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程序员文章站 2022-07-05 10:50:44
前言 开心一刻 儿子有道题不会做,喊我过去教他。我推了推一旁的老公:我头疼,你去吧。老公不动,我:零花钱涨一千。话音刚落,老公就屁颠屁颠跑去儿子房间。进去不到几分钟,一声怒吼伴随着儿子的哭声传来的瞬间,老公从儿子房间出来,边走边说:“朽木不可雕也。”儿子从房间探出半个身子,一脸委屈:“爸爸也不会做, ......






  前段时间,被紧急调到一个新项目,支撑新项目的开发。跌跌撞撞之下,项目也正常上线了,期间收获颇多,无论是业务上的,还是业务之外的。业务上的就不多说了,不具通用性,意义不大,有一点业务之外的东东给我的感触比较深,特记录下来,与大家分享下 : 查询优化


  完整示例工程:,包括数据库表的 ddl 和 dml,以及数据批量的生成


    涉及的表不多,一共三张:额度表、记录表 、 存款表

    额度表 t_custmor_credit

create table t_customer_credit (
  id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '自增主键',
  login_name varchar(50) not null comment '名称',
    credit_type tinyint(1) not null comment '额度类型,1:*资金,2:冻结资金,3:优惠',
    amount decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '额度值',
    create_by varchar(50) not null comment '创建者',
    create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    update_time datetime not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    update_by varchar(50) not null comment '修改者',
  primary key (id)

      记录每个顾客的当前额度,额度一共分三种:*资金、冻结资金和优惠,也就是说每个顾客会有 3 条记录来表示他的各个额度。表中数据如下


    额度记录 t_custmor_credit_record

create table t_customer_credit_record (
  id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '自增主键',
  login_name varchar(50) not null comment '名称',
    credit_type tinyint(1) not null comment '额度类型,参考t_custmor_credit的credit_type',
    bill_no varchar(50) not null comment '订单号',
    amount_before decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '前额度值',
    amount_change decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '额度变化值',
    amount_after decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '后额度值',
    create_by varchar(50) not null comment '创建者',
    create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    remark varchar(500) not null default '' comment '备注',
  primary key (id)



    存款表 t_custmor_deposit

create table t_customer_deposit (
  id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '自增主键',
  login_name varchar(50) not null comment '名称',
    bill_no varchar(50) not null comment '订单号',
    amount decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '存款金额',
    deposit_state tinyint(1) not null comment '存款状态: 1成功,2失败,3未知',
    channal tinyint(2) not null comment '存款渠道: 1:银联,2支付宝,3微信',
    create_by varchar(50) not null comment '创建者',
    create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    remark varchar(500) not null default '' comment '备注',
  primary key (id)






     实现比较简单,t_custmor_credit_record 左关联 t_custmor_deposit 就好,但是我们的额度记录表与需求列表有些许的出入,需要做一下简单的行转列。



select min(tcd.channal) channal, max(tccr.id) mid,tccr.login_name,tccr.bill_no,tccr.create_time,
    if(credit_type=1,amount_before,0) as freebefore,
    if(credit_type=1,amount_change,0) as freechange,
    if(credit_type=1,amount_after,0) as freeafter,
    if(credit_type=2,amount_before,0) as freezebefore,
    if(credit_type=2,amount_change,0) as freezechange,
    if(credit_type=2,amount_after,0) as freezeafter,
    if(credit_type=3,amount_before,0) as promotionbefore,
    if(credit_type=3,amount_change,0) as promotionchange,
    if(credit_type=3,amount_after,0) as promotionafter
from t_customer_credit_record tccr
left join t_customer_deposit tcd on tccr.bill_no = tcd.bill_no
group by tccr.bill_no,tccr.login_name,tccr.create_time
order by mid desc
limit 0, 10;

