[3]43. Multiply Strings(Java)
2022-07-15 08:03:46
Given two non-negative integers num1 and num2 represented as strings, return the product of num1 and num2.
1、 The length of both num1 and num2 is < 110.
2、 Both num1 and num2 contains only digits 0-9.
3、 Both num1 and num2 does not contain any leading zero.
4、 You must not use any built-in BigInteger library or convert the inputs to integer directly.
class Solution {
public String multiply(String num1, String num2) {
int m = num1.length(), n = num2.length();
int[] res = new int[m + n];
// num1[i] * num2[j] -> res(i + j, i + j + 1)设为res(p1, p2)
for (int i = m - 1; i >= 0 ; i --) {
for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j --) {
// oneMulOne一位乘以一位的积,sum为乘积与原来的低位相加之和
int oneMulOne = (num1.charAt(i) - '0') * (num2.charAt(j) - '0');
int p1 = i + j, p2 = i + j + 1;
int sum = oneMulOne + res[p2];
res[p1] += sum / 10;
res[p2] = sum % 10;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i : res) if(!(sb.length() == 0 && i == 0)) sb.append(i);
return sb.length() == 0 ? "0" : sb.toString();
上一篇: 「python」创建对象