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flutter PageView实现左右滑动切换视图

程序员文章站 2022-07-06 14:34:15
本文实例为大家分享了flutter pageview左右滑动切换视图的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下 import 'dart:math'; imp...

本文实例为大家分享了flutter pageview左右滑动切换视图的具体代码,供大家参考,具体内容如下

flutter PageView实现左右滑动切换视图

import 'dart:math';

import 'package:cached_network_image/cached_network_image.dart';
import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_x/base/base_appbar_page.dart';

class leftpageviewpage extends statefulwidget {
 state<statefulwidget> createstate() {
  return new leftpageviewpagestate();

class leftpageviewpagestate extends baseappbarpagestate<leftpageviewpage> {
 string buildinitstate() {
  buildbackbar("pageview", backicon: icons.arrow_back_ios);
  return null;

 final _controller = new pagecontroller();
 static const _kduration = const duration(milliseconds: 300);
 static const _kcurve = curves.ease;
 final list<widget> _pages = <widget>[
  new constrainedbox(
   constraints: const boxconstraints.expand(),
   child: new cachednetworkimage(
    width: double.infinity,
    height: double.infinity,
    fit: boxfit.fill,
    placeholder: (context, url) => new sizedbox(
     width: 24.0,
     height: 24.0,
     child: new circularprogressindicator(
      strokewidth: 2.0,
    errorwidget: (context, url, error) => new icon(icons.error),
  new constrainedbox(
   constraints: const boxconstraints.expand(),
   child: new cachednetworkimage(
    width: double.infinity,
    height: double.infinity,
    fit: boxfit.fill,
    placeholder: (context, url) => new sizedbox(
     width: 24.0,
     height: 24.0,
     child: new circularprogressindicator(
      strokewidth: 2.0,
    errorwidget: (context, url, error) => new icon(icons.error),
  new constrainedbox(
    constraints: const boxconstraints.expand(),
    child: new stack(
     alignment: alignmentdirectional.topstart,
     children: <widget>[
      new cachednetworkimage(
       width: double.infinity,
       height: double.infinity,
       fit: boxfit.fill,
       imageurl: "http://b-ssl.duitang.com/uploads/item/201311/02/20131102150044_ygb5u.jpeg",
       placeholder: (context, url) => sizedbox(width: 24,height: 25,child: circularprogressindicator(strokewidth: 2.0,),),
       errorwidget: (context, url, error) => new icon(icons.error),
      new align(
       alignment: alignment.bottomcenter,
       child: new container(
        margin: edgeinsets.only(bottom: 80.0),
        child: flatbutton(onpressed: (){}, child: text("立即体验")) ,

 widget buildwidget(buildcontext context) {
  // todo: implement buildwidget
  return new stack(
   children: <widget>[
     physics: new alwaysscrollablescrollphysics(),
     controller: _controller,
     itembuilder: (buildcontext context, int index) {
      return _pages[index];
     itemcount: _pages.length,
    new positioned(
     bottom: 0.0,
     left: 0.0,
     right: 0.0,
     child: new container(
      color: colors.white,
      padding: const edgeinsets.all(20.0),
      child: new center(
       child: new dotsindicator(
         controller: _controller,
         itemcount: _pages.length,
         onpageselected: (int page) {
           duration: _kduration,
           curve: _kcurve,

class dotsindicator extends animatedwidget {
  this.color: colors.red,
 }) : super(listenable: controller);

 /// the pagecontroller that this dotsindicator is representing.
 final pagecontroller controller;

 /// the number of items managed by the pagecontroller
 final int itemcount;

 /// called when a dot is tapped
 final valuechanged<int> onpageselected;

 /// the color of the dots.
 /// defaults to `colors.white`.
 final color color;

 // the base size of the dots
 static const double _kdotsize = 8.0;

 // the increase in the size of the selected dot
 static const double _kmaxzoom = 2.0;

 // the distance between the center of each dot
 static const double _kdotspacing = 25.0;

 widget _builddot(int index) {
  double selectedness = curves.easeout.transform(
    1.0 - ((controller.page ?? controller.initialpage) - index).abs(),
  double zoom = 1.0 + (_kmaxzoom - 1.0) * selectedness;
  return new container(
   width: _kdotspacing,
   child: new center(
    child: new material(
     color: color,
     type: materialtype.circle,
     child: new container(
      width: _kdotsize * zoom,
      height: _kdotsize * zoom,
      child: new inkwell(
       ontap: () => onpageselected(index),

 widget build(buildcontext context) {
  return new row(
   mainaxisalignment: mainaxisalignment.center,
   children: new list<widget>.generate(itemcount, _builddot),