    数据量少的时候,也许能在我们接受的时间内查出我们需要的结果,一旦数据量多了,这个sql就跑不动了;我们先看下 60w 数据的情况下,我们只进行 t_custmor_credit_record 单表查询

select max(id) mid,login_name,bill_no,create_time,
    if(credit_type=1,amount_before,0) as freebefore,
    if(credit_type=1,amount_change,0) as freechange,
    if(credit_type=1,amount_after,0) as freeafter,
    if(credit_type=2,amount_before,0) as freezebefore,
    if(credit_type=2,amount_change,0) as freezechange,
    if(credit_type=2,amount_after,0) as freezeafter,
    if(credit_type=3,amount_before,0) as promotionbefore,
    if(credit_type=3,amount_change,0) as promotionchange,
    if(credit_type=3,amount_after,0) as promotionafter
from t_customer_credit_record
group by bill_no,login_name,create_time
order by mid desc
limit 0, 10;



    花了近 8 秒,这还只是单表,如果执行上面的联表sql,那时间又得增加不少(我试验的结果是直接卡住了,看不到查询结果);



      查询慢的时候,我们最容易想到的优化方式往往就是加索引;上述sql执行的时候,t_custmor_credit_record 和 t_custmor_deposit都没有建索引(主键索引除外),那么我们就加索引呗。我的项目中加的是唯一索引,做了唯一约束,那我这里也加唯一索引

alter table t_customer_credit_record add unique uk_unique (bill_no,login_name,create_time,credit_type);
alter table t_customer_deposit add unique uk_billno (bill_no);



      我们发现,t_custmor_credit_record 单表查询的效率几乎没变,将近 8 秒,但 t_custmor_credit_record 与 t_custmor_deposit 联表的查询却在 11 秒内有结果了。加了索引为什么还这么慢了? 难道没走索引?


      我们是不是发现了什么? if函数对联表查询是否走索引有影响,也对单表的查询速度有影响。上图中的 t_custmor_credit_record 单表查询,有if函数,查询时间近 8 秒,没有if函数,查询时间 2 秒左右;t_custmor_credit_record 与 t_custmor_deposit 联表查,有if函数,t_custmor_credit_record 走的是全表查,查询时间近 11 秒,没有if函数,t_custmor_credit_record 走的是索引,查询时间 3 秒不到。那么我们有没有什么办法拿掉这个if函数呢?

    使用 case...when....then 代替 if

select max(id) mid,login_name,bill_no,create_time,
    case credit_type when 1 then amount_before else 0 end as freebefore,
    case credit_type when 1 then amount_change else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 1 then amount_after else 0 end as freeafter,
    case credit_type when 2 then amount_before else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 2 then amount_change else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 2 then amount_after else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 3 then amount_before else 0 end as promotionbefore,
    case credit_type when 3 then amount_change else 0 end as promotionchange,
    case credit_type when 3 then amount_after else 0 end as promotionafter
from t_customer_credit_record
group by bill_no,login_name,create_time
order by mid desc
limit 0, 10;

select min(tcd.channal) channal, max(tccr.id) mid,tccr.login_name,tccr.bill_no,tccr.create_time,
    case credit_type when 1 then amount_before else 0 end as freebefore,
    case credit_type when 1 then amount_change else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 1 then amount_after else 0 end as freeafter,
    case credit_type when 2 then amount_before else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 2 then amount_change else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 2 then amount_after else 0 end as freechange,
    case credit_type when 3 then amount_before else 0 end as promotionbefore,
    case credit_type when 3 then amount_change else 0 end as promotionchange,
    case credit_type when 3 then amount_after else 0 end as promotionafter
from t_customer_credit_record tccr
left join t_customer_deposit tcd on tccr.bill_no = tcd.bill_no
group by tccr.bill_no,tccr.login_name,tccr.create_time
order by mid desc
limit 0, 10;


      我们可以看到,执行时间与 if 所差无几,执行计划也是与 if 的一致,这也就反映出不是 if的问题,应该是 group by 的问题。我们用 group by 结合 if(或 case...when....then),就是为了将 3 条额度记录合并成一条、行转列之后输出我们想要的结果,那有没有不用 group by、又能实现我们需求的方式了?

