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An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python 第二周

程序员文章站 2022-07-14 10:05:37


先上效果图。An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python 第二周

import simplegui
import random

count = 7

def new_game():
    global num
    global num_range
    print "new game.range is from 0 to 100"
    print "number of remaining guesses is 7"
    print ""
    num = random.randrange(0,100)

def range100():
    # button that changes the range to [0,100) and starts a new game 
    global num
    global count
    count = 7
    print "new game.range is from 0 to 100"
    print "number of remaining guesses is 7"
    print ""
    num = random.randrange(0,100)

def range1000():
    # button that changes the range to [0,1000) and starts a new game     
    global num
    global count
    print "new game.range is from 0 to 1000"
    print "number of remaining guesses is 10"
    print ""
    num = random.randrange(0,1000)
    count = 10
def input_guess(guess):
    guess = int(guess)
    global count
    global num
    print "Guess is",guess
    print num
    count = count - 1
    print "number of remaining guesses is",count
    if count > 0 and guess > num:
    elif count > 0 and guess < num: 
        print "higher"
    elif count > 0 and guess == num:
        print "great"
    elif count <= 0:
        print "you ran out guesses.the number was",num
    print ""

# create frame
f = simplegui.create_frame("guess",200,200)

f.add_button("0 to 100",range100,200)
f.add_button("0 to 1000",range1000,200)
# register event handlers for control elements and start frame

# call new_game 


相关标签: python