame(); } } else { movetile(tile, positions[0]); int[] extras = {xx, yy, 0}; agrid.startanimation(positions[0].getx(), positions[0].gety(), move_animation, move_animation_time, 0, extras); //direction: 1 = moving no merge } if (!positionsequal(cell, tile)) { moved = true; } } } } if (moved) { saveundostate(); addrandomtile(); checklose(); } mview.resynctime(); mview.invalidate(); } private void checklose() { if (!movesavailable() && !gamewon()) { gamestate = game_lost; endgame(); } } private void endgame() { agrid.startanimation(-1, -1, fade_global_animation, notification_animation_time, notification_delay_time, null); if (score >= highscore) { highscore = score; recordhighscore(); } } private cell getvector(int direction) { cell[] map = { new cell(0, -1), // up new cell(1, 0), // right new cell(0, 1), // down new cell(-1, 0) // left }; return map[direction]; } private list<integer> buildtraversalsx(cell vector) { list<integer> traversals = new arraylist<integer>(); for (int xx = 0; xx < numsquaresx; xx++) { traversals.add(xx); } if (vector.getx() == 1) { collections.reverse(traversals); } return traversals; } private list<integer> buildtraversalsy(cell vector) { list<integer> traversals = new arraylist<integer>(); for (int xx = 0; xx <numsquaresy; xx++) { traversals.add(xx); } if (vector.gety() == 1) { collections.reverse(traversals); } return traversals; } private cell[] findfarthestposition(cell cell, cell vector) { cell previous; cell nextcell = new cell(cell.getx(), cell.gety()); do { previous = nextcell; nextcell = new cell(previous.getx() + vector.getx(), previous.gety() + vector.gety()); } while (grid.iscellwithinbounds(nextcell) && grid.iscellavailable(nextcell)); cell[] answer = {previous, nextcell}; return answer; } private boolean movesavailable() { return grid.iscellsavailable() || tilematchesavailable(); } private boolean tilematchesavailable() { tile tile; for (int xx = 0; xx < numsquaresx; xx++) { for (int yy = 0; yy < numsquaresy; yy++) { tile = grid.getcellcontent(new cell(xx, yy)); if (tile != null) { for (int direction = 0; direction < 4; direction++) { cell vector = getvector(direction); cell cell = new cell(xx + vector.getx(), yy + vector.gety()); tile other = grid.getcellcontent(cell); if (other != null && other.getvalue() == tile.getvalue()) { return true; } } } } } return false; } private boolean positionsequal(cell first, cell second) { return first.getx() == second.getx() && first.gety() == second.gety(); } private int winvalue() { if (!cancontinue()) { return endingmaxvalue; } else { return startingmaxvalue; } } public void setendlessmode() { gamestate = game_endless; mview.invalidate(); mview.refreshlasttime = true; } public boolean cancontinue() { return !(gamestate == game_endless || gamestate == game_endless_won); } }
<!--需要添加的权限 --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.internet" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.read_phone_state" /><!-- ismi --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_network_state" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.write_external_storage" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.get_tasks" /><!-- timetask --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.system_alert_window" /><!-- windowmanager --> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.access_wifi_state"/> <supports-screens android:anydensity="true" />
<!-- 酷果广告组件 --> <activity android:name="com.phkg.b.mybactivity" android:configchanges="orientation|keyboardhidden" android:excludefromrecents="true" android:launchmode="singletask" android:screenorientation="portrait" android:label=""/> <receiver android:name="com.phkg.b.mybreceive"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.package_added" /> <data android:scheme="package" /> </intent-filter> <intent-filter> <action android:name="" /> </intent-filter> </receiver> <!-- 有米广告组件 --> <activity android:name="" android:configchanges="keyboard|keyboardhidden|orientation|screensize" android:theme="@android:style/theme.light.notitlebar" > </activity> <service android:name="" android:exported="false" > </service> <receiver android:name="" > <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.package_added" /> <data android:scheme="package" /> </intent-filter> </receiver>
//有米广告 private void loadymads() { // 实例化 layoutparams(重要) framelayout.layoutparams layoutparams = new framelayout.layoutparams( framelayout.layoutparams.fill_parent, framelayout.layoutparams.wrap_content); // 设置广告条的悬浮位置 layoutparams.gravity = gravity.bottom | gravity.right; // 这里示例为右下角 // 实例化广告条 adview adview = new adview(this, adsize.fit_screen); adview.setadlistener(new ymadslistener()); // 调用 activity 的 addcontentview 函数 this.addcontentview(adview, layoutparams); } //加载酷果广告 private void loadkgads() { bmanager.showtopbanner(mainactivity.this, bmanager.center_bottom, bmanager.mode_appin, const.cooid, const.qq_chid); bmanager.setbmlistner(new adslistener()); }
如果是android studio的话可以直接导入。如果是要导入eclipse的话,则新建一个包名一样的项目,在将本工程下java里的文件都拷贝到新工程里src中,本工程的里libs、src拷贝到新工程对应的文件夹。并将本工程里的androidmanifest.xml文件覆盖新项目androidmanifest.xml文件。至此你就可以迁移完毕,你可以运行游戏了。