    自联代替 group by

      我们再仔细琢磨下这个需求,咋一看,确实需要行转列,那么就需要用到 group by,那么效率也就低了,这似乎是无解了? 真的非要行转列吗,假设我们将额度记录拆分成 3 张表:一张表只存*资金的额度变化、一张表只存冻结资金的额度变化、一张表只存优惠的额度变化,这样是不是只需要联表查而不要用 group by 来进行行转列了? 有小伙伴有可能会问:t_custmor_credit_record 表已经定了,数据都跑了不少了,再将其进行拆分,既要改表(同时还要迁移数据),还要改代码,工程量会很大! 我们换个角度来看 t_custmor_credit_record ,目前它是 3 中额度记录的一个总和表,我们能不能从它的身上做文章,变化出我们想要的那 3 张表,然后进行联表查询呢? 肯定可以的,类似如下

-- *资金额度记录表
select * from t_customer_credit_record where credit_type = 1;
-- 冻结资金额度记录表
select * from t_customer_credit_record where credit_type = 2;
-- 优惠额度记录表
select * from t_customer_credit_record where credit_type = 3;

      接下来的 sql 怎么写,我想大家都知道了吧,自联就行了,写法有很多种,常见的写法有如下 4 种

-- 不用group by,做法1, 个人比较推荐, 但此种方式不支持存款表的过滤条件
select d.channal,a.amount_before as freebefore,a.amount_change as freechange, a.amount_after freeafter,
    b.amount_before as freezebefore,b.amount_change as freezechange, b.amount_after freezeafter,
    c.amount_before as promotionbefore,c.amount_change as promotionchange, c.amount_after promotionafter
from (
    select * from t_customer_credit_record where credit_type = 1 order by id desc limit 0, 10
) a
left join t_customer_credit_record b on a.bill_no = b.bill_no and b.credit_type = 2
left join t_customer_credit_record c on a.bill_no = c.bill_no and c.credit_type = 3
left join t_customer_deposit d on a.bill_no = d.bill_no;

-- 不用group by,做法2, 此种方式支持存款表的过滤条件
select a.channal,a.amount_before as freebefore,a.amount_change as freechange, a.amount_after freeafter,
    b.amount_before as freezebefore,b.amount_change as freezechange, b.amount_after freezeafter,
    c.amount_before as promotionbefore,c.amount_change as promotionchange, c.amount_after promotionafter
from (
    select r.*,d.channal from t_customer_credit_record r left join t_customer_deposit d on r.bill_no = d.bill_no
    where r.credit_type = 1 order by r.id desc limit 0, 10
) a
left join t_customer_credit_record b on a.bill_no = b.bill_no and b.credit_type = 2
left join t_customer_credit_record c on a.bill_no = c.bill_no and c.credit_type = 3;

-- 不用group by,做法3, 这是最容易想到的方法
select d.channal,a.amount_before as freebefore,a.amount_change as freechange, a.amount_after freeafter,
    b.amount_before as freezebefore,b.amount_change as freezechange, b.amount_after freezeafter,
    c.amount_before as promotionbefore,c.amount_change as promotionchange, c.amount_after promotionafter
from t_customer_credit_record a
left join t_customer_credit_record b on a.bill_no = b.bill_no
left join t_customer_credit_record c on a.bill_no = c.bill_no
left join t_customer_deposit d on a.bill_no = d.bill_no
where a.credit_type = 1 and b.credit_type = 2 and c.credit_type = 3 
order by a.id desc limit 0, 10;

-- 不用group by,做法4
select d.channal,a.amount_before as freebefore,a.amount_change as freechange, a.amount_after freeafter,
    b.amount_before as freezebefore,b.amount_change as freezechange, b.amount_after freezeafter,
    c.amount_before as promotionbefore,c.amount_change as promotionchange, c.amount_after promotionafter
from t_customer_credit_record a
left join t_customer_credit_record b on a.bill_no = b.bill_no and b.credit_type = 2
left join t_customer_credit_record c on a.bill_no = c.bill_no and c.credit_type = 3
left join t_customer_deposit d on a.bill_no = d.bill_no
where a.credit_type = 1 
order by a.id desc limit 0, 10;



