2022-07-12 23:35:42
使用微软公司官方的Visual Studio 社区版进行VB.Net的开发,
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(图片来自官网截图) -
- 1.创建新的VB.Net窗体应用
- 1.创建新的VB.Net窗体应用
- 项目布局
Form1 窗体设计
label+ComboBox 组成的通信参数
需要另外添加 SerialPort用于串口通信,Timer用于定时完成通讯动作
- 使用Text控件显示通道名称,通信时可自行定义名称
- Label修改外观后用于显示数据
- Form2将嵌入Form1的Panel区域,使用菜单栏切换Panel的显示内容(Form2或Form3)
- 使用Chart控件在Form3中显示各系列数据的变化,检测数据的变化趋势
- 使用Chart控件在Form3中显示各系列数据的变化,检测数据的变化趋势
- 程序运行时将打开(或新建)log.dat文件,将当前日期写入(方便后续查看数据记录)
- SerialPort 与串口设备通讯均采用16进制,可在通道数中更改和自定义发送的命令(上传的代码目前只适用于16通道全采集,未作所用情形的适配)
- 串口接受数据后将16进制转换为整数数组,按照ModBus通讯协议,对数据部分进行计算后逐行记录到log.dat中,并显示到Form2中和Form3的线图中
- 历史数据查询和数据导出功能(上传代码中未实现)
Imports System Imports System.IO.Ports Public Class Form1 Private Sub 连接ToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles 连接ToolStripMenuItem1.Click End Sub '菜单栏打开实时数据标签,Panel中显示Form2窗体 Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem1.Click Form3.Visible = False Form2.TopLevel = False Form2.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None Form2.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Form2.Parent = Panel1 Form2.Show() End Sub Private Sub Panel1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles Panel1.Paint End Sub '菜单栏打开图线标签,Panel中显示Form3窗体 Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem2.Click Form2.Visible = False Form2.Close() Form3.TopLevel = False Form3.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None Form3.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Form3.Parent = Panel1 Form3.Show() End Sub Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ToolStripMenuItem3.Click End Sub '定义几个全局变量,方便其他Sub或者Function调用 Public Com2Send As Byte() Public Recieve_String() As Integer '用于打开串口通信的按钮 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Static count As Integer = 1 If (Button1.Text = "Start" Or Button1.Text = "未连接") Then Try Serial_con() Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) End Try If (SerialPort1.IsOpen) Then Button1.Text = "Stop" Button1.BackColor = Color.Green Button1.ForeColor = Color.Red 'timer设置 Com2Send = Comforsend(ComSelect()) Dim i As Integer If count = 1 Then For i = 0 To Val(ComboBox7.Text) Form3.Chart1.Series.Add("CH" & i) Next End If Timer1.Enabled = True Else Button1.Text = "未连接" Button1.BackColor = Color.Red End If ElseIf (Button1.Text = "Stop") Then Timer1.Enabled = False Button1.Text = "Start" Button1.BackColor = SystemColors.Control Button1.ForeColor = Color.Black Try SerialPort1.Close() Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message) End Try count += 1 End If End Sub '窗口载入过程 Public Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '获取端口信息,并添加进下拉菜单 Dim ports As String() = SerialPort.GetPortNames() Dim port As String For Each port In ports ComboBox1.Items.Add(port) Next port '初始化控制面板 ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0 ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0 ComboBox4.SelectedIndex = 0 ComboBox5.SelectedIndex = 0 ComboBox6.SelectedIndex = 0 ComboBox7.SelectedIndex = 0 ComboBox8.SelectedIndex = 1 ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0 '加载数值显示画面 Form2.TopLevel = False Form2.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None Form2.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Form2.Parent = Panel1 Form2.Show() '建立一个log文件存储数据 FileOpen(1, "log.dat", OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite) Print(1, Format(Now(), "yyyy/MM/dd-H:mm:ss,") & vbCrLf) FileClose(1) Form3.Chart1.Series.RemoveAt(0) Form3.Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Title = "时间 / min" 'Form3.Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.Title = " 数据" End Sub '串口参数 Private Sub Serial_con() SerialPort1.PortName = ComboBox1.Text '串口名称 SerialPort1.BaudRate = Val(ComboBox2.Text) '波特率 SerialPort1.DataBits = Val(ComboBox3.Text) '数据位 SerialPort1.StopBits = Val(ComboBox5.Text) '停止位 SerialPort1.Parity = Val(ComboBox4.Text) '校验位 SerialPort1.Open() '打开串口 End Sub '退出程序按钮 Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click End End Sub '定时器,每隔一定时间进行通讯操作 Public Sub Timer1_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Timer1.Interval = Val(ComboBox8.Text) * 1000 PortSend(Com2Send) Recideal() End Sub '数据写入文件的过程 Public Sub Log_file(ByVal LogString As String)'需调用其他的数据 FileOpen(1, OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.ReadWrite) Print(1, LogString) FileClose(1) End Sub '串口接收数据 Public Sub Recideal() Dim n As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim rc() As Byte Dim RecStr As String = "" n = SerialPort1.BytesToRead ReDim rc(n) ReDim Recieve_String(n) Try If n > 0 Then For i = 0 To (n - 1) rc(i) = SerialPort1.ReadByte()'逐字节接收数据 Recieve_String(i) = Val(rc(i))'每字节16进制转换为整数 RecStr += rc(i) & "," Next '数据写入文件 FileOp(RecStr) 'Form2显示数据 LCDShow() '画图 LineDraw() End If Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & "接收数据错误") End Try End Sub '选择发送命令 Public Function ComSelect() As String Dim ComIndex As Integer ComIndex = Val(ComboBox7.Text) Select Case ComIndex Case 16 ComSelect = "01 03 00 00 00 10 44 06" Case 15 ComSelect = "01 03 00 00 00 0F 05 CE" Case 14 ComSelect = "01 03 00 00 00 0E C4 0E" Case Else ComSelect = InputBox("请输入16进制通讯命令:") End Select End Function '将待发送数据转换为16进制 Public Function Comforsend(ByVal CommandString As String) As Byte() Dim TestArray() As String = Split(CommandString) '分割通信数据 Dim hexBytes() As Byte '定义数组 ReDim hexBytes(TestArray.Length - 1) '重定义 Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To TestArray.Length - 1 hexBytes(i) = Val("&h" & TestArray(i)) Next Comforsend = hexBytes End Function '发送数据 Public Sub PortSend(ByVal Senddata As Byte()) Try SerialPort1.Write(Senddata, 0, Senddata.Length) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & "发送数据错误") End Try End Sub Public Sub FileOp(ByVal fo As String) Try FileOpen(1, "log.dat", OpenMode.Append, OpenAccess.Write) Print(1, fo & vbCrLf) FileClose(1) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & "读写文件错误") End Try End Sub Public Sub LCDShow() Try Form2.Label10.Text = Recieve_String(4) + Recieve_String(5) * 0.1 '1 Form2.Label11.Text = Recieve_String(6) + Recieve_String(7) * 0.1 Form2.Label12.Text = Recieve_String(8) + Recieve_String(9) * 0.1 Form2.Label13.Text = Recieve_String(10) + Recieve_String(11) * 0.1 Form2.Label14.Text = Recieve_String(12) + Recieve_String(13) * 0.1 '5 Form2.Label15.Text = Recieve_String(14) + Recieve_String(15) * 0.1 Form2.Label16.Text = Recieve_String(16) + Recieve_String(17) * 0.1 Form2.Label17.Text = Recieve_String(18) + Recieve_String(19) * 0.1 Form2.Label18.Text = Recieve_String(20) + Recieve_String(21) * 0.1 Form2.Label19.Text = Recieve_String(22) + Recieve_String(23) * 0.1 '10 Form2.Label20.Text = Recieve_String(24) + Recieve_String(25) * 0.1 Form2.Label21.Text = Recieve_String(26) + Recieve_String(27) * 0.1 Form2.Label22.Text = Recieve_String(28) + Recieve_String(29) * 0.1 Form2.Label23.Text = Recieve_String(30) + Recieve_String(31) * 0.1 Form2.Label24.Text = Recieve_String(32) + Recieve_String(33) * 0.1 '15 Form2.Label25.Text = Recieve_String(34) + Recieve_String(35) * 0.1 '16 Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & "LCD显示错误") End Try End Sub Public Sub LineDraw() Try Static Count As Integer = 1 Dim i As Integer Dim yvalue As Double For i = 0 To Val(ComboBox7.Text) 'Form3.Chart1.Series(i).Points.Add() yvalue = Recieve_String(i + 3) + Recieve_String(i + 4) * 0.1 Form3.Chart1.Series(i).Points.AddXY(Format((Count - 1) * Val(ComboBox8.Text) / 60, "0.00"), yvalue) Form3.Chart1.Series(i).ChartType = DataVisualization.Charting.SeriesChartType.Line Next Count += 1 Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message & "LineDraw") End Try End Sub End Class
上一篇: 字符串拼接的5种方法 +(底层实现原理)
下一篇: 【Unity3D】改变鼠标样式
彩色二维码生成器,带logo文字和中心文字 彩色二维码生成器,带logo文字和中心文字 使用.net 4.0和zxing开发, 内容支持中文,使用UTF-8编码,一般扫描二维码软件可以识别。 最上方显示文字log,字数可以调节。 正中间的圆圈内显示中心文字。 微盘下载地址:彩色二维码生成器.net2.0win7可用byKimmKing.zip
彩色二维码生成器,带logo文字和中心文字 彩色二维码生成器,带logo文字和中心文字 使用.net 4.0和zxing开发, 内容支持中文,使用UTF-8编码,一般扫描二维码软件可以识别。 最上方显示文字log,字数可以调节。 正中间的圆圈内显示中心文字。 微盘下载地址:彩色二维码生成器.net2.0win7可用byKimmKing.zip