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PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

程序员文章站 2022-07-04 20:13:16
9月台风席卷全球,本刊特别选取台风最佳可视化案例,数据可视化应用功力最深厚者,当属纽约时报,而传播效果最佳的是The Weather Channel关于Florence的视频预报,运用了数据可视化、可视化特效以及虚拟特效制作等技术,简直是灾难大片电影预告(在本文末尾查看视频)。 See Flood ......

9月台风席卷全球,本刊特别选取台风最佳可视化案例,数据可视化应用功力最深厚者,当属纽约时报,而传播效果最佳的是the weather channel关于florence的视频预报,运用了数据可视化、可视化特效以及虚拟特效制作等技术,简直是灾难大片电影预告(在本文末尾查看视频)。

 see flood waters rise across the carolinas after hurricane florence

hurricane florence brought a lot of rain, which in turn made river levels rise. the new york times animated the rise over a five-day period. the height of the bars represents the rise of the river level, as compared to levels on thursday.


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


mapping florence’s impact:rainfall, power outages, and wind


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


hurricane florence water footprint data visualization

watch florence move through the carolinas in this data visualization and see usgs streamgage measurements spike as the storm’s extreme rainfall leads to intense flooding. usgs streamgages provide critical information during storms to flood forecasters and emergency managers as they make decisions that contributes to protecting lives and property. understanding river levels and locations of flooding can make a huge difference in these dangerous storms. the water footprint visualization shows patterns of precipitation and river discharge of 18 usgs streamgages greatly impacted by florence. usgs photo. 


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


steering ships around hurricane florence

the image below loops an animation of optix.earth’s rendition of ship traffic around the southeastern united states from tuesday to thursday of last week. it shows that all the ships are avoiding an area about 800 miles wide that was moving towards the north and south carolina coast: hurricane florence.


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


why florence is so unusual — and so dangerous

hurricane florence is a highly unusual storm, not just because of its intensity and size, but also the journey it's taking toward the carolina coastline.


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

flights rome 条条道路通罗马,航线可视化

after confirming that all roads lead to rome, we set out onto a new adventure. 


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


what is the heartbeat of a city in motion?

what does it look and feel like? how can we strengthen it? at lime, these questions have inspired us to create a system of shared scooters and bikes designed to move riders seamlessly across cities and communities around the world.


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


谷歌带来gan入门神器:浏览器上运行的可视化工具gan lab



佐治亚理工学院和谷歌大脑的研究者开发了 gan 的可视化工具 gan lab,无需安装也无需专门硬件,通过网页浏览器(推荐 chrome)就可以打开。用户可以利用 gan lab 交互地训练生成模型并可视化动态训练过程的中间结果,用动画来理解 gan 训练过程中的每一个细节。

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化




jacob wasilkowski使用arcgis javascript api 和 chroma.js 颜色库 制作的类似于 地形可视化的灯光可视化效果

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化



jacob wasilkowski 使用d3制作的97种不同投影系的动态对比效果


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化



just another day on aerosol earth


take a deep breath. even if the air looks clear, it is nearly certain that you will inhale millions of solid particles and liquid droplets. these ubiquitous specks of matter are known as aerosols, and they can be found in the air over oceans, deserts, mountains, forests, ice, and every ecosystem in between.

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


world map shows aerosol billowing in the wind


using a mathematical model based on satellite data, nasa shows an estimate of aerosol in the atmosphere on august 23, 2018:

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化



bus speed visualization


within the past couple decades, many transit agencies across north america and all over the world have started to collect location records of every bus using the automatic vehicle location (avl) technology. this technology allows buses to generate their locations for as frequent as every few seconds. with this new source of data, new ways of visualizing and understanding bus speed need to be adopted.

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化



interactive spatial analysis and visualization in the browser

client-side mapping and rendering of data in the browser has improved substantially over the last few years. a variety of new methods are available for geospatial analysis, geometry manipulation, and  rendering large spatial datasets in the browser. in fact, using modern javascript packages, we rarely make any round trips to the server to perform analysis or dynamic rendering. this trend will continue as devices and browsers that leverage gpu become increasingly capable of performing advanced graphics processing. here’s a short synopsis of some of the major browser-based tools we’ve leveraged in our projects at dvg. best of all, they are all free.


PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化


the weather channel 运用数据可视化与特效制作的台风预报,效果堪比灾难大片预告。(视频关注公众号浏览)

PoPo数据可视化周刊第3期 - 台风可视化

 popo 数据可视化


聚焦于web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容。不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注我们吧 :)