      就目前的数据量而言,4 种写法的效率一样,但是数据量再往上走,它们之前还是有性能差别的,大家可以仔细看看这 4 个 sql 的执行计划,它们之间还是有区别的。最终我的项目中采用的是第一种写法


      我们回过头去看看 t_customer_credit 和 t_custmor_credit_record,是否真的有必要用 3 条记录来存放顾客的 3 种额度,一条记录将用户的 3 种额度都记录下来不是更好吗? 如下所示

-- 自认为更好的表设计
drop table if exists t_customer_credit_plus;
create table t_customer_credit_plus (
  id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '自增主键',
  login_name varchar(50) not null comment '登录名',
    free_amount decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '*资金额度',
    freeze_amount decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '冻结资金额度',
    promotion_amount decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '优惠资金额度',
    create_by varchar(50) not null comment '创建者',
    create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    update_time datetime not null default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    update_by varchar(50) not null comment '修改者',
  primary key (id),
  unique key `uk_login_name` (`login_name`)
drop table if exists t_customer_credit_record_plus;
create table t_customer_credit_record_plus (
  id int(11) unsigned not null auto_increment comment '自增主键',
  login_name varchar(50) not null comment '登录名',
    bill_no varchar(50) not null comment '订单号',
    free_amount_before decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '*资金前额度值',
    free_amount_change decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '*资金前额度变化值',
    free_amount_after decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '*资金前后额度值',
    freeze_amount_before decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '冻结资金前额度值',
    freeze_amount_change decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '冻结资金额度变化值',
    freeze_amount_after decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '冻结资金后额度值',
    promotion_amount_before decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '优惠前额度值',
    promotion_amount_change decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '优惠额度变化值',
    promotion_amount_after decimal(22,6) not null default '0.00000' comment '优惠后额度值',
    create_by varchar(50) not null comment '创建者',
    create_time datetime not null default current_timestamp comment '创建时间',
    remark varchar(500) not null default '' comment '备注',
  primary key (id),
  unique key `uk_unique` (`bill_no`,`login_name`,`create_time`)

      我想很多人都会有相同的感觉吧,但是从拓展性出发,分 3 条记录的做法更好,为什么呢? 如果后续新增 1 种或多种另外的额度类型,上述的 1 条记录的表设计就需要新增字段来适配了, 但是 3 条记录的做法,只需要拓展credit_type的值就好了,表无需改动。各有利弊,如何选择,需要团队协商之后做出最好的选择。

      最终项目中采用的还是 3 条记录存放 3 个额度的方式,没有采用我说的;原因是:大家都认为效率影响不大,也容易理解,关键是拓展性很好,后续很方便就能加入新的额度类型。


      最后我们再回到需求上来,这个 存款渠道 真的有必要显示在额度记录吗?

      1、对公司来说,存款记录越多,那肯定是越好,但我们从实际出发,存款记录在额度记录中占的比例大吗,这个相信大家也都能想象得到,比例非常低,可能 100 条记录中会有 1 条;


      最后和产品讨论,还真把这一列给拿掉了,那么我们也就不需要关联存款表来查了,sql 更简单,效率也更高了!


  1、sql 行转列,往往是 group by 配合聚合函数(sum、max、min等)来实现,当然也包括 if 和 case...when....then;

  2、索引是提高查询效率的最有效的、也是最常用的方式,我们对查询的优化都要往索引上靠,explain 可以查看sql的执行计划,我们可以从中获取sql优化的提示;


    可能很多小伙伴会有这样的不满:上述的 3 个额度的例子有点特殊,不具备通用性,上述高效的sql也只是在你(楼主)的项目中有效。你说的对,但是我们要知道,技术本身就是用来服务业务的,脱离了业务,技术有什么实际意义? 但是我们回过头去细看,我举的例子真的就特殊到独一无二? 我想还算比较通用吧,还是能套用很多场景的。

