jdk1.8 DualPivotQuicksort类简析
length<47时用插入排序(涉及到pair insertion),47<=length<286,用快排,length>=286时用归并排序
* Sorts the specified range of the array by Dual-Pivot Quicksort.
* @param a the array to be sorted
* @param left the index of the first element, inclusive, to be sorted
* @param right the index of the last element, inclusive, to be sorted
* @param leftmost indicates if this part is the leftmost in the range
private static void sort(int[] a, int left, int right, boolean leftmost) {}
以数组的median值为参考,在其附近以length/7(用length>>3+length>>6+1逼近)为间隔依次取e1、e2、e3(median)、e4、e5并对a[e1]、a[e2] 、a[e3] 、a[e4] 、a[e5]插入排序。
* Partitioning:
* left part center part right part
* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | < pivot1 | pivot1 <= && <= pivot2 | ? | > pivot2 |
* +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
* ^ ^ ^
* | | |
* less k great
* Invariants:
* all in (left, less) < pivot1
* pivot1 <= all in [less, k) <= pivot2
* all in (great, right) > pivot2
* Pointer k is the first index of ?-part.
分割完成后对left part和right part再调用此sort方法。
long pivot1 = a[e2];
long pivot2 = a[e4];
* The first and the last elements to be sorted are moved to the
* locations formerly occupied by the pivots. When partitioning
* is complete, the pivots are swapped back into their final
* positions, and excluded from subsequent sorting.
a[e2] = a[left];
a[e4] = a[right];
* Skip elements, which are less or greater than pivot values.
while (a[++less] < pivot1);
while (a[--great] > pivot2);
for (int k = less - 1; ++k <= great; ) {
long ak = a[k];
if (ak < pivot1) { // Move a[k] to left part
a[k] = a[less];
* Here and below we use "a[i] = b; i++;" instead
* of "a[i++] = b;" due to performance issue.
a[less] = ak;
} else if (ak > pivot2) { // Move a[k] to right part
while (a[great] > pivot2) {
if (great-- == k) {
break outer;
if (a[great] < pivot1) { // a[great] <= pivot2
a[k] = a[less];
a[less] = a[great];
} else { // pivot1 <= a[great] <= pivot2
a[k] = a[great];
* Here and below we use "a[i] = b; i--;" instead
* of "a[i--] = b;" due to performance issue.
a[great] = ak;
// Swap pivots into their final positions
a[left] = a[less - 1]; a[less - 1] = pivot1;
a[right] = a[great + 1]; a[great + 1] = pivot2;
// Sort left and right parts recursively, excluding known pivots
sort(a, left, less - 2, leftmost);
sort(a, great + 2, right, false);
center part如果占据整个数组的4/7(less < e1 && e5 < great)以上,则将和两个枢纽元相等的数据分别移动到两边:
* Partitioning:
* left part center part right part
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* | == pivot1 | pivot1 < && < pivot2 | ? | == pivot2 |
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* ^ ^ ^
* | | |
* less k great
* Invariants:
* all in (*, less) == pivot1
* pivot1 < all in [less, k) < pivot2
* all in (great, *) == pivot2
* Pointer k is the first index of ?-part.
然后再对center part调用sort方法
* Skip elements, which are equal to pivot values.
while (a[less] == pivot1) {
while (a[great] == pivot2) {
for (int k = less - 1; ++k <= great; ) {
long ak = a[k];
if (ak == pivot1) { // Move a[k] to left part
a[k] = a[less];
a[less] = ak;
} else if (ak == pivot2) { // Move a[k] to right part
while (a[great] == pivot2) {
if (great-- == k) {
break outer;
if (a[great] == pivot1) { // a[great] < pivot2
a[k] = a[less];
* Even though a[great] equals to pivot1, the
* assignment a[less] = pivot1 may be incorrect,
* if a[great] and pivot1 are floating-point zeros
* of different signs. Therefore in float and
* double sorting methods we have to use more
* accurate assignment a[less] = a[great].
a[less] = pivot1;
} else { // pivot1 < a[great] < pivot2
a[k] = a[great];
a[great] = ak;
// Sort center part recursively
sort(a, less, great, false);
2) 若以e1、e2、e3、e4、e5为index的值有两个以上相等,则使用单个枢纽元(pivot取a[e3])的三路方案:
* Partitioning degenerates to the traditional 3-way
* (or "Dutch National Flag") schema:
* left part center part right part
* +--------------------------------------------------+
* | < pivot | == pivot | ? | > pivot |
* +--------------------------------------------------+
* ^ ^ ^
* | | |
* less k great
* Invariants:
* all in (left, less) < pivot
* all in [less, k) == pivot
* all in (great, right) > pivot
* Pointer k is the first index of ?-part.
分割后对left part和right part再调用此sort方法。
long pivot = a[e3];
for (int k = less; k <= great; ++k) {
if (a[k] == pivot) {
long ak = a[k];
if (ak < pivot) { // Move a[k] to left part
a[k] = a[less];
a[less] = ak;
} else { // a[k] > pivot - Move a[k] to right part
while (a[great] > pivot) {
if (a[great] < pivot) { // a[great] <= pivot
a[k] = a[less];
a[less] = a[great];
} else { // a[great] == pivot
* Even though a[great] equals to pivot, the
* assignment a[k] = pivot may be incorrect,
* if a[great] and pivot are floating-point
* zeros of different signs. Therefore in float
* and double sorting methods we have to use
* more accurate assignment a[k] = a[great].
a[k] = pivot;
a[great] = ak;
* Sort left and right parts recursively.
* All elements from center part are equal
* and, therefore, already sorted.
sort(a, left, less - 1, leftmost);
sort(a, great + 1, right, false);