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程序员文章站 2022-07-15 09:36:22





    hex(integer) 将integer转换为16进制,形式为0x0123456789abcdef。integer必须为整型。


    format(integer, 'x') 将integer转换为16进制,不带0x。integer为整型,'x'可换为'o','b','d'相对应八、二、十进制。

    int(string, number) 将任意进制的s(string类型)转换为十进制。s与number的进制类型需匹配,如s是16进制,则number=16,否侧会出错。若s为16进制,0x可带可不带,其他进制同。


a_hex = hex(a)                 ===>        0x2766
a_hex = hex(a)[2:]            ===>        2766 
a_oct = oct(a)                  ===>        0o23546
a_bin = bin(a)                  ===>        0b10011101100110
s_dec = format(s,'d')       ===>        3735928559

s_int = int(ss,16)              ===>        3735928559


# 十进制转其他:

number1 = 13581887557
# 十进制整数转换为十六进制
hex_number1_0x = hex(number1)
hex_number1 = hex(number1)[2:]
hex_number2 = format(number1, 'x')
print("Decimal integer %s converts to hex with 0x via 'hex' : %s" % (number1, hex_number1_0x))
print("Decimal integer %s converts to hex without 0x via 'hex' : %s" % (number1, hex_number1))
print("Decimal integer %s converts to hex without 0x via 'format' : %s" % (number1, hex_number2))
# 十进制整数转换为八进制 0o123456形式
oct_number1_0o = oct(number1)
oct_number1 = oct(number1)[2:]
oct_number2 = format(number1, 'o')
print("Decimal integer %s converts to octal with 0o via 'oct' : %s" % (number1, oct_number1_0o))
print("Decimal integer %s converts to octal without 0o via 'oct' : %s" % (number1, oct_number1))
print("Decimal integer %s converts to octal without 0o via 'format' : %s" % (number1, oct_number2))
# 十进制整数转换为二进制 0b123456形式
bin_number1_0b = bin(number1)
bin_number1 = bin(number1)[2:]
bin_number2 = format(number1, 'b')
print("Decimal integer %s converts to binary with 0b via 'bin' : %s" % (number1, bin_number1_0b))
print("Decimal integer %s converts to binary without 0b via 'bin' : %s " % (number1, bin_number1))
print("Decimal integer %s converts to binary without 0b via 'format' : %s " % (number1, bin_number2))


Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to hex with 0x via 'hex' : 0x3298b2845
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to hex without 0x via 'hex' : 3298b2845
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to hex without 0x via 'format' : 3298b2845
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to Octal with 0o via 'oct' : 0o145142624105
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to Octal without 0o via 'oct' : 145142624105
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to Octal without 0o via 'format' : 145142624105
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to binary with 0b via 'bin' : 0b1100101001100010110010100001000101
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to binary without 0b via 'bin' : 1100101001100010110010100001000101
Decimal integer 13581887557 converts to binary without 0b via 'format' : 1100101001100010110010100001000101

# 十六进制转其他:

hex_int = 0x3298B2845
hex_str_0x = '0x3298B2845'
hex_str = '3298B2845'
# 十六进制转换为十进制整数
# hex_to_dec1 = int(hex_int, 16) 不成立,因为int(s,number)中的s必须要是string类型
hex_to_dec1 = format(hex_int, 'd')
hex_to_dec2 = int(hex_str, 16)
hex_to_dec3 = int(hex_str_0x, 16)
print("Hex integer (with 0x) cannot directly converts to demcimal via 'int', it must be string.")
print("Hex integer (with 0x) %s converts to demcimal via 'format' : %s" % (hex_str, hex_to_dec1))
print("Hex string (with 0x) %s converts to demcimal via 'int' : %s" % (hex_str_0x, hex_to_dec2))
print("Hex string (without 0x) %s converts to demcimal via 'int' : %s" % (hex_str, hex_to_dec3))
# 十六进制转换为八进制整数
hex_to_otc1 = format(hex_int, 'o')
hex_to_otc2 = oct(hex_int)
hex_to_otc3 = oct(hex_int)[2:]
print("Hex integer (without 0x) %s converts to octal without 0o via 'format' : %s" % (hex_str, hex_to_otc1))
print("Hex integer (with 0x) %s converts to octal with 0o via 'oct' : %s" % (hex_str_0x, hex_to_otc2))
print("Hex integer (without 0x) %s converts to octal without 0o via 'oct' : %s" % (hex_str, hex_to_otc3))
# 十六进制转换为二进制整数
hex_to_bin1 = format(hex_int, 'b')
hex_to_bin2 = bin(hex_int)
hex_to_bin3 = bin(hex_int)[2:]
print("Hex integer (without 0x) %s converts to binary without 0b via 'format' : %s" % (hex_str, hex_to_bin1))
print("Hex integer (with 0x) %s converts to binary with 0b via 'bin' : %s" % (hex_str_0x, hex_to_bin2))
print("Hex integer (without 0x) %s converts to binary without 0b via 'bin' : %s" % (hex_str, hex_to_bin3))

# 测试打印结果:

Hex integer (with 0x) cannot directly converts to demcimal via 'int', it must be string.
Hex integer (with 0x) 3298B2845 converts to demcimal via 'format' : 13581887557
Hex string (with 0x) 0x3298B2845 converts to demcimal via 'int' : 13581887557
Hex string (without 0x) 3298B2845 converts to demcimal via 'int' : 13581887557
Hex integer (without 0x) 3298B2845 converts to octal without 0o via 'format' : 145142624105
Hex integer (with 0x) 0x3298B2845 converts to octal with 0o via 'oct' : 0o145142624105
Hex integer (without 0x) 3298B2845 converts to octal without 0o via 'oct' : 145142624105
Hex integer (without 0x) 3298B2845 converts to binary without 0b via 'format' : 1100101001100010110010100001000101
Hex integer (with 0x) 0x3298B2845 converts to binary with 0b via 'bin' : 0b1100101001100010110010100001000101
Hex integer (without 0x) 3298B2845 converts to binary without 0b via 'bin' : 1100101001100010110010100001000101

# 二进制转其他:

bin_int = 1100101001100010110010100001000101
bin_str_0x = '0b1100101001100010110010100001000101'
bin_str = '1100101001100010110010100001000101'
# 二进制转换为十进制整数
# hex_to_dec1 = format(hex_int, 'd') 这个转过来还是1100...,可能因为format识别不了它是二进制的吧。在python中加只有十六进制的加0x能识别,二进制的0b就不行。
bin_to_dec2 = int(bin_str, 2)
bin_to_dec3 = int(bin_str_0x, 2)
print("Binary string (with 0o) %s converts to demcimal via 'int' : %s" % (bin_str_0x, bin_to_dec2))
print("Binary string (without 0o) %s converts to demcimal via 'int' : %s" % (bin_str, bin_to_dec3))
# 二六进制转换为八进制整数
bin_to_otc1 = format(bin_int, 'o')
bin_to_otc2 = oct(bin_int)
bin_to_otc3 = oct(bin_int)[2:]
print("Binary integer (without 0b) %s converts to octal without 0o via 'format' : %s" % (bin_str, bin_to_otc1))
print("Binary integer (with 0b) %s converts to octal with 0o via 'oct' : %s" % (bin_str_0x, bin_to_otc2))
print("Binary integer (without 0b) %s converts to octal without 0ovia 'oct' : %s" % (bin_str, bin_to_otc3))
# 二进制整数转换为十六进制
bin_to_hex1 = format(bin_int, 'x')
bin_to_hex2 = hex(bin_int)
bin_to_hex3 = hex(bin_int)[2:]
print("Binary integer (without 0b) %s converts to hex without 0x via 'format' : %s" % (bin_str, bin_to_hex1))
print("Binary integer (without 0b) %s converts to hex with 0x via 'hex' : %s" % (bin_str_0x, bin_to_hex2))
print("Binary integer (without 0b) %s converts to hex without 0x via 'hex' : %s" % (bin_str, bin_to_hex3))

# 测试打印结果:

Binary string (with 0o) 0b1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to demcimal via 'int' : 13581887557
Binary string (without 0o) 1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to demcimal via 'int' : 13581887557
Binary integer (without 0b) 1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to octal without 0o via 'format' : 3307516405765622732254226501552745245
Binary integer (with 0b) 0b1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to octal with 0o via 'oct' : 0o3307516405765622732254226501552745245
Binary integer (without 0b) 1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to octal without 0ovia 'oct' : 3307516405765622732254226501552745245
Binary integer (without 0b) 1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to hex without 0x via 'format' : 363d3a0bf5c97695896a0dabcaa5
Binary integer (without 0b) 0b1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to hex with 0x via 'hex' : 0x363d3a0bf5c97695896a0dabcaa5
Binary integer (without 0b) 1100101001100010110010100001000101 converts to hex without 0x via 'hex' : 363d3a0bf5c97695896a0dabcaa